Konoha: I, Uchiha, just want to die

Chapter 360: Information Jiraiya appears halfway


Just as Uchiha Ci was fighting at the second line of defense,

on the other side,

the castle tower,

four figures swooped vertically from the collapsed mountain on the side of the castle tower, and climbed up 600 meters to the top of the rock pillar.

The leader of the charge was Yahiko, who was striding forward with a big sword, followed closely by Konan, Nagato, and Miyagi En, who was hanging at the end of the team.

At this moment,

as they got closer to the castle tower that was like a fortress, Yahiko couldn't help but frown,

"Strange, how come there is no one defending this place?"

The surroundings were so quiet that he felt uneasy,

"According to Scorpion's intelligence, the envoys of various countries participating in the Five Nations Talks have already landed here. Among the participants in the meeting, there are also strong men like Jiraiya, and now we can't be sure of their attitude towards us, and whether they will attack us to protect the daimyo."

Konan frowned and reminded the three people,

"Besides, we just encountered the big snake Maru, the son of the Raikage and his partner, and how many other strong people are hidden in this place is unknown. "

"So, everyone, don't be careless."

After passing through the second line of defense of Kumogakure, they launched a surprise attack on the mountain where the chakra cannon was located. When they resolved this threat, the eight members of Akatsuki accidentally captured Hyuga Shota, a member of the Hyuga clan.

At that time, Orochimaru suddenly appeared and asked them for one of Hyuga Shota's Byakugan. The other Byakugan was temporarily given to Scorpion, who had excellent anatomical skills and could transplant this eye in wartime. In critical moments, he decided who would transplant this eye.

"Understood!" Nagato nodded on the side.

At this moment, his eyes suddenly focused, and he discovered something through the vision shared by the summoned beasts.

"I have seen the location of the intelligence team of Kumogakure provided by Scorpion's insider. It is in the third room on the right side of the pavilion."

Hearing this, the eyes of the other three people suddenly focused.

Yahiko took a deep breath and said:

"Then, let's confirm the plan in the end."

"Use the power of the human way and the blood dragon eye to collect intelligence first and force the daimyo to tell you where he is."

"After finding the daimyo, we can be sure that-"

"The third generation Raikage will definitely protect the daimyo!"

"So, according to our previous discussion, the three of us will hold back the third generation Raikage to seize the opportunity, and you, Miyashiro En, will take the opportunity Behead the Daimyo of the Land of Lightning, and retreat immediately after the mission is completed, and join the remaining four members of the organization. "

"At the same time, Nagato, keep an eye on receiving the signal of the Phantom Body Technique from Ling Jie,"

"Uchiha Ci has been confirmed to appear on the north side, so he will definitely intervene in this battle. You come and pass the intelligence we have collected to him!"

"Okay!" Nagato nodded immediately,

Skip the link of how the three people fight against the Third Raikage and arrange tactics to seize opportunities. This is needless to say with the tacit cooperation of Yahiko and the three people.

The core of the entire tactic is built on the special abilities of the two major pupil techniques of blood, the human way, the animal way, the Phantom Body Technique, the illusion hypnosis of the blood dragon eye, and the heavenly way and the Shura way used to fight against the strong enemy.

Soon, the four people moved forward all the way,

In the distance, they could already see the gate of the castle tower,

However, at this moment——


Accompanied by a human voice, a frog suddenly jumped out of the stone gap beside the four people!

As the frog opened its mouth, it became bigger and bigger, and a white-haired figure covered in blood was spit out and fell in front of the four people.

This sudden change startled Yuyajo En, and he subconsciously lit up his blood dragon eyes and raised his palm to attack.

However, after seeing the person in front of him clearly, Nagato immediately grabbed his wrist,

and Yahiko's surprised voice sounded at the right time,

"Teacher Jiraiya?!"

"Ahem. Is it Yahiko?"

Lying on the ground, Jiraiya gasped and couldn't help coughing up blood. His eyes were blurred for a while, and he recognized the three people in front of him after a while. They were the three disciples he accepted in the Rain Country.

Then, he immediately stretched out a hand urgently, blocked their way, and said in a deep voice:

"Yahiko, Nagato, Konan."

"Don't go forward, the name of the Land of Lightning is not in it at all!"

"Teacher Jiraiya, what did you say!?"

"Believe me, I came here to save Uchiha Ci. Just now, while the Abby group of Kumogakure left, I had sneaked into the intelligence team of Kumogakure to collect intelligence, and finally learned from them through torture-"

"The name of the Land of Lightning is still in Kumogakure Village, and..."

Jiraiya stood up with difficulty, raised his hand to seal, and pulled out another fainted person from the stomach wall of the Rock toad in Myoboku Mountain.

From his appearance, he was one of the envoys sent by the Rock toad to participate in the five-nation talks this time,

an elite Rock Village ninja named East Dead Man.

"Ahem. This guy also wanted to sneak into the Kumogakure Intelligence Team to find something, but I found him and knocked him out. Through the trick of talking, I pried out some information about Iwagakure from him."

"Iwagakure seems to be confirming the location of the Third Raikage."

"Combining all the information, I came to a conclusion-"

"The establishment of this city, including the convening of the Five Nations Talks, was just the Raikage's way of luring Uchiha Ci and killing him."


"But now, there is a bigger cage outside, which is being formed for the Third Raikage!"

Hearing Jiraiya's words, Yahiko, Konan and Nagato couldn't help but look at each other and looked at each other.

"Where are the Daimyos, Iwagakure, and the Third Raikage who are not here? Are there bigger cages?"

When they broke through Kumogakure's defense line and came here, Jiraiya had actually used the noise they created and used his identity as Konoha's envoy to take action before them and in the heart of Kumogakure's heavily guarded area. , the torture revealed a bunch of unexpected information.

Should I say he is worthy of being Jiraiya-sensei?

Yahiko quickly came to his senses and squatted down with Konan to help Jiraiya up.

The three of them had not experienced Hanzo Danzo's backstabbing at this time, and they had nothing but respect for Jiraiya as a teacher, and they would not commit murder as they would in the future. Although they were still a little doubtful of Jiraiya's words, There was no time to worry about this at this moment. After Yahiko winked at Nagato,

Nagato immediately took a step forward and raised his palm to clasp the head of the Iwagakure ninja beneath him.

A stream of blue chakra appeared on his palm, and when he pumped upward slightly, something like a soul was drawn out.

This is the ability of the human world, one of the six paths of the Samsara Eye. It can extract souls and read the memories of others.

Yahiko looked at the injuries on Jiraiya's body, and his eyes couldn't help but fall on a lacerated wound on his chest that was like lightning and almost penetrated into his heart.

"Jiraiya-sensei, your injuries"

Jiraiya shook his head, seeing that he had gained the trust of his disciples, he panted heavily, took out a unique kunai from the ninja bag on his back, and patted it in Yahiko's hand.

"Huhu. It doesn't matter to me, Yahiko, help me give this to Uchiha Ci!"

Yahiko looked at the kunai in his hand and couldn't help but be stunned.

However, before he came to his senses,

Jiraiya climbed up with difficulty, raised his head as if feeling something, and looked in a certain direction behind him,

Determination flashed in his eyes, he stood in front of the three people, raised his hand,

"Now, get out of here quickly!"

"I'm here to buy you time to leave."

"Leave?" Konan looked at Jiraiya in shock,

"Jiraiya-sensei, what happened and who was injured by you?"


Before Xiaonan finished asking,

On the side, Nagato’s expression suddenly changed drastically after reading the memory of the dead man in Iwagakure Higashi!

And at this same moment,

Above the sky, a terrifying white thunder flashed suddenly!

Immediately afterwards,

It spreads faster than the roar and resounds across the earth,

A sturdy figure with a dark face and a savage aura all over his body,

Slowly step out of the gate of the castle tower!


The sky darkened!

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