Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 315 The upcoming opponent is the Sandaime Mizukage!

At this point in time, Kirigakure was in a state of civil strife;

Among them, there are three parties,

They are the Sandaime Mizukage and the ANBU and Kirigakure pursuit troops led by him,

Terumi Mei's group of elders headed by Genshi and the major blood successor family forces,

Finally, the Kirisame organization gathered around Goju Yagura, winning over most of the civilian ninjas and jounin class members in the ninja village.

Terumi Mei came to the Land of Thunder under the instruction of the elders, but not the Third Mizukage who currently represents Kirigakure's facade.

During this process, Man Yue, a member of the ninja-hunting unit, betrayed the village and joined the terrorist organization that gathered around Uchiha Ci. He became a rebel ninja and seemed to intend to take action against the famous names of the Land of Thunder.

This blame was placed on the Sandaime Mizukage's forehead.

In order to make an explanation to the daimyo of the country, participate in this meeting of the Five Nations, express their attitude to Kumogakure, and prevent these barbarians from launching a war against Kirigakure who had just finished fighting Iwagakure,

The Sandaime Mizukage sent members of his Kirigakure pursuit force to participate in this meeting of the Five Nations.

After clarifying this logic under Terumi Mei's explanation, Uchiha suddenly realized,

"I understand, but who will come?"

Among Kirigakure's pursuit troops, those who could be considered strong were the so-called 'Seven Ninja Swordsmen'.

As far as Uchiha Ci knows, the seven ninja swordsmen have different identities.

For example, Watermelon Mountain Fugu Oni, Oni Tou Mangetsu, and Inigansaki Kisame are members of the Kirigakure chasing ninja team.

Kushimaru Kurihara, who uses a long sword and a needle, is a member of the Kirigakure ANBU.

The rest, such as Loquat Juzo, Muri Jinpachi, Black Hoe Raiga, and Tongcao Yaito, all belong to the Third Mizukage, but it is not sure whether they are normal Kirigakure ninjas or members of ANBU or chasing ninjas.

"There is news that the leader is Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost, and there is also news that it is Loquat Juuzang."

Terumi Mei shook her head and looked at Uchiha Ci worriedly,

"How about I go with you?"

If it was Uchiha Ci in his normal form, Terumi Mei would naturally not be worried, but now Uchiha Ci staggers when he walks and his kidneys are weak.

Not to mention fighting Kirigakure’s visitors,

She was really afraid that Uchiha would stop midway due to inexplicable reasons such as heatstroke or seasickness.

If we travel together... ahem, she means, if she is by your side to take care of you, these troubles will not be difficult to solve.

Uchiha shook his head decisively,

The matter of Orochimaru taking Turtle Island from Kumogakure has not yet been revealed, but once the news spreads, if Kirigakure knows that Terumi Mei has also been to Turtle Island, it is hard to say whether he will be greedy.

After all, Kirigakure also has two tailed beasts, the three-tailed and the six-tailed.


Since he was Terumi Mei's rival, Uchiha Ci didn't mind helping her get rid of the person.

Although he is currently in a weak stage, that is relatively speaking. As long as the Third Mizukage is not present in person and cannot use Susanoo and Fire Release Chakra modes,

With his taijutsu abilities, it wasn't really a big problem to kill a few of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.


Seeing Uchiha shaking his head, Terumi Mei sighed and looked at Uchiha in front of her. She wanted to say something, but she stopped talking, not knowing how to speak.

Taking the initiative to look for Uchiha Ci, she originally wanted to tell him some of her thoughts and plans,

I want to tell him that I have grown a lot since returning to the village. I have thought deeply about the words he inspired me in the castle above the evil cult and have my own opinions.

She wants to invite Uchiha Ci, who has become a rebellious ninja, to join her camp.


Is this a profit-seeking behavior based on judgment of the situation?

Or is this just because she saw how powerful Uchiha Ci was, and she became greedy, wanted his help, and subconsciously wanted to rely on him to fulfill her ideals?

At the Akatsuki organization meeting that ended not long ago, she had been observing Uchiha Ci and keenly discovered that,

Uchiha Ci obviously has his own will and his own thoughts.

And if now, in the name of a friend, I hold him hostage to work for me and run for my dreams,

Will the short but profound friendship between them be eclipsed by this?

The smart girl with blue eyes was very confused.

She is eager to prove herself and hopes to fight side by side with Uchiha, but she cherishes this friendship and dares not take this step.

"There will be a way."

"Even if I don't rely on Uchiha Ci, but give him help, I can realize my dream."

With this thought, Terumi Mei swallowed the invitation that was about to blurt out, lowered her head, took off a sachet from her white belt, and handed it over.

"At the only ferry in the Kingdom of Frost, at six o'clock in the afternoon, a steamer will arrive to and from the Kingdom of Water. Take my seal with you and find the captain. He will help you prepare a 'mine ship' for you to go out to sea alone. "

Uchiha looked at Terumi Mei who suddenly became unhappy strangely. He didn't understand what happened, so he had to scratch his head.

"Thank you very much."

"Um, Mei, Terumi Mei, if there's anything I can do to help,"

Uchiha Ci suddenly straightened his face and put his hands on Terumi Mei's smooth and smooth shoulders.

"You must not keep it in your heart, tell me!"

"After all, we are friends!"

After saying that, Uchiha took the sachet from Mei Terumi's hand, turned around and waved before walking away.


Looking at Uchiha Ci's back, Terumi Mei suddenly opened her eyes wide and her face turned slightly red.

What did he call me just now?


The ferry from the Kingdom of Thunder to the Kingdom of Frost,

I got the map from the secret experimental facility Orochimaru built in the Land of Thunder, and I had already gone through Oyajo En and the others.

Uchiha Ci arrived here quickly.

Water transportation in the ninja world is generally divided into three categories:

One is a wooden boat with oars, which appeared in the original chapter of the Kingdom of Waves.

The two are sailing boats, which are the most common water vehicle in the ninja world and the largest category.

And the third party,

It is based on steam power as the core driving force.


At this current time point, only the Kingdom of Water and the Kingdom of Thunder have this kind of transportation. Of course, in addition to this, the Kong Ninja Village overseas even has aircraft carriers.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, as Terumi Mei said, Uchiha saw this huge steam-breathing behemoth from the Kingdom of Water at the dock.

After seeing the captain and showing Terumi Mei's token, the captain ordered the sailors to hoist a small vessel from the huge ship.

This is an electrically driven 'Thunder Ship' manufactured by the Kingdom of Thunder and can be driven by 2-6 people.

After preparing the supplies for going to sea and learning how to read the roulette wheel to identify the direction at sea under the guidance of the captain,

Uchiha Ci then drove the thunder boat in the direction of Turtle Island.


And on the other side,

On the endless sea,

A huge ship was slowly approaching, carrying the people from Kirigakure heading to the Land of Thunder.

on deck,

The members of the Kirigakure chasing ninja unit who came from this trip are standing there,

The Watermelon Mountain Fugu Oni ​​carrying the big sword Samehada, and a group of chasing ninja members wearing Kirigakure chasing ninja uniforms and wearing four water pattern masks. Among them, one of them was tall, as strong as a shark, with a long waist belt. Knife, masked figure.

And in front of everyone,

It is

Standing at the tip of the deck was a man with long gray hair and a handsome face. He wore pearl-like decorations on his head and was accustomed to closing his eyes.

The Sandaime Mizukage of Kirigakure Village!

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