Chapter 20: Kaguya’s idea

The next day, after Yoruha finished his daily Chakra cultivation, he did not go to the woods to brush his proficiency, but walked towards Konoha Academy.

Yesterday he received a call to be in charge of Shinobu, and today it seems that he has another task.

“Night feather!”

Ye Yu was walking on the road, and a familiar shout suddenly came from behind him.

Turning around, I saw Matkai, dressed in a green jumpsuit, rushing over with sparks and lightning.

When he came to Ye Yu, Matt Kai came to brake sharply.

“I went to your house and the place where you usually train and didn’t find you, but I didn’t expect today’s assembly, you are earlier than me.”

Matt Kay said breathlessly.

Ye Yu directly ignored the second half of the sentence, looked at Metkay and asked, “What are you looking for me for?” ”

“I’m fully used to leg weight training, when can I arrange the gravity training you said last time?”

Matkai made a Konoha whirlwind movement very easily, and then looked at Yoruha with a hopeful expression.

Being looked at by Metkai’s sincere eyes, Ye Yu suddenly felt a little weak.

Indeed, he promised to get a Tudu Super Heavy Rock Technique back in the future to help Metkay with gravity training.

It’s just that in the past month, his thoughts have been on the Spiritual Transformation Art and the Flying Thunder God Art that he exchanged from the hands of the Great Snake Pill.

Didn’t even think about it.

“Won’t you forget?”

Seeing that Ye Yu’s expression was a little strange, Matkai immediately leaned out half of his body and put his head in front of Ye Yu and asked seriously.

“Well, forgot.”

Ye Yu said truthfully.

Matt Kay suddenly looked frustrated.

Looking at Matt Kai like this, Yoruha wanted to say: I’ll go and get back the kind of ninjutsu that can increase gravity in a while.

But suddenly, he thought that it seemed that more than the Earth Escape Super Heavy Rock Technique could increase gravity.

Isn’t it okay to use the gravity space of Kaguya Otsuki?

Previously, Yoruha didn’t think about the gravity space of Kaguya.

After all, that place is located in a different dimensional space.

Even if you knew that place, you wouldn’t be able to go.

But now it’s different.

Night Feather has just obtained [Space Movement].

This ability can allow Ye Yu to enter the different dimensional space of Datuki Kaguya.

Thinking that Datumu Kaguya has not yet been resurrected, the several different dimensional spaces she has are in a state of masterlessness.

Ye Yu had a bold idea in his heart.

“Kai, it won’t be long before I’ll be able to get you into gravity training.”

Ye Yu patted Metkai’s shoulder with a happy face.

Matkai, who was extremely frustrated a second ago, heard Ye Yu’s words and instantly recovered: “Really? That’s great. ”

“You wait a minute.”

Ye Yu said to Metkay, and then scanned the surroundings.

Then his gaze fell on Matkay’s hair.

“Kai, pull out a hair for me.”

He planned to send a small, lightweight object into Kaguya Space first to see Chakra’s consumption.

After all, it’s a different dimension.

The devil knows how much chakra it takes to send something in.

If, like Kakashi, he dies just by sending a rocket to Obito, then it will be a big loss.

He needs to be well prepared.

Hair strands are the best, not only light, but also small.

“What do you want my hair for?”

Although Matkay asked this in his mouth, he acted quickly.

You have thicker hair.

It’s okay to pull out one!

Ye Yu complained in his heart, and then took the hair handed over by Matkai, and launched [Space Movement].

In just a split second, Matkay’s hair disappeared.

And the Chakra of the night feather, at that moment, was missing.

“I leaned, just sending a hair, actually consumed the amount of chakra of an ordinary ninjutsu.”

“Fortunately, I didn’t directly send the trait Ku Wu over, otherwise, I would have carried me back.”

Feeling the amount of chakra consumed in his body, Ye Yu was both shocked and glad in his heart.

“It seems that you need to fill the proficiency of [Chakra Extraction] first, so that the amount of Chakra skyrockets, so that it is safer.”

Ye Yu calculated in his heart.

The proficiency level of [Chakra Extraction] has risen from 78% to 79% this morning

If according to the past, just cultivate Chakra every morning, then it will take about 20 days for [Chakra Extraction] to reach the full level

But Yoruha can’t wait to enter Kaguya’s alien space.

He is preparing for the next few days, the liver [Chakra extraction] is all day, and strives to fill the [Chakra Extraction] as soon as possible.

In this way, he will be able to enter Kaguya’s alien space earlier

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