Chapter 11

Ding, congratulations to the host [Spiritual Art] proficiency +1

In the middle of the forest, Ye Yu sat on a rock.

As his hands formed the [Spiritual Transformation Technique] seal, his body suddenly glowed with a soft white light that was invisible to the naked eye.

In the next second, Ye Yu's soul left his physical body and turned into a white glow and rushed towards the sky.

At the same time, Ye Yu's soul body also received a mechanical prompt sound from the system.


I have to say that the proficiency of [Spiritual Transformation] is really difficult for the liver.

The art of reiki is not ordinary ninjutsu.

It involves the soul.

Therefore, Yoruha can't use multiple shadow doppelgangers to speed up speed up like other ninjutsu proficiency of the liver.

Spiritualization can only be unleashed by the Being.

And this caused that the proficiency of the Night Feather Liver [Spiritual Transformation Technique] was dozens of times slower than other ninjutsu.

Other ninjutsu, Yoru can reach the full level in a few days, and the most difficult [Making Detonation Charm] only took a week.

And the current [Spiritual Technique], Ye Yu has been liver for three weeks, and the progress bar is only 35%.

If you want to pull the [Spiritual Transformation Technique] to the full level, it will take Ye Yu six weeks to fully exert his liver, that is, nearly one and a half months.

Fortunately, the purpose of Ye Yu learning the [Spiritual Art] is only to use the Spiritual Transformation Art to manipulate the characteristics of other people's bodies, and then use the abilities of others to brush proficiency.

The 35% proficiency level of the Spiritual Transformation Technique is enough for Night Feather to use.

As for the full-level spiritual transformation technique, Ye Yu said that he was not in a hurry and took his time....

"Okay, the proficiency of the Spiritual Transformation Art is here for the time being."

Night Feather lifts the Spiritual Transformation Technique, and the soul returns to the body.

"The next step is to find a ninja who can sense, and then use the Spiritual Transformation Technique to let the soul enter the person's body."

"Hmm... The gender should preferably be female. "

Although it is only the soul that enters someone else's body, the process of brushing proficiency can be a bit long.

And it takes days.

Ye Yu didn't want to go in and out of a man.

Immediately, Yoruto began to recall the sentient female ninja in Naruto.

Yamanaka Ino, excluded, at this time Yamanaka Ino was not yet born

Swirling fragrant ling, excluded, for the same reason as above


After eliminating a series of sentient female ninjas, Yoruha targets two people.

Swirling Jiu Shinnai, Sunset Red

Like Uzumaki Karyō and Uzumaki Nagato, Uzumaki Jiu Shinna also has very strong perception ability.

Her perception may even surpass that of Wave Feng Shuimen.

If Night Feather can enter Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai's body and brush her perception ability, Night Feather's perception will start very high, and learning Flying Thunder God will save some time at that time.

But Night Feather and Uzumaki Jiu Shinai didn't have much contact.

In addition, she also knew that Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai's temper was very short-tempered.

If Yoruha said to Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai: Can I enter your body?

May be hammered to death on the spot by Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai.

And the sunset is red, and the night feather is more familiar.

The two were originally classmates.

Very easy to deal with.

Although Sunset Red's perception ability is much weaker than that of Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai.

But for Ye Yu, it is not too much of a problem.

Ye Yu only needs to "record" the perception ability to the panel, and then improve the perception ability by brushing the proficiency of the perception ability.

Comprehensive comparison, whirlpool Jiu Xinnai, strong perception, difficult to deal with

Sunset red, weak perception, easy to deal with

In the end, Yoruha decided to go to Sunset Red to try it first, and Uzumaki Jiu Shinai as an alternative.


"Kakashi, let's try it!"

Ye Yu came to the residential area, and just about to go to find Sunset Red, a familiar voice came from his ears.

Looking around, he saw Matkai, wearing a cyan one-piece sweatshirt, blocking in front of a silver-haired boy wearing a mask.

The silver-haired boy in the mask was none other than Kakashi.

"Next time, I'm in a hurry, Teacher Watergate asked us to assemble at the entrance of the village, if it's late, the guy with the soil will chatter again."

Kakashi had no interest in Matkai's proposal for a competition.

But where would Matkai let Kakashi go.

"That's right, let's see who runs faster."

"Take here as the starting point and the village entrance as the end, whoever arrives first wins."

Matt Kay grinned, showing his white teeth, and his face showed the expression of "I'm witty."

Kakashi rolled his eyes.

Indeed, this contest will not only not make him late, but will also allow him to arrive at the meeting point early.

It perfectly solved the reason why Kakashi had just refused.

For a moment, Kakashi couldn't find a new reason to refuse.

"Ye Yu, you came just right, the three of us will try it together."

Matkai noticed Ye Yu walking over and hurriedly and warmly invited.

"No, I'm looking for something red."

Yoruha looked at Kakashi who looked helpless, waved his hand and said.

"That's a shame, Kakashi can only compete with the two of us."

Matkay looked regretful.


Just as Kakashi was about to say something, Matkai shouted, "Ready." "

Although Kakashi superficially felt that there was no point in comparing these things with Matt Kai.

But if he really had to compete, he didn't want to lose.

Therefore, when Matkai shouted out the preparation, Kakashi was already physically ready.


Matkay suddenly shouted.

At the same time, Matkai had already taken a step ahead of Kakashi and ran away with a puff of smoke.

And Kakashi's reaction was not slow, and he quickly caught up.

"This is youth!"

Yoruha looked at the backs of Kakashi and Matkai and said with a look of emotion.

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