Chapter 43 Sharingan, Izumi Uchiha who is targeted

Time passed quietly between Night Feather’s increasing liver proficiency and performing dark missions.

In the blink of an eye, two years have passed.

In the past two years, Ye Yu has not only pulled the proficiency of the [Dirt Rebirth Technique] to the full level

He also brushed the proficiency of a series of ninjutsu such as [Spiritual Transformation Technique] and [Hydration Technique] to the full level.

In addition, under Ye Yu’s daily uninterrupted cultivation of [Chakra Cultivation Method], his Chakra amount has reached more than 100 times before obtaining the [Chakra Cultivation Method].

Proper humanoid tailed beast.

If someone uses their perception ability to perceive the night feather, they will definitely exclaim: Monster!

In fact, there are indeed people who perceive the Chakra of the night feather.

This person is none other than Sunset Red.

In the past two years, Sunset Hong has come to find Ye Yu.

Every time Night Feather used the [Spiritual Transformation Technique] to enter her body and turn on her perception ability, Sunset Red could clearly sense Night Feather’s skyrocketing terrifying chakra volume.

This also led to the fact that every time Ye Yu entered Sunset Hong’s body, Sunset Hong would exclaim: It’s so big…!

Sunset Hong also asked: Ye Yu, why is your Chakra amount so large?

Yoruha’s answer was: Born!


Starter Space, Kaguya Palace.

The grass pheasant sword was steadily suspended in midair, while the night feather was sitting cross-legged on it.

From a distance, it was as if Ye Yu’s whole person was sitting in the void.

With his current terrifying chakra, it is easy to achieve “the imperial sword riding the wind, escaping the world and the earth”.

In addition, he entered and exited the Kaguya space, and he no longer needed to use the [Flying Thunder God Technique] to save Chakra, and he could directly use [Space Movement].

“The scorpion has made a move against the three generations of wind shadows!”

Ye Yu looked at the information in his hand, and his expression moved slightly.

This information was naturally sent by the splinter body lurking in Shayin Village.

In the past two years, the split body not only learned the ninjutsu that the four great ninja villages could learn, but also sent back some information that Yoruha was interested in.

Yaha knows that the scorpion will kill three generations of wind shadows and make them into puppets.

Therefore, in the past two years, the split body of the night feather has paid special attention to the movements of the scorpion.

Just recently, the scorpion made a move on the three generations of wind shadows.

“The third Ninja World War is finally coming!”

After the end of the Second Shinobi War, the contradictions between the five great powers did not disappear.

On the contrary, the contradictions between the five major powers are getting deeper and deeper.

Over the years, the major ninja villages have been accumulating strength, waiting for the opportunity to give their opponents a painful blow.

It’s just that this opportunity has never appeared.

But now, this opportunity has arisen, and three generations of wind shadows have died.

The three generations of wind shadows are known as the strongest wind shadows, and his death not only weakens the power of Shayin Village, but also plunges Shayin Village into civil strife.

This is the best time to strike at Shayin Village.

In the original play, the third Ninja World War did break out completely during this time.

For more than two years, Yoruha has been working hard to become stronger in various ninjutsu proficiency.

The original purpose was to have a better chance of survival in the third Ninja World War.

And now, the third ninja war is coming.

“The third Ninja World War is about to begin, and Jiraiya is estimated to be back soon.”

“When he returns to the village, I will go to him to learn the immortal mode.”

For the immortal mode, Night Feather is extremely expected.

He was curious to know what the Immortal Mode would upgrade to after pulling the proficiency of [Immortal Mode] to the full level.


After reading the information of Shayin Village, Ye Yu looked at another piece of information.

This information was sent from Yunyin Village.

Intelligence shows that the two tails are about to replace the human pillar force


Ye Yu thought of the big cat, and then glanced at the huge empty palace.

He suddenly thought about Erao.

“Maybe you can catch the big cat and look at the gate!”

“I don’t know if that big cat has an impression of this Kaguya space and this Kaguya Palace.”

The second tail is part of the ten tails.

And the Ten Tails and Kaguya are one and the same.

That’s why Yoruto thinks if Erao knows this Kaguya space, does he know about this Kaguya Palace.

With Yoruha’s current strength, he has the confidence to deal with Nio.

But if you want to transfer a behemoth like Nio to this Kaguya space through [Space Movement], it is still quite troublesome.

The easiest way is to use [Psychic Arts] to channel the two tails in.

And if you want to channel the second tail, the easiest way is to use the Sharingan and directly manipulate her.

Right now, Yoruha hasn’t obtained the Sharingan.

However, just like when he first acquired the ability of perception, Yoruha had already chosen the target of brushing [Sharingan] proficiency.

This person is no one else, it is the same time as Uchiha Itachi, Izumi Uchiha in the original play.

Although Izumi Uchiha at this time, like Uchiha Itachi, is only 4 years old, she did not use to open the Sharingan.

But Yoruha will help her open the Sharingan.

It makes sense to open the Sharingan at the age of 4!

(Speed up the plot a little, ask for all kinds of support)

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