Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 282 Chakra distortion, the special effects of the Ten-Tails body

Walk out of Scorpion's residence and step onto the streets of this foreign country,

The sea of ​​clouds is flowing, the sky is high,

The sun shines through the gaps in the clouds and over the bowl-shaped semicircular buildings overhead.

Flickering and appearing on the compacted yellow earth,

The streets were crowded with people, and various shops with Kumogakure characteristics were lined up on both sides of the road. Businessmen driving carriages and horses passed by one after another, and the sound of people was like a sea.

Different from Konoha, which has various oriental characteristic buildings, it is majestic and elegant.

This city is more majestic and makes people feel cheerful.

The main thing is that the curb is really wide!

Putting on a bamboo hat, he inserted the revolver he had secretly obtained from Xie into his waist, facing each other with the gun he had captured earlier.

Uchiha Ci couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth and smiled,

This man just wants a gun!

Now with both guns in hand, walking on the majestic streets of this foreign country, Uchiha immediately felt like he was a Cowboy Bebop, and his chest inexplicably rose two degrees.

It also gave him a sense of security.

From the time he was picked up by Oya Castle Flame to now, pitifully, Uchiha Ci has not had a full meal at all.

The chakra of a ninja is converted from mental power and physical power into physical strength.

Therefore, even though I got a lot of powerful skills from the last battle, my body also evolved along with it.

But there was no chakra, or more precisely, he was in a state of severe hunger, chewing tree bark to satisfy his hunger, and it was impossible to extract enough chakra for Uchiha to study the changes that had happened to him.

And now——

"Boss, give me ten cows!"

Walking into a newly opened restaurant that looks like a dine-in restaurant next to the street,

As soon as Uchiha sat down, he slapped the table and shouted loudly.

"Sorry, the shop only has grilled fish."

Soon, a handsome young man with purple hair and a beauty mark on the left side of his chin came over and spoke expressionlessly.

Hearing the somewhat magnetic Shota's voice, Uchiha raised his head slightly and glanced at the little brother in front of him. Inexplicably, he felt that this person looked familiar.

However, Uchiha Ci, who was almost fainting from hunger, didn't pay much attention.

"Then let's grill the fish! Let's order ten plates first!"

"Huh? Why does this guy's voice sound familiar?" Hearing Uchiha's voice, the little brother also raised his eyebrows, and then nodded,

"Okay, sit down for a moment."

Not long after waiting, plates of very attractive-looking grilled fish were served.

After picking up a pair of chopsticks and taking a bite, Uchiha Ci was a little surprised.

This fish tastes pretty good!

The knife skills, ingredients, searing of the crust, and even the presentation are all perfect!

Even those who have been tortured by various modern delicacies with Uchiha words can't find anything wrong with it!

Moreover, there is a faint smell of wood leaves?

It's a bit strange to say this, but Uchiha Ci did have such a vision inexplicably.


He was just surprised for a moment, and Uchiha Ci's thoughts were quickly attracted by some changes in his body.

Since losing Zero Tails and his talent advanced to the incomplete Ten-Tails, his body is like a big hole that needs to be replenished urgently.

Every cell in the body sends out hunger signals all the time.

And when this need is filled——

Uchiha Ci immediately felt an endless stream of wonderful power gradually spreading from his stomach to every corner of his body,

It's this strange thing called vitality.

And this is just the first layer of changes,

When the whole body was wrapped in this warm feeling, a power hidden in the source of blood and deep in the cells began to gradually spread along the limbs and bones.

And, tracing back to the source, tracing back to the source, pursuing, exploring, twisting, and changing in a more dangerous direction, toward more extreme power!

this moment,

If Uchiha Ci felt something, he immediately refined a stream of chakra in his body.

The color of the new chakra is completely different from the normal chakra color.

This is a mixture of blue, black and red colors.


With Uchiha Ci's thoughts, the color of this chakra gradually changed,

From blue, it turns into a deep blue that burns and beats like a flame.

From this deep blue, it transformed into a black that seemed to gush out from the deep sea.

From this blackness, it finally turned into a violent and leaping scarlet.

Soon, a line of subtitles popped up in front of my eyes:

[Affected by the talent: Incomplete Ten-Tailed Body (S, 3/10), you have obtained the chakra characteristics of the two-tailed Mata Brigade, the eight-tailed Gyuuki, and the nine-tailed Nine Lama. 】

[Two-Tail Mata Brigade·Characteristics: The flames of rat jade can raise your fire attribute chakra to the extreme of fire escape, within the scope of fire escape, and enable you to control powerful flames more skillfully. 】

[Eight-Tailed Gyuuki·Characteristic: Octopus seal, which converts your chakra into the sealing technique squid ink chakra with the characteristics of continuous regeneration, which can effectively increase the strength of the sealing technique. 】

[Nine-Tailed Nine Lama·Characteristics: The thoughts of hatred allow your chakra to gain the violent characteristics of the Nine-Tails. When attached, it can inspire evil thoughts in people's hearts, strengthen the body, and give you superhuman power! 】

[Your chakra upper limit has been increased. 】


The chopsticks held in his hands suddenly ignited with a layer of blue flames, and turned into nothing in Uchiha's hands!

Immediately afterwards,

The blue flame suddenly surged and soared from the palm of my hand!

It turned into a ball of fire that went straight upwards, instantly broke through the restraints, lifted Uchiha Ci's hat, and was about to explode in front of his eyes.

Uchiha Ci's pupils shrank slightly, and he was trying to restrain the power in his body.

But I didn't expect that as soon as my butt moved,


The bench he was sitting on fell apart, and the soles of his feet stepped on the ground. In Uchiha Ci's senses, it was clear that he only stepped lightly on the ground, but his whole body sank, and the soles of his feet crushed the ground and were deeply embedded. underground!

"What's going on?!"

Looking at the cracks in the spider web that were spreading under his feet and being kicked out by his own kick, as well as the dark blue fire ball in the air that was about to explode and turn this small shop and several surrounding shops into ashes,

Uchiha Ci was a little confused.

However, at this moment——

"What are you doing Uchiha?!"

An exclamation suddenly rang out, it was the handsome young man who was carrying grilled fish and was about to serve Uchiha Ci.

More precisely,

It's Hatake Kakashi.

He quickly glanced at the scene, immediately threw down the plate in his hand without hesitation, stepped out in one stride, crossed Uchiha Ci's side, raised his hand and pulled down the store door.

When he turned his back, his hands were already forming seals quickly!


"Water Escape·Water Formation Wall!"

Kakashi immediately squatted down and patted the ground with both hands, pressing the chakra in his hands into the ground, creating a fierce water flow from bottom to top under the ground, and rushed straight into the dark blue fireball that was about to explode in mid-air, trying to kill it. Its extinguished.


Seeing this scene, Uchiha Ci immediately realized,

It is impossible to restrain this kind of Fire Escape with ordinary Water Escape!

If the little brother in front of him who calls out his name does so, it will only add fuel to the fire.

Completely detonate this unstable fire rat jade!

"It's over, it's going to explode!"

Uchiha Ci's scalp was slightly numb, and he immediately raised his hand decisively and pulled away the black cloth covering his eyes.

However, at this moment,

Seeing that the fierce water flow from the bottom up of Water Escape·Water Formation Wall made the fire ball in mid-air more unstable,

Kakashi's eyes narrowed, and he immediately grabbed Uchiha Ci's arm, raised his foot and kicked away a hidden bar on the ground not far away.

Take Uchiha Ci and jump down towards the hole exposed in it!

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