Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 355 Giant Attack and Defense! Luo Sha is confused


Uchiha suddenly felt that his feet were caught by something like a stone.


The leaping thunderbolt, carrying a terrifying impact, caught the giant Susan with one arm and was about to lift up his big foot to sweep out.

"It's Master Ai!"

"Master Ai, he actually blocked such a giant!"

"Brothers, continue to form a formation and create opportunities for Master Ai!"

on the broken ground,

To stop a 70-meter-tall terrifying monster with a body less than two meters tall is simply a fantasy! .

Seeing this exciting scene, the elite troops of Kumogakure, who were like a swarm of ants, couldn't help but shed tears of excitement in their eyes.

They thought,

The moment that horrible thing comes, it's all over,


"Hey, where did the ants come from?"

Above the sky, a confused sound suddenly sounded,

Immediately, Uchiha Ci raised the soles of his feet slightly, arched his legs, and shook them like dirty things.

Along with this action,

The giant Susana suddenly lifted the prison foot like a semi-trailer, and the young man Ai Dun, who was caught on it with one arm, was lifted up to an altitude of more than 10 meters like a bug with one hand hanging on the sole of his foot.

Young Ai's pupils shrank suddenly. If he was stepped on like this, he was not sure whether he could withstand such pressure with his current attainments in the Thunder Escape Armor.

He immediately let go and landed vertically,

After the full test just now, Susan stood on his feet, and he was completely unable to shake him.


While standing on one foot, he only needed to land on the ground and run away as quickly as possible, and make a detour to the right before Giant Susano's other foot landed. He was sure that he could activate the strongest thunder escape armor. ,

Knocked down the giant Susan with one elbow blow!

"I can win!"

At this thought, the young man Ai clenched his fists, and a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes!


All his movements were focused on Susanoo, who was crossing his arms and raising his eyes with a playful arc in his eyes.

After all, who among normal people would raise their legs so high when they have nothing to do?

Deliberately selling this flaw, he used his achievement of defeating Susana alone to seduce the young fourth-generation Raikage in front of him, so that the other party chose the next path according to Uchiha's wishes.


The two eyes of Titan Susano that looked like Ultraman Zero suddenly became ferocious and glowed with divine light!

Lifting his body slightly, he aimed his kick towards the midair where the young man Ai had not yet reached,

Shoot out!


The pushed out soles of the feet exploded the air, causing an ear-piercing scream.


In such a scam that was designed in advance and fell freely,

Not to mention young Ai, even if Newton came, he would still have to follow the conclusion of falling objects in the air proven by Galileo's falling object experiment!


The 42,000-yard giant foot kicked young Ai squarely in the face!

His whole body was crushed like a worm, pressing on his feet, making his eyes widen and his face full of horror.

The entire giant Susan, at this moment,

Raise your arms, lean back, kick, and kick forward!

The young man Ai's entire body turned into a bolt of lightning, which shot straight out and crashed into the fifty-meter-high wall behind everyone. He didn't know whether he lived or died!

【when! 】

[You use a crushing level of counterattack against the son of the Third Raikage, Ai, who just tried to kill you. The opponent is seriously injured and is on the verge of death. He cannot get back up. You get a random skill from the opponent: Thunder Release Chakra Mode (B, Great Success)]

[The counterattack is stronger and the reward is a critical hit! 】

[Combined with the entry on All Martial Arts, the corresponding skill proficiency is increased by two levels and upgraded to: Thunder Chakra Mode (B, superb)]

[Combined with the Thunder Release and Chakra Mode, you can now perfectly perform the Hell Thrust and Ippon Hand. 】

[The number of layers of your Heart's Strength has increased. 】

Aidu, the young man who was the last commander of Kumogakure's elite team, was kicked out by Uchiha.

This delayed battle is over!

In front of my eyes, the settlement subtitles of the end of the battle suddenly popped up.

Except for Young Ai's Thunder Release and Chakra mode, which is worth seeing, the others are some messy Thunder Releases that have just come out. They do not conform to Uchiha Ci's own existing system, so he glanced at them and ignored them.

After briefly scanning the subtitles, Uchiha Ci focused his attention on one of the lines:

[Combined with the Thunder Release and Chakra Mode, you can now perfectly perform the Hell Thrust and Ippon Hand. 】

Seeing this line of words, the sudden inspiration that flashed in his mind immediately made Uchiha awed.

The auras of the techniques he had mastered so far collided, making his eyes light up.


Just then——


On the city wall, the roar of a huge cannon suddenly sounded!

The special armor-piercing bullet tore through the air in an instant, pulled out a tail flame, and shot out!

The tungsten cannon with a diameter of five meters was like a javelin, piercing one of the Susanoo giant's legs, making its steps unsteady, and the whole Susanoo fell forward!


The heavy object fell to the ground and instantly exploded into a cloud of sand and dust!

And this sound of cannon officially kicked off the next battle!

Giant attack and defense!

Surrounding Susanoo, Kumogakure, who was guarding the fifty-meter castle wall, and Uchiha Ci, who had to break through the city and reach the castle tower,

The conflict between the two sides is irreconcilable!

Standing on the fifty-meter-high city wall,

"Brother." Killer Bee looked at the elder brother youth Ai who seemed to have died under the city wall.

He clenched his fist tightly, and pressed his other hand on the chakra cannon that was firmly protected by the Cloud Hidden Sect. He was furious, his face was covered with a layer of frost, and his eyes seemed to be spewing fire.

"I will avenge you!"

"Uchiha Ci." The suppressed anger made Killer Bee temporarily forget the strong fear of Uchiha Ci.

He stood up straight, and stared at the boy in the Susanoo Giant who fell to the ground from hundreds of meters away!

"I'm going to kill you!"

"Kill you!"

"Kill you!"

With a giant chakra cannon that can break through the defense of Susanoo, a layout that can restrain the opponent and make it difficult for the opponent to move, and unexpected help--

"Hey, hey, hey"

"This is different from what was agreed in advance!"

On the side, a young man with short brown hair wearing a black lining, a white coat, and a green [Shadow] hat on his back frowned slightly.

Even if he has a good temper, he is a little confused when he sees this scene.

"Are you guys kidding me?"

"You invited me here just to deal with this guy?"

This person is from the Sand Village. He formed an offensive and defensive alliance with the Cloud Village and received financial support and secretly accepted the invitation.

The fourth generation Kazekage, Rasa!

At this moment, Luo Sha felt his scalp tingling slightly.

Beforehand, Kumogakure only told him to help use magnetic escape to urgently transport a weapon from Kumogakure Village. He thought it was just a small matter. If he could get an alliance contract from Kumogakure and the huge financial support from the other side, he would help.

But until now, he was told that if he wanted money, he should continue to cooperate with their actions.

Let him fight Uchiha Ci?

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