Chapter 49 Kakashi, you also have times when you are copied

After buying a pair of sunglasses and putting them on, Yoruha immediately opened his chakra eyes.

Only after hearing the Proficiency +1 tone ring again did he smile with satisfaction.

“Ye Yu, how did you buy a pair of sunglasses?”

Waiting outside the store, Matkai and Unknown Fire Genma saw Ye Yu wearing sunglasses come out, and the two curiously came up.

Of course, to prevent others from seeing my chakra eyes.

After Ye Yu said something in his heart, he immediately replied, “Protect your eyes.” ”

“How did you become like that guy with Obito.”

“That guy with Obito wears goggles all day and drops eye drops in order to protect his eyes.”

I don’t know that Huo Genma looked at Ye Yu and couldn’t help but complain.

“Ye Yu, give me your sunglasses.”

Matt Kay reached for sunglasses.

“If you really want it, I can buy another pair for you.”

“Then forget it, I’m just curious.”


While Yoba, Matkai, and Buchi Genma were talking, they came to Konoha Park.

I saw that at this time, many people gathered in the park.

Sunset red, Mitarai red beans, Yamashiro Aoba, moonlight wind and other similar to the same time came.

Kakashi, wearing a mask, thanked everyone for their congratulations one by one.


Metkay arrives, and the voice arrives first.

He shouted when he saw Kakashi.

At the same time, everyone, including Kakashi, looked over.

Sunset Red saw the night feather behind Metkay, and the ruby eyes brightened obviously.

“Kakashi, congratulations on your promotion to Shinobu.”

“This is a gift from me, Yoruha, and Genma.”

Matkai ran over and handed Kakashi a stack of explosive charms prepared by Yabane, as well as gifts that he had prepared with Unknown Fire Genma.

Kakashi looked at the detonation charm, and then his gaze fell on Yoruha, who walked over, with a somewhat complicated expression.

In the Chūnin exam two years ago, he lost on Yoruha’s [Space Movement] + Detonation Charm.

Now that he has been promoted to Shinobi, Yoruha gives the hand-made detonation charm as a gift.

He inevitably had a strange feeling in his heart.

However, he eventually accepted all the gifts handed over by Matkay and said, “Thank you!” ”

As soon as Kakashi accepted the gift, Matkai grinned, revealing his shining white teeth, and said, “Kakashi, take advantage of this great day, let’s decide the winner.” ”

Kakashi rolled his eyes.

What does this have to do with the good days?

When did you see me and not challenge me?

“I’m not interested, I recently developed a new ninjutsu, and once I strike, it will definitely hurt people.”

As soon as Kakashi’s words came out, Matkai waved his hand, completely unconcerned.

However, Ye Yu’s expression moved slightly.

New ninjutsu?

Could it be Ratchet?

It just so happens that the first ninjutsu I wrote the Wheel Eye copy, and I copied Kakashi your Rachel well.

At this moment, Yoruha became interested in Kakashi’s Rachel.

In the original play, Kakashi is known as a [copy] ninja.

And today, the ninjutsu he developed will be copied by Yoruha.

“Kakashi, let me try the new ninjutsu you developed!”

Ye Yu came out and took the initiative to say.


Just as Yoruha expected, the new ninjutsu developed by Kakashi was none other than Ratchet.

He developed Ratchet until now, and has only applied to dead things such as stakes and straw.

It has never been used in real combat.

But Kakashi knew that Ratchet was very powerful.

If it is used in actual combat, once it hits a person, it will either kill or be injured.

Therefore, he feared that Ratchet would hurt Metkay.

But for Yoruha, Kakashi didn’t have so many concerns.

In the past two years, Kakashi has also paid special attention to the situation of Yafea.

After all, he was once “killed” by Yoruha on the Chūnin exam.

He knew that Yoruha was stronger than the Chūnin exam two years ago.

In Kakashi’s opinion, even if he casts Ratchet, it will be difficult to hurt the Night Feather who has the Blood Succession Limit of Time and Space.

It’s just time to try Ratchet’s combat effect.

Yoruha and Kakashi

A Ratchet who wants to copy the other party.

One wants to use the other party to try Ratchet’s actual combat effect.

The two hit it off.


Everyone was also very interested in the battle between Kakashi and Yaba.

After all, these two, one became a ten-year-old Shinobi.

A twelve-year-old became a shinobi.

Two years have passed, and they also want to see how far Yoruha and Kakashi have grown.

Soon, everyone arrived at the third exercise ground, which was not far away.

“Obviously it was my challenge to Kakashi, how did it end up being a fight between you and Kakashi?”

Metkay stood beside Ye Yu and asked with some puzzlement.

Yoruha patted Matkai’s shoulder, did not answer, and then walked to the open space of the exercise ground, and said to Kakashi: “Shoot, Kakashi!” ”

Kakashi did not hesitate, and under everyone’s gaze, he first made a seal, his right hand became a claw, and the claw heart was upward.


Soon, above Kakashi’s claw, a dazzling thunder light appeared.

The powerful thunderbolt, centered on Kakashi’s palm, spread out in all directions.

“What kind of ninjutsu is this? Chakra turned out to be so powerful that it was visible to the naked eye. ”

Everyone exclaimed when they saw Rachel in Kakashi’s hand.

And Ye Yu’s expression moved.

A pair of chakra eyes clearly observed the seal in Kakashi’s hand and the flow of Chakra in his body.

“Kakashi, your Ratchet is very good, but now it’s mine.”

Yes, at this time, Yabane had already copied Kakashi’s Ratchet over.


Just as Yoruha was copying Kakashi’s Rachel, Kakashi had already attacked.

I saw that he moved under his feet, carrying the momentum of thunder, and rushed directly towards Ye Yu.

With Ratchet’s run, Kakashi’s speed was noticeably much faster.

When Matkai saw the speed of Kakashi’s dash, he was also a little surprised and said, “So fast!” ”

As Matkai spoke, Kakashi had already rushed in front of Yoruha, and Ratchet stabbed directly with one hand.


At the same time, the exact same thunder light appeared in Ye Yu’s palm.

Soon, Kakashi’s Ratchet and Nightfea’s Ratchet shook together.

For a moment, the dazzling thunder light actually overshadowed the sunlight, and everyone who pricked instinctively closed their eyes, except for Aoba Yamashiro, who wore sunglasses.

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