Konoha: I’m Really Not A Bad Person

058. Day Tiger, Might Dai’S Faith (1St Update, 50Th Order, Additional Update)

The sound of rain could be heard in the ears, and the cold wind followed the rain and poured into each ninja's clothes from the collar.

Might Dai saw that ordinary physical skills could not cause harm to the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, and felt the constant pain in his body, his eyes widened.

Raise your right hand and twist your body backward slightly.

The next second,

The white steam around Might Dai surrounded him like a hurricane, gathering rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon completely enveloped Might Dai.

In just a short moment, Might turned into a huge white tiger in front of the six Ninja Swordsmen.

The black beast eyes are full of violent and destructive desire.

Although it was the first time for them to see this technique and the first time to see such a scene, they instantly had a premonition of facing death.

"This technique is no longer something we can resist."

"Why are there such monsters in Konoha? Is this still a taijutsu?"

"I can feel that the thing surrounding him is not Chakra. What kind of powerful force is this?"

At this time, the six Ninja swordsmen glanced at each other, with an intriguing look flashing in their eyes.

Everyone is an elite who came out of the Mist Ninja Village, and they defeated countless opponents even if they became the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

"The ninjutsu in front of me can't stop it, so I just need to run fast."

"In other words... I am not the slowest runner."

For a moment, this thought appeared in the hearts of all the six Ninja Swordsmen.


A huge tiger roar suddenly appeared on the entire battlefield.

Then, a white light shock wave was seen running through the entire battlefield from one end to the other, traveling backwards for several miles before gradually disappearing.

The huge movement caused all the ninjas on the battlefield to pause.

Subconsciously, he turned his head and looked in the direction of Might Dai.

"Can an attack of that level be caused by a human being? It's too terrifying."

"If I were attacked by that kind of attack, I'm afraid I would die without a burial place."

"When did Konoha have such ninjas?"

Mizukage Yagura was actually surprised. In fact, he couldn't easily resist an attack of that level.

If he is unprepared and is hit directly by an attack, he may be seriously injured or even die.

In fact, Konoha's side was no less surprised than Kiri Ninja's side.

"Is that the Might Dai I know? Isn't he just a Genin?"

"Oh my gosh, if he's a Genin, I'm a Jōnin."

"When I was in Konoha, I looked down on him and thought he was a fool. I didn't expect him to have such a powerful power."

"I heard that Might Dai is the ninja brought by Assistant Hokage for this war. No wonder Assistant Hokage is now Assistant Hokage. He has a discerning eye.

"No, I also think Assistant Hokage is too powerful. Before he took over, we were losing ground in the Konoha War. After he took over, the war situation stabilized instantly, and a major counterattack began."

Kushina and Terumi Mei also looked shocked.

They could all see how powerful this level of attack was, and it was performed in a non-ninjutsu form, which opened their eyes.

Although Kakashi only glanced at Might Dai, he was no less shocked than anyone else.

Kakashi is close friends with Might Guy. He has a certain understanding of Might Dai's strength and believes that he is not just Genin.

It's just because he doesn't know ninjutsu and is very biased, so he has always been a Genin.

However, Kakashi never expected that Might Dai would be so powerful.

The huge white light pillar formed an extremely long ravine on the ground, and the smoke and dust raised looked extremely spectacular.

It took a long time for the dust to completely fall, and then everyone saw the situation on the battlefield.

At this time, the six Ninja Swordsmen no longer had the ease they had when facing Might Dai, and everyone was in an extremely embarrassing situation.

"Too...too fast! The speed of this attack even exceeds my nerve reaction speed."

"I'm afraid this is the fastest speed of muscle memory, right?"

"Fortunately, fortunately he can only use this level of attack once, otherwise we would be completely ruined.

There are six people with Ninja Swordsmen, no, now there are five people with Ninja Swordsmen.

The remaining five people looked at the end of the ground passage, the body of the owner of the dull knife, the Touche, and the wild bait man, the shock in their eyes did not fade away.

However, Might Dai's condition was not as good as they imagined.

~Is it still too much? I can only use one blow and my whole body cannot bear it. "

"It would be terrible if they wait until they react and find that I am in extremely bad condition."

Mighty Dai was not worried about his own death, he just thought that he would not be able to complete his mission.

"Absolutely, I will never live up to Assistant Hokage's expectations of me.

Might Dai is not a stubborn person, but decades of physical training have formed an obsession in his heart.

But no one understood him, and even laughed at him.

He never thought that someone would promote him and entrust him with important tasks. (Okay)

This recognition moved Might Dai deeply, and he did not want to live up to Uchiha Suke's expectations.

"It seems that the only option is to open the Eighth Gate of Eight Inner Gates."

5 Taibao is not completely sure about using the Eighth Gate, but he is eager to try it in his heart. He wants to do it and want to shine with the final glory.

Take a deep breath. Might Dai put his hands on his waist and began to accumulate strength.

all of a sudden,

The white steam surrounding Might Dai became more intense,

There was even a faint hint of red garden air work

Yesterday, the first order was 95, and I could get an extra update if I was only 5 short of it.

One day extension, if the first order is over 100, there will be more updates tomorrow!

Preview! 6 updates today!!!!

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