Chapter 45 Writing Wheel Eyes

The moment Uchiha Izumi fainted, Yoruha returned home using [Space Movement].

Immediately, he cast an upgraded version of the [Spiritual Transformation Technique], and his soul entered Uchiha Izumi’s body.

From the time Yoruha returned home using [Space Movement] to the time his soul entered Uchiha Izumi’s body, it was only a blink of an eye.

Because all this happened so quickly, when Yoruha took control of Uchiha Izumi’s body, Uchiha Izumi’s body had not completely fallen to the ground.

If passers-by were here at this time, they would have seen Izumi Uchiha begin to fall to the ground one moment, and the next moment, her body stood up in a dashing posture.

Stabilizing Uchiha Izumi’s body, Yoruha came to Uchiha Izumi’s spiritual world.

I saw that Uchiha Izumi’s soul was in a coma.

After sealing Uchiha Senmi’s memories of the fantasy world, Yoruha once again took control of Uchiha Senmi’s body.

I saw “Uchiha Izumi”‘s eyes slowly closed.

In the next instant, his eyes suddenly opened.


I saw that the originally black eyes instantly turned into scarlet double-hooked jade writing wheel eyes.

Although when opening the Sharingan, close your eyes first and then open them, and shout “Sharingan” in cooperation, this feeling is very imposing and feeling.

But Ye Yu still couldn’t help but complain in his heart: “The main thing is that the proficiency of the writing wheel eye is not enough, otherwise, where can you open the writing wheel eye to close your eyes and open your eyes again.” ”


The moment he opened the Sharingan, Ye Yu’s vision changed drastically.

First of all, the most obvious is that vision has been greatly enhanced.

If you say that before opening the Sharingan, Yoruha’s vision was 0.5.

After opening the chakra eye, Yoruha’s vision was using a microscope.

Observing anything is subtle.

“Is this the Sharingan?”

As if she had received a new toy, Yoruha uses Uchiha Izumi’s chakra eyes to observe everything around her.

At the same time, Ye Yu’s mind was also filled with a steady stream of mechanical prompts from the system.

Ding, congratulations to the host [Experience Sharingan] proficiency +1

Ding, congratulations to the host [Experience Sharingan] proficiency +1


Yoruha, who had already had a few experiences, knew that when the proficiency of [Experience Sharingan] reached the full level, he would truly obtain the Sharingan.

Therefore, Yoruha did not pay attention to the system’s prompt sound, and focused all his attention on what the “Sharingan” observed.

“Gotta find someone to observe!”

There is nothing special about observing dead things with the eyes of the chakra, except for the clearer and more detailed observation.

Yoruha soon lost interest, and he planned to find someone to observe, preferably someone who was fighting.

After all, one of the most basic abilities of Sharingan is to observe the flow of other people’s chakra and thus copy other people’s ninjutsu.

Night Feather turned on his perception abilities.

Soon, Night Feather’s perception covered the entire Konoha, and at an alarming speed, it spread out in all directions.

Two years have passed, and Ye Yu’s perception ability has naturally been greatly enhanced.

As long as Yabane is willing, he can cover the entire Fire Country with his perception, and this is still fine perception.

If he has a vague perception, he can also stand in the ancestral hall of Konoha like the second Hokage and the fourth Hokage, perceiving places thousands of miles away.

As Ye Yu’s perception continued to spread out, a lot of Chakra appeared in his mind.

Soon, Yoruha found several fighting Chakras in the forest outside Konoha Village.

Without any hesitation, he immediately injected part of his power into Uchiha Izumi’s body.

It’s like Uchiha Obito borrowed his own double kamui and Rokudō Chakra to Kakashi.

Izumi Uchiha immediately gained some of Yoba’s power.

Immediately, Yoruha manipulated Uchiha Izumi’s body and launched [Space Movement], and his figure instantly disappeared in place.

When “Uchiha Izumi” reappeared, it was already in the forest outside Konoha Village.

I saw five members of Konoha’s dark department wearing masks, chasing and intercepting two ninjas dressed as Iwa Shinobi.

“I’ll stop them, you go.”

While fleeing, one of the Iwa Shinobu had just stepped on the trunk of the big tree with both feet, and then turned around and pounced on the five Konoha Dark Divisions who were chasing him.

The other Iwa Shinobu just glanced at his companion with an unbearable face, but his movements did not pause in the slightest and continued to flee.

The cooperation of the dark part of Konoha is also quite tacit, seeing that one of the enemies stayed and broke, and the other continued to flee, they also divided two people to continue to pursue, two outside the three, towards the rushing Iwa Shinobu killed.

“Fire Escape, Dragon Fire Art!”

A dark part quickly formed a seal with both hands, and after the seal was made, a beam of flame swept directly towards the Iwa Shinobu who rushed over.

“Tudun, Tuliu Wall!”

In the face of Konoha’s dark fire’s attack, Iwa Shinobu’s reaction was also quite rapid, and his figure immediately landed on the ground, and his palms slapped against the ground.

A thick wall of earth rose up in an instant.

The cluster flames hit the thick earth wall, causing the temperature of the surrounding air to soar.

Ye Yu, who had just “teleported” over, happened to see the scene in front of him.

[Tudun, Tuliu Wall], the split body that has lurked in Yanyin Village in the past two years has been learned.

Yoruha didn’t pay attention to this Iwa Shinobu

His gaze was locked on the dark part of Konoha who had released the fire.

Under the vision of the Sharingan, I saw that the movement of the dark part’s hands being imprinted seemed to slow down many times.

Ye Yu could clearly see every detail of the imprint on his hands.

At the same time, the chakra in his body flowed, and the night feather could also see it clearly.

“So it is, this is the Sharingan, this is the copy!”

Yabane has already copied the [Fire Escape and Dragon Fire Art] of the dark part through Uchiha Izumi’s chakra eye.

Without any hesitation, Yoruha manipulated Uchiha Izumi’s hands and quickly formed a seal exactly like that dark part.

Just when the cluster flames were about to sweep out, Yoruha once again cast [Space Movement], and his figure came to the front of the fleeing Iwa Shinobu.

“Fire, Dragon Fire Art!”

The escaped Iwa Shinobu was still thinking in his mind how to get rid of the two Konoha Dark Divisions who chased after him, and was greeted by a high-temperature and high-pressure flame to wash his face.

Before he could scream, his body was cremated.

After releasing the fire that had just been copied using the Sharingan Eye, Ye Yu looked satisfied.

He glanced at the two Konoha Dark Divisions who were chasing over, and his figure disappeared out of thin air.

“What’s going on?”

“Who just released the fire?”

One of the dark parts, who fell where the flames were, asked aloud.

“I didn’t see clearly, but I saw a pair of breathtaking eyes in the firelight, and that eye was the Sharingan eye of the Uchiha clan.”

Another member of the Dark Division shook his head and said.

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