Konoha: I’m Really Not A Bad Person

168. Magic Mirror Ice Crystals Are All Mirrors (5Th Update With 200 Flowers Added)

at the same time,

A vacation notice was also posted on the door of Hokage's office.

[Assistant Hokage goes on vacation and will put work on hold for the next week. 】


Azabu Yi and Samui brought Ariki to the Land of Snow.

"There's so much snow here in Jiejun, it's so beautiful. Compared with the snow in the leaves, it looks like an Iniya hut."

"Yeah, this kind of clean environment makes people so relaxed and happy. It's like a pure land outside the world. I really want to live here forever." Kushina looked intoxicated. No one doesn't like beauty, and she is no exception.

Uchiha Suke nodded Kushina's forehead. "You, you just don't see much snow, that's why you say this. No one who lives in a snow country has ever thought like you. If you were allowed to live in such a cold and frozen place 365 days a year, Life, you wouldn’t say that.”

Kushina stuck out her tongue and thought about what Uchiha Suke said just now. Sure enough, when she looked at the beautiful scenery in front of her again, she suddenly felt that it was not as beautiful as before.

After all, it is relatively monotonous and you can see the snow at the end.

The environment where Konoha's leaves and flowers are blooming is obviously more suitable for people to live in.

"Hehe, Jie-kun, I'm just talking. Besides, we have a portal, and we can come to Snow Country from Konoha at any time. If we get tired of seeing it, why don't we just go back to Konoha?

Uchiha Mikoto also looked intoxicated looking at the snow in front of him.

She had not left Konoha for a long time, and she had never seen such a magnificent snow scene.

And all these changes were brought to her by Uchiha Suke.

By Wooden Golem is running around in the snow, just like a child.

There is also a fragrant phosphorus behind her butt.

Although they are one older and one younger, in Uchiha Suke's eyes, they are the same age.

Cai Lian followed the two of them, fearing that they would fall, and took care of them carefully.

Samyi and Azabuyi are no exception. This is the first time they have seen such a snowy scene in their lives.

Fenghua Xiaoxue, who was preparing for the enthronement ceremony in the distance, also made them very curious.

A living princess, no, a living female king!

Terumi Mei was experimenting with Water Style there. As far as she knew, the ninjas in the Land of Snow could become Ice Release in this special environment through Water Style. She was extremely curious about this and kept using various ninjutsu to try.

at this time,

Only Murasaki Minazuki accompanied Uchiha Suke.

Uchiha Suke has been in the country of snow for two days, and the snowy scenery no longer has the initial surprise.

As for Minazuki Zi, she is the owner of Ice Release Bloodline.

She only felt comfortable in this environment and was not that addicted.

There was only Uchiha Suke and his women in this large area.

Kushina and the others didn't care at all about the spring breeze, they were laughing and playing in the snow. Although Uchiha Suke's hands and feet were cold, his heart was extremely hot.

Somewhat annoying!

But now everyone is playing, and Uchiha Suke doesn't want to ruin everyone's fun.

Not to mention, there is also a Minazuki Zi beside him.

The deepest impression that Minazuki Murasaki left on Uchiha Suke was that she was obedient and obedient.

It can be said that she is the most obedient and submissive of all the women in Uchiha Suke.

No matter how shy Uchiha Suke said it, Minazuki would complete it.

This submissive character, although not very conspicuous in a large family, perfectly fits Uchiha Suke's desire to conquer.

"Zi, as far as I know, there is a ninjutsu in Ice Release that can create countless ice mirrors and seal space. I wonder if you have mastered it."?

"Jiejun, are you talking about the magic mirror ice crystal?"

"Yeah, yeah."

"I have indeed mastered this."

"Well, Zi, you can use this ninjutsu now. However, you don't need to build such a big house. You can only build a house big enough for the two of us." Uchiha Suke raised his eyebrows after speaking.

Although he was talking about making a small house using magic mirror ice crystals, the meaning was some dirty things.

Minazuki's purple face turned red immediately, especially when there were so many people playing around.

However, Minazuki Zi still said "Hmm" obediently, and then started to form seals.


A hut made of ice appeared quietly in the snow.

Uchiha Suke looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to him. He immediately took Minazuki Zi's little hand and entered it.

From the outside, because the magic mirror ice crystals reflect the snow light, it is not obvious that there is an extra cabin here, which brings a certain degree of hiding ability to the cabin.

But after entering the hut, there is an empty sky inside.

Each piece of ice mirror shines on Uchiha Suke and Minazuki Tsune like a mirror.

This kind of picture opened up Uchiha Suke's mind and thought of many dirty pictures.

Then, Uchiha Suke became even more angry.

"Zi, I didn't expect you to bring me a surprise. I like this mood.

(Amazing) Minazuki Zi also saw everything in the room at this time, and she was so embarrassed that she couldn't even lift her face.

This magic mirror ice crystal was created for attack. The caster can enter each mirror to achieve rapid movement.

However, it is obvious that this powerful ability has become something else at this time.

But account for

Uchiha Suke didn't give Minazuki Murasaki time to be shy.

Soon in houses made of ice crystals,

Every wall is showing the same scene from different angles...

There will be more than 57127 flowers tomorrow, 5 more updates will be continued!

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