Chapter 24 Raise your hand and become stronger

The next day

Today is the day that Yoruha and Matkay agreed upon.

In order to prevent Matkai from suddenly coming over and disturbing him when he was practicing the [Chakra Cultivation Method].

Before Ye Yu began to cultivate, he deliberately separated a shadow doppelganger.

Sure enough, Ye Yu’s third round of Chakra Cultivation Method had not yet ended, and Matkai rushed over in a hurry.

“Yoruha, I’m coming.”

Metkai, dressed in a green jumpsuit, rushed to the shadow doppelganger of the night feather and greeted with an impatient look.

“Wait a minute.”

Night Feather is about to take Matt Kai into hypergravity space.

In that hypergravity space, even Naruto Uzumaki’s six doppelgangers could not survive.

Therefore, the night feather can only be used on the body.

“Then I’ll exercise for a while first!”

Saying that, Matkai made a handstand posture with both hands, and then began to run with both hands.


Looking at the scene in front of him, Ye Yu suddenly remembered that in the original play, after opening the eight doors, Matt Kay had a crushing fracture in both legs and could only move in a wheelchair.

But to show that his youth has not faded, he abandoned his wheelchair and walked with his hands.

This scene in Ye Yu’s mind gradually coincided with the Matt Kai in front of him.

“Eight Doors Dun Jia?”

“Have a chance to learn and see what you will upgrade to if you brush the proficiency of the Eight Gate Dun Jia to the full level.”

“Night Feather” looked at Metkay and thought secretly in his heart.


An hour later, Ye Yu’s body completed the five [Chakra Cultivation Method] cultivations for today.

His amount of chakra increased again.

Feeling the growth of Chakra in his body, Ye Yu’s mood was incomparably wonderful.

“Kai, let’s go.”

Night Feather lifted the shadow doppelganger and shouted at Matkai, who was still running with his head buried in his hands.

“Here it comes!”

Metkay quickly grabbed the ground with both hands, and his figure rushed towards the night feather.

When Metkay came to Night Feather’s side, Night Feather did not launch the [Flying Thunder God Technique] at the first time, but glanced at Metkai’s feet and reminded: “The place I am about to take you to, the gravity is very large, in order to prevent injury, you first remove the weight on your legs.” ”

For Ye Yu, Metkay is still very trusted.

He removed the iron from his legs.

“Whew, I haven’t been so easy in a long time.”

As soon as he lifted the weight, Matkai felt that his body was much lighter.

He had wanted to try a Konoha whirlwind, but Yoruha had already grabbed his hand over his shoulder.

“Okay, let’s go!”

As he spoke, Night Feather had already activated the Flying Thunder God Technique.


In the blink of an eye, Ye Yu and Matkai disappeared out of thin air.


Last night, before leaving the starting ball space, Yu not only left a special kunai in Kaguya’s palace, but also “throw” another piece of sealing paper imprinted with the Flying Thunder God Technique into the hypergravity space

Therefore, Night Feather’s Flying Thunder God Technique is to directly enter the hypergravity space.


Ye Yu and Matkay just appeared in the hypergravity space, and they felt as if they were carrying a high mountain on their backs.

In just a moment, Ye Yu and Matkai were “pressed” by the huge gravity and fell to the ground, unable to move.

“The body … So heavy! ”

Matkai wanted to get up, but his hands seemed to be filled with lead, and it was very difficult to even move, and it was even more difficult to get up.

However, Matkay was even more excited.

He is used to training with weights on his legs.

Right now, the feeling that every cell in his body is bearing weight makes him feel even more challenging.


The situation of Night Feather is similar to that of Metkay.

He also had difficulty moving.

Here, even the ancestor of Chakra, Kaguya, is difficult to move.

However, just as Ye Yu was trying to stand up, the mechanical prompt sound of the system sounded in his mind.

Ding, congratulations to the host [Hypergravity Training] proficiency +1

Hearing this sudden system prompt, Ye Yu was first stunned, and then overjoyed in his heart.

This was an unexpected surprise.

He originally just wanted to send Matkay here to exercise.

He didn’t have any plans of his own.

Unexpectedly, he just raised his arm, and the system automatically determined that his behavior was [Hypergravity Training].

Although I don’t know what the effect of [Hypergravity Training] is.

But just by raising his arm in this hypergravity space, he gained 1 point of [Hypergravity Training] proficiency.

That night feather had nothing to hesitate about.

Brush up.

Brush hard.

So Ye Yu raised his hand and stretched his leg, one after another, and again.

At the same time, in Ye Yu’s mind, the system’s prompt sounds sounded continuously.

Ding, congratulations to the host [Hypergravity Training] proficiency +1

Ding, congratulations to the host [Hypergravity Training] proficiency +1


Looking at the system panel, the progress bar of [Hypergravity Training] proficiency, as if 100 Gigabit fiber broadband downloaded 100G resources, is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ye Yu was in a good mood and worked harder.

The system is activated until now

Although Yoruha has also experienced the situation of brushing a ninjutsu proficiency to the full level in two days.

But that was based on the premise that Night Feather used multiple shadow avatars to “hollow” out his body.

And at the moment, Night Feather does not need to consume Chakra, only needs to move his hands and stretch his legs, and the proficiency will brush up.

This joy is indescribable.


“Ye Yu, what are you doing?”

As soon as Matkai stood up with difficulty, he saw that Ye Yu was doing some very strange movements, so he asked curiously.

I’ll tell you, am I getting stronger?

Ye Yu complained in his heart, and then said with a smile: “You don’t have to care, I just move my hands and feet.” ”

From the vision of Matkai, Ye Yu really seems to be moving his hands and feet, but I don’t know why, it always feels very strange.

However, since Ye Yu said so, Matkai did not ask more.

He glanced around, and as far as he could see, the earth seemed to have been copied and pasted by a modeler, and all the brushes were the same grid of green.

“Ye Yu, what is this place, why did we suddenly come here?”

Matkai asked while moving his body with difficulty.

“This is a hypergravity space, I used the Flying Thunder God Technique to bring you here.”

Anyway, the fact that he would use the Flying Thunder God would be exposed sooner or later, so he did not hide it and told the truth directly.

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