Chapter 4

Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully making a figure, making a figurine proficiency +1

Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully making a figure, making a figurine proficiency +1


Whenever Ye Yu made the clay in his hand into a clay figure, a mechanical prompt sound of the system sounded in his mind.

And after this prompt, he will knead the clay doll in his hand into a ball and remake it.

In the journey from the ninja shop to the school alone, Yoruha completed 5 clay doll making and also gained 5 proficiency points.

Although the appearance of this clay doll is still very abstract, it cannot be compared with Deidara's clay doll.

But that's just the beginning.

When proficiency increases, the dolls made by Yowa will naturally become more artistic.


Making a figure is much easier to obtain than making a detonation charm.

Crafting the Starter Charm requires precise control of Chakra and sealing the Fire attribute Chakra into the sealing paper.

This is also why it took a week for the night feather to burst the liver to fill the proficiency of [Making the Detonation Charm].

In contrast, making a figurine is much easier, and the whole process not only does not require the consumption of chakra, but also allows the reuse of raw materials.

Yoruha is confident that he will be able to fill the level of making figurines tomorrow.

As for the proficiency of the explosion, it seems to be easy to brush as well.

Just find a place where there is no one, cast the multi-shadow avatar technique, and keep blowing things up.

Thinking of this, Ye Yu found that this mission out of the village had no effect on his proficiency in brushing explosives.

At this moment, Ye Yu's heart was instantly clear.

"Kai, when I learn the technique of super heavy rock, I will definitely help you increase your training!"

Ye Yu put his palm on Matt Kai's body and said in a relaxed tone.


Although Matkai didn't know why Ye Yu's mood suddenly improved, he still grinned very happily, revealing his shining white teeth.

While speaking, the two had already arrived at the mission area of Konoha Academy.

"You're finally here."

Ye Yu and Matkai just came in, and before they knew it, they walked over, looking like they had been waiting for a long time.

At this time, the unknown fire genma, and the unknown fire genma when he grew up, the personality is exactly the same, a lazy look.

However, there was no straw-like "thousand needles" in his mouth.

"I went to a ninja shop on the way, how about it, do you know what the mission is?"

Ye Yu explained simply, and then asked to the unknown fire genma.

"Simple protection task, the location is the country of grass, just gather at the entrance of the village tomorrow morning."

I don't know that Huo Xuanma said in a lazy tone.

The Land of Grass?

Hearing this place name, Yaba's mind turned, and he was recalling the map of the ninja world.

Soon, he remembered the location of the Land of Grass, the junction of Rain Hidden Village, Rock Country, and Fire Country.

"I don't know how far away it is from the mountain cemetery where Uchiha is located!"

Ye Yu did not forget the main purpose of this trip, went to the mountain cemetery, and tried to catch a white doppelganger to return.

If the mission location of this trip is too far from the mountain cemetery where Uchiha is located, then his capture plan will be a bit troublesome.

"Alas, we still have to fill up the explosive proficiency as soon as possible."

After the explosive proficiency is full, he can pinch out a clay bird like Deidara, and then fly on the clay bird, whether it is aerial reconnaissance or hurrying, it is very convenient.


When Night Feather filled up the proficiency of Bakugu and making figurines, it was already five days later.

The Land of Grass, a mountain stream that is inaccessible to people.

Dozens of shadow doppelgangers of the night feather stood on the cliff.


As dozens of shadow doppelgangers snapped their fingers at the same time.

Boom boom-

A series of deafening explosions came from the mountain stream, a large number of rocks were shattered, and for a moment the flames burst into the sky, and the stream splashed everywhere.

At the same time, in the mind of the night feather body, the mechanical system prompt sound arrived as scheduled.

Ding, congratulations to the host for explosive proficiency +1

Ding, congratulations to the host for explosive proficiency +1


Deidara would shout loudly when he detonated the detonating clay.

In order to distinguish Deidara, Night Feather uses snapping his fingers to launch an explosion.

In fact, whether it is Deidara's "drink" or Ye Yu's snapping of fingers, this is dispensable.

The main thing is the gesture of the two fingers before "drinking" or snapping the fingers.

That gesture is the seal that started the explosion.

Deidara didn't know what to think, and he shouted when it exploded

Anyway, Ye Yu snapped his fingers, he simply felt that this action, coupled with that earth-shaking explosion, was more handsome!


Boom boom-

Another round of explosions launched, and finally in Ye Yu's mind, the system prompt he wanted to hear sounded.

Ding, congratulations to the host for reaching the full level of explosive proficiency, and the explosive escape is automatically upgraded to explosion

Hearing this prompt, Ye Yu was first pleased, and then stunned.

Explosion upgrades to explosion?

What do you mean?

Soon, Ye Yu understood that the explosion still needed to be sealed.

And burst, no need to seal, just a thought.

This is more advanced than the original Hokage, clapping his hands and shouting what is coming.

Because of the night feather, you don't even need to do a pat with both hands.

Direct thought detonates.

"Lying groove, this is a bit like the means of the six immortals, and there is no need to seal the seal at all to cast ninjutsu."

Knowing the ability he had just acquired, Ye Yu was surprised and delighted.

"Forget it, no matter how much it is, let's try to see if you can control the clay bird to fly."

Ye Yu suppressed the surprise in his heart, and hurriedly used the full-level figure making ability to pinch out a lifelike clay flying bird with his hands.

Night Feather threw the clay bird in his hand into the air, moving with his mind.


The place where the clay birds are located produces a large amount of white smoke.

Immediately afterwards, a giant clay flying bird, dozens of times larger, fluttered its wings out from the white smoke.

"Haha, finally able to fly!"

Seeing the clay bird successfully complete the flight, Ye Yu was overjoyed.

He jumped off the cliff.

Before Ye Yu's body began to fall, the giant clay bird that rushed out from the white smoke flew right under him and caught his body.

"Go, go to the mountain cemetery!"

After flying around the sky, Night Feather directly manipulated the clay bird and flew towards the mountain cemetery where Uchiha was located.

The protection mission of Yafea, Matkai, and Buji Genma is nearing the end, and you can pack up and return to Konoha later.

Ye Yu plans to take advantage of this time to complete the task of capturing a white doppelganger.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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