Chapter 13: Experiential Perception

Konoha Gozan.

Night Feather’s body stood motionless, while Night Feather’s soul manipulated Sunset Red’s body and turned on the ability to perceive.

With the opening of perception, Night Feather enters a wonderful state.

Although “she” closed her eyes, a picture appeared in her mind.

What the picture showed was clusters of blue flames of various sizes.

This blue flame is Chakra.

First of all, there is the flame representing the sunset red chakra.

Not far from this flame, there was an even larger flame.

“This is my Chakra?!”

Yabane carefully sensed the flame that represented his Chakra.

Then move your gaze farther away.

I saw a large number of flames floating in the distance.

Yaba knew that these flames represented the ninjas of Konoha Village.

It’s just that he is using perception for the first time and has not yet recorded these chakras.

Therefore, he does not know who the owner of these chakras is.

It’s as if you’ve entered an unfamiliar classroom but you don’t know these people.

“Are you using my perception?”

These pictures that Ye Yu perceived also seemed to have been transmitted into the body owner’s Sunset Red mind.

She “looked” at these images and asked Yoruha.

“Yes, I don’t have the ability to perceive myself, but I can borrow your perception ability for Chakra perception now.”

Yoruha told the truth.

In order to facilitate the continuation of entering Sunset Hong’s body in the future, he deliberately humbly asked: “Do you know who the owners of these Chakras are?” ”

After all, the current sunset red is only a ten-year-old girl.

Her current psychology is:

You won’t do the subject, and I will.

You humbly ask me how to do this, and after I teach you, my heart will be greatly satisfied.

“Some know, some don’t.”

“The group of chakras in your direction at ten o’clock is my father, and the group of chakras in front of you is the third generation of Hokage-sama…”

Sunset Red enthusiastically identifies the Chakra she is familiar with for Ye Yu.

“This group of chakras is Tsunade-sama, and her chakra is close to Naruto-sama’s chakra, which means that Tsunade-sama has something to do with Naruto-sama…”

“This fast-moving Chakra is my father’s colleague, he should be running fast!”

Suddenly, Ye Yu’s attention was attracted by two “flames”.

I saw that the two flames were close together.

“What are these two Chakras doing?”

Ye Yu asked to Sunset Red.

Since this body is now being manipulated by the night feather.

Therefore, what the night feather perceives, the sunset red will perceive.

Right now, all of Ye Yu’s perception was placed on these two flames that were close together.

Therefore, the picture in Sunset Hong’s mind is all these two flames that are close together

Hearing Ye Yu’s question, Sunset’s red little face instantly turned red.

Although she is only ten years old.

But girls are more precocious in terms of men and women.

She naturally knew what the owners of those two chakras were doing now.

It’s just that she pretends not to “see”.

Now Ye Yu not only deliberately put his perception on these two chakras, but also asked seriously what these two people were doing.

It’s like pointing to a man and a woman on TV and asking the girl next to you, “What are these two doing?”

“Ahem, I know.”

Noticing Sunset Hong’s flushed little face, Ye Yu instantly understood, he coughed dryly, and hurriedly turned off his perception ability.

During the time he turned on his perception.

In his mind, the mechanical prompt sound of the system kept coming.

Ding, congratulations to the host [Experience Perception] proficiency +1

Ding, congratulations to the host [Experience Perception] proficiency +1


In less than three minutes, Ye Yu’s [Experience Perception] proficiency had reached 26%.

If you come for a few more minutes, I am afraid that the proficiency of [Experience Perception] will be full, and then [Experience Perception] will be upgraded to real [Perception].

And Night Feather will also gain the [Perception] ability.

Although Ye Yu wants to take this opportunity to directly fill the [Experience Perception].

But turning on perception all the time is very mentally draining.

He was worried that Sunset Red’s body would be overwhelmed.

In addition, Sunset Red is making a big red face

He continued to stay inside her, a little embarrassed.

So…… He decided to come back tomorrow

“I’ll be here today, and tomorrow I’ll continue to ask you about perception.”

After Ye Yu said something to Sunset Hong, he lifted the Spiritual Transformation Technique.

In the next second, Ye Yu’s soul withdrew from Sunset Hong’s body and returned to his own body.

At the same time, Sunset Red also regained control of her body.

She moved her hands and feet, and she always felt that something was strange.

“See you tomorrow.”

Ye Yu waved his hand at Sunset Hong, then jumped and ran towards the bottom of the mountain.

And Xi Rihong looked at Ye Yu’s back and did not speak.

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