Chapter 53 Kaleidoscope Sharingan vs Two-Tailed Man Pillar Force

Although Ye Yu’s gaze was on the body of the two-tailed human pillar force, his pair of kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes could directly see the tailed beast in the two-tailed human pillar force’s body through the body of the two-tailed human pillar force.

A big cat with a blue body and two tails, seeing the kaleidoscopic chakra eyes of the night feather, can actually see her body.

She stood up instantly, her cat hair towering, her teeth grinning.

At the same time, the surface of the body of the two-tailed human pillar force oozed the red tailed beast Chakra.

Bang bang –

Soon, the red tailed beast Chakra, like a coat, was attached to the whole body of the two-tailed human pillar force.

And behind him, a tail condensed by the red-tailed beast Chakra appeared.

“Fire Rat Ball Jade!”

As soon as the one-tailed beast turned into a beast, the two-tailed human pillar force launched an attack.

I saw a cloud of flames, which were spit out by the two-tailed human pillar force.

Those flame balls, in the process of flying, condensed into mice.

“You are a cat, why is the attack from a mouse a mouse?”

Looking at the flame rats, like living creatures, surrounded from all directions, Ye Yu not only did not dodge, but also was in the mood to complain to the big cat in the body of the two-tailed human pillar force.

“Shut up!”

Hearing Ye Yu’s words, the hair of the big cat exploded even more.

With a low roar of the big cat, the two-tailed human pillar force attached to the coat of the tailed beast was also like a real cat, landing on all fours, and the figure instantly came behind Ye Yu, and a paw slapped at Ye Yu’s body.

A large number of flame rats flew in before.

Behind there is a claw strike of the two-tailed human pillar force.

For a moment, Ye Yu fell into a situation of front and rear attacks.


Soon, a large number of flame rats bombarded the front of the night feather, and caused a series of explosions.

And in the rear, the claws of the two-tailed man Zhuli also slapped on Ye Yu’s body.

But in the imagination, the scene of Ye Yu’s body being smashed by a blow did not appear.

I saw that Ye Yu’s body was completely protected by a red skeleton chest.

The explosion of the flame rat, as well as the claw strike of the two-tailed human pillar force, were all blocked by the red skeleton chest.

“What is it?”

The two-tailed man Zhuli did not know Susano, and he looked at the red skeleton chest that protected the night feather, and his expression froze.

At the same time, the two-tailed human pillar force that failed to strike was also a force under his feet, and his figure suddenly retreated, and the night feather opened a distance.

Just before the two-tailed man Zhuli had time to breathe a sigh of relief, Ye Yu, who was originally in front of him, came behind him at some point, and reached out and grabbed him.

“Be careful!”

The two-tailed man in the body of the pillar force of the two-tailed man reminded urgently.

Hearing the prompt sound of the two tails, the two tails Zhu Li was also shocked in his heart.

He didn’t see how the night feathers moved at all.

As if it were a ghost, it appeared behind him out of thin air.

However, this is not the time to think about this.

Just when Ye Yu’s palm was about to touch the two-tailed human pillar force, the two-tailed human pillar force suddenly accelerated, and his figure flashed and disappeared.

“After the tail beast, did the speed also become faster?”

“In that case…”

While speaking, Night Feather activated [Space Movement] + Detonation Clay.

In the blink of an eye, one by one clay spiders were sent by the night feather to the body of the two-tailed human pillar force.

The two-tailed man Zhu Ligang felt his stomach suddenly rise.

There was a crisp snapping of fingers in the air.


With this snap of Night Feather’s fingers, all the detonating clay in the body of the two-tailed human pillar force exploded.

Boom boom-

Although the two-tailed human pillar force is protected by the tailed beast Chakra on the surface of the body.

The explosion of the clay spider may not destroy this layer of Chakra cloak.

But at this moment, the clay spider exploded in the body of the two-tailed human pillar force.

Fragile internal organs, where to endure, this explosion.

In an instant, the two-tailed human pillar force exploded and fell to the ground.

The tailed beast coat on his body also slowly dissipated.

Taking advantage of the fact that the two-tailed human pillar force still had a breath left, Ye Yu did not have any hesitation, and directly unlocked the seal in the two-tailed human pillar force’s body.


Without the suppression of the seal, the second tail in the body of the two-tailed human pillar force rushed out in an instant.

That huge body occupied almost the entire room.

The night feather standing in front of the second tail looked so small.


Although it was Yoruha who unsealed the two tails and gave her freedom.

But Erao wasn’t going to thank Yoruha.

In Erao’s opinion, the night feather in front of him must be trying to catch her and seal her into the bodies of other humans, just like other humans.

For so many years, all human beings have done this.


The second tail raised its huge cat paw, ready to slap Night Feather with one paw.

Just when her huge cat’s claw was just raised, her vision was occupied by a huge kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

Immediately afterwards, her pupils gradually changed into the appearance of Sharingan.

At the same time, the huge cat’s claw that Erwei raised slowly lowered.

“The capture of the two tails is complete!”

After controlling the two tails with the kaleidoscope chakra eye, Yoruha immediately cast [Space Movement] and returned to the starting ball space.

Without any hesitation, he slapped his palm against the ground.


Ye Yu’s palm just touched the ground.

A huge rune array appeared on the ground.


Along with a white smoke, the incomparably huge body of the two tails appeared in this starting ball space.

Immediately, the Night Feather Imperial Sword flew over Nio’s head, releasing the control of the Sharingan.

He did not capture Erwei for the power of Erao.

Purely just wanted Erao to come to this Kaguya space to see the gate.

He wanted to tame the big cat.

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