Chapter 18: How to make the Grass Pheasant Sword

Although Ye Yu revealed the secrets of the Great Snake Pill one after another, it made the Great Snake Pill feel murderous intent and vigilance.

But for Ye Yu's persuasion, Orochimaru also listened.

As Yoruha said.

One principle, one direction, of the law of immortality, was enough to save him a lot of research time.

And the status of the method of immortality in his heart was far from comparable to the method of making and manipulating the grass pheasant sword.

The big snake pill was moved by the night feather.

After some weighing, the big snake pill then spoke: "If the principle you said is really useful to me, the method of making and manipulating the grass pheasant sword is not impossible for you. "

Although the words of the big snake pill did not say it thoroughly.

But Yoru still understood what the big snake pill meant:

The principle needs to be confirmed by practice.

It's not that you say the principle is true, that's true.

You tell me the principle first, and when I verify that this principle is really feasible, then I will give you the method of making and manipulating the grass pheasant sword.

It's just that the process can be long.

After all, practice takes time.


If the night feather gave the principle of other immortal methods.

The big snake pill is estimated to take several years of practice to verify whether this principle is true or false.

For several years, Ye Yu couldn't wait that long.

Moreover, in a few years, Ye Yu is confident that he can exert the power of the six realms.

With the power of the six paths, isn't it fragrant for me to manipulate the fairway jade?

Why use a grass pheasant sword?


However, the principle given by Ye Yu is the principle of [immortal rebirth].

[Immortal Rebirth] was developed by the Great Snake Pill over more than ten years.

Ye Yu believes that the Great Snake Pill's research on [Immortal Rebirth] is definitely not a sudden and successful research, but the accumulation of more than ten years of research.

That is to say, at the moment, in the mind of the big snake pill, it is very likely that there is already a prototype of [Immortal Rebirth], or there is a certain concept in [Immortal Rebirth].

Once Ye Yu said the principle of [Immortal Rebirth], the big snake pill would have a feeling: lying groove, which was similar to what I thought, but more detailed and perfect than I thought.

Sure enough, after Ye Yu said the principle of [Immortal Rebirth], the face of the big snake pill changed.

"Create a space of consciousness, transfer your consciousness into that space, and then pull another person's consciousness into this space to devour it, so that you can obtain a new physical body."

"There is no mistake, this is indeed a method of immortality, and it coincides with one of my previous ideas."

I have to say that the big snake pill is indeed a genius in some fields.

In just a moment, his thoughts collided with many sparks.

If he is now in his own laboratory.

He promised to start working on it immediately.

Just when the inspiration of the Great Snake Pill continued to flow, Ye Yu interrupted his thoughts: "Great Snake Pill, I have already told you the principle of immortal rebirth, I believe that with your ability, you should soon be able to create a true method of immortality." "

His thoughts were interrupted by Yoru, which made Orochimaru very angry.

However, Ye Yu was right, through the principle of [Immortal Rebirth], he had already thought of a lot.

Next, as long as he solved a few difficult problems, in less than five years, he would be able to make the complete version of [Immortal Rebirth] come out.

Looking at Ye Yu's expression, if you don't give me the method of making and manipulating the grass pheasant sword now, I won't let you think, Orochimaru's face is very cold.

He stared at Ye Yu for several seconds, and then very reluctantly made a seal.


After the print, the palm of the big snake pill slapped against the ground.

A rune array that looked like a spider's web instantly formed.


With a white smoke, a python was channeled out.

The big snake pill put his palm into the python's mouth, took out a scroll from it, and threw it directly to Ye Yu without saying a word.

Ye Yu reached out and opened it to see that it was indeed the method of making the grass pheasant sword.

Moreover, several methods of making grass pheasant swords are recorded on it.

There is a grass pheasant sword like the big snake pill that can stretch for a hundred meters.

There is also the kind of grass pheasant sword used by Sasuke Uchiha.


Ye Yu glanced at it casually, and then put the scroll away with great satisfaction: "The transaction is completed, and I am very much looking forward to the next cooperation." "

"If there is a problem, I will come to you..."

Speaking of this, the big snake pill suddenly froze, and showed a playful smile, and continued: "And you'd better not take the initiative to find me. "

Ye Yu's expression changed, and he looked at the big snake pill seriously, waiting for the big snake pill to continue.

"The deal between us is already suspicious."

"If I hadn't sealed the memory of Red Bean bringing you to me, I'm afraid someone would have come to you tonight."

As Orochimaru spoke, his feet had already blended into the earth below him little by little.

By the time he finished, his body had completely sunk into the ground.

Until the figure of the big snake pill completely disappeared, Ye Yu was still thinking about what the big snake pill said when he left.

He was thinking about who the person in Orochimaru's mouth was suspicious.

"Three generations of Hokage, or Danzo?"

The first thing that came to mind was these two people.

After all, the entire Konoha has the most power over these two.

However, no matter which of these two people, as long as Yoruha is still in Konoha, there will be some trouble.

"It seems that in the future, when you contact with the Great Snake Pill, it is better to let the shadow avatar use the pretend technique to become someone else."

Ye Yu secretly admonished himself in his heart, and then took out the scroll that had just been traded with the Great Snake Pill.

"In the next few days, you can brush the proficiency of Flying Thunder God while starting to make the Grass Pheasant Sword."

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