Chapter 39 Full level of multiple shadow doppelgangers, start the layout

After receiving the suit of the dark part of Konoha, Yoruha returned to the Origin Ball Space again, ready to continue the proficiency of the Liver [Imperial Sword Art].

It’s just that when he cast the [Multiple Shadow Doppelganger Technique], the system prompt sound in his mind, one of which was somewhat unusual.

Ding, congratulations to the host [Multiple Shadow Doppelgänger Technique] proficiency +1

Ding, congratulations to the host [Multiple Shadow Avatar Art] proficiency has reached the full level, and [Multiple Shadow Avatar Art] is automatically upgraded to [Split Body].

Hearing this unusual system prompt, Ye Yu was first stunned, and then overjoyed.

For the proficiency of the [Multiple Shadow Doppelgänger Art], he has never deliberately gone to the liver.

Each time, it is through the [Multiple Shadow Doppelgänger Technique] to accelerate the function of proficiency of other abilities of the liver, and improve proficiency by the way.

What Ye Yu didn’t expect was that the proficiency of the [Multiple Shadow Doppelgänger Technique] unknowingly reached the full level.

This made Ye Yu have the pleasure of unintentionally inserting willows.

“Splinter body, how does it feel a bit like Bai Jue’s ability?”

Ye Yu looked at the [Split Body] on the system panel and complained in his heart.

Soon, he knew that his [Split Body] was somewhat similar to Bai Jue’s split, but it was also very different.

The similarity is that the split body of the night feather, as long as it is not fatally injured, will always exist.

The difference is that the split body will be like a shadow avatar

Death does not leave a corpse, it turns into a white smoke and disappears.

At the same time, the splinter body is absolutely controlled by the night feather body, and the night feather can make all the splinter body disappear in a single thought.

“The death of the splinter body does not leave a corpse, and it is very good to be absolutely manipulated by the body.”

Ye Yu clearly remembers that there was a guy who cultivated immortals and made a doppelganger, and because he did not communicate with the doppelganger for a long time, the doppelganger became two or five zai, and wanted to kill the body and replace it.

He didn’t want this to happen to him.

After checking the introduction of [Split Body], Ye Yu did not hesitate and immediately began to cast [Split].


With the launch of [Split], Ye Yu’s back, like a fluid, condensed four humanoid silhouettes.

The four humanoid prisms gradually broke free from Ye Yu’s body, and finally turned into four split bodies exactly the same as Ye Yu.

This scene is exactly the same as when the original Hokage Thousand Hand Pillar cast the Mudu Doppelganger.

“With the current proficiency of the splitting body, dividing four splitting bodies at the same time is already the limit?”

Ye Yu had the intention to split a few more split bodies to come out.

But at this time, he could only divide four splits.

“As long as the splinter body is not mortally injured, it can permanently exist this characteristic, and with the art of pretend, I can also blend into all camps like Bai Jue of the Fourth Ninja World War.”

When the system was just activated, many plans appeared in Ye Yu’s mind.

He wants white eyes, chakra eyes, reincarnation eyes.

I want Immortal Mode, Flying Thunder God Art, and Spiritual Transformation Art

At the same time, he also wanted the powerful blood succession boundary and ninjutsu of other major ninja villages

Among these ninjutsu, some of the night feathers have been successfully obtained.

Some, for various reasons, have not yet had time to obtain it.

Right now, he already possesses the art of splitting and pretending to be.

Some of his plans can also be started.

He plans to make these splinters become ninjas in other villages, and then enter these villages to steal… No, learn the ninjutsu of these villages.

“Four splits, exactly four great ninja villages, one for each village.”

Ye Yu looked at the four splits in front of him and said.

As soon as the words fell, the appearance of the four split bodies began to change at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, these four splits became the Sand Shinobu of the Land of Wind, the Mist Shinobu of the Land of Water, the Iwa Shinobu of the Land of Earth, and the Cloud Shinobu of the Land of Thunder

These four ninjas were all in contact with Yoruha in the past two months.

Some of them are dead, some are not.

However, the identities of these four ninjas, Yoruha did not intend to use them.

He planned to let these four splinter bodies blend into the four great ninja villages and find a new identity.

After all, he didn’t yet know the personalities and habits of these four ninjas.

Although the art of pretending can become exactly like everyone else, even the art of perception cannot be distinguished.

But if you don’t know the personality and habits of your target, it can easily be exposed.

He needs to re-identify his target and then use the art of spiritual transformation to probe their memories and learn their ninjutsu.

Then, completely become this person, replace this person.

“You first blend into the four ninja villages, after finding a good target, use the Flying Thunder God Technique to bring the target to this Origin Ball Space, and when the time comes, I will use the Spiritual Transformation Art to probe their memories and learn their ninjutsu.”

“Note that the target should preferably be the kind where the character relationship is simple and there are no lovers and wives.”

Ye Yu said to the four splinter bodies.

Soon, the four splitting bodies cast the [Flying Thunder God Technique] and left the Origin Ball space.

When they reappeared, they were already in the forest outside Konoha Village.

This was once the place where Night Feather imprisoned Bai Jue and traded with the Great Snake Pill.

Later, he returned from a mission and came here on purpose, leaving behind a flying thunder god technique.

At that time, it was considered that a flying thunder god technique here might be used later.

And today, it’s finally used.

As soon as the four splinters appeared, four clay birds were created.

It immediately flew in four different directions.

After all, Konoha Village is quite far from the other four great ninja villages.

There are clay birds to hurry, and it will be a lot faster.

(End of chapter!) )

(It’s a bit difficult to get involved with the doppelganger, and if something happens to the doppelganger and the beautiful female ninja of the other village, you may be scolded and have a headache.) )

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