
"Kill her!"

"Nami! You are no longer a member of the Dragon Pirates for saying such things!"

"There is also Cocosia Village, which will also usher in destruction because of you!"

The grotesque murlocs were furious and filled with righteous indignation, wishing they could kill Nami immediately!

However, due to the order of the evil dragon, he could only hold the weapon in his hand tightly, let his veins bulge, form a circle outside the field to prevent Nami from escaping, and vent his anger with foul language by the way!

They have never seen Nami's attack, although they just heard the dragon say that Nami killed Cro Oby, but their impression of her past "Little Thieving Cat" still hasn't changed!

I just thought she was using some kind of conspiracy!

"Ha ha!"

But listening to the murloc's irritating screams, Nami looked around, but a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth!

"Is it enough to be so angry with mere words?"

She looked down at her right hand, bent her fingers into claws, white light flowed from her fingertips, and murmured!

"Then what was I afraid of before!"

"A group of bullying Lesbians?"


The attacking dragon suddenly roared like thunder, interrupting Nami's thinking!

"Get serious!"

"Then accept your fate of death!"

Annoyed by her absent-mindedness, the "570" sawtooth sword that burst out with 12 points of strength tore through the air, and the flickering cold light on the blade made the hairs of the bystanders stand tall, and they couldn't help but take a few steps back!

"Be careful!!!"

Nami raised his head, listening to the exclamation of Kensuke, the village policeman outside the venue, the sawtooth sharpness reflected in his pupils became clearer and clearer!

"It's useless!

she whispered!

Step lightly, Nami slid back while the white light was flashing, like a flying butterfly, her short orange shawl hair spread out with the wind, easily dodging the oncoming slash!

"The speed with which you face me now is just like the strength with which I faced yours seven years ago, you are invincible!


The evil dragon who failed to attack again has no mood to answer!

He firmly held the handle of the knife with both hands, his steel-like jaws clenched together, dragged the serrated broadsword vigorously, danced a roundabout, and slashed at Nami's head in response!

Looking directly at the ferocious eyes of the bloodshot dragon in mid-air, Nami suddenly lost the interest in continuing to play with these ugly murlocs!

"In the past, you relied on your strength to wantonly oppress the villagers of Cococia Village, venting your inner weakness!"

"The current me is also relying on my strength to fiddle with your life and death wantonly, venting the anguish of the past!"

"When it is presented in reality, it will look very ugly when you think about it!"

She closed her eyes slightly, and the white light spread under her feet and fingertips, as if covered by a layer of light film!

"Hate memes passed between you and me!"

"I will also cut it off here!"

Nami stepped a little harder, turned into an orange light flashed, and drew a halo around the circle of murlocs!

"Ah!!! It hurts..."

"Damn it! Don't hide so fast!"

"Be careful! Her attacks are irresistible!"


After a breath, Nami's figure appeared in the field, flicking his right hand lightly, a few drops of blood splashed on the ground, and the whole person returned to spotless!

And the dozen or so murlocs surrounding Nami have completely quieted down!

look around!

There are fish corpses lying in a circle in all directions, all missing arms and legs, either in the neck or in the chest, and there is a blood hole in the vitals, and the blood flowing out happens to form a continuous ring, surrounding Nami and the evil dragon Inside!

Nami raised his head calmly, and looked at the only standing murloc dragon in the arena, watching his arm trembling slightly as he held the serrated broadsword!

"Words are the weakest weapon in the face of atrocities!"

Nami looked at the dragon's expression of anger mixed with fear and said indifferently!

"Just like when Bell Mel faced you!"

"The time is turning now, can you understand my original mood?"


The evil dragon turned its head tremblingly, looking at the surrounding murloc accomplices who were breathing more air than breathing in, the shark opened its eyes wide, raised its head and laughed, letting tears run down the corners of its eyes!

"Scared hahaha!"

"My current experience is to kill you cruelly!!!"

Roaring and wielding the sawtooth broadsword, he dashed forward, slashing Nami vertically!

"Sure enough, the joys and sorrows of human beings don't understand each other, especially Ruya with murlocs!"

Nami shook his head involuntarily, tapped his feet, and exited the attack range!


The saw-toothed sword hit the ground, the masonry exploded, and the gravel flew, but the people fighting in the field ignored it!

"I heard that there are mermaids in the sea, more beautiful than you!"

"Thinking about it, the murloc should be a defective product in evolution, right?"

Not healthy in appearance, not healthy in mind, completely inferior to mermaids and humans!"

Seeing that the dragon failed to attack again, and his spirit became more and more irritable, Nami's tone clearly contained compassion!

She understands the nature of the evil dragon, and she doesn't think that the death of the murloc can really make the evil dragon feel sad!

Therefore, after initially avenging some grudges with the blood of the Murloc Pirates, Nami was finally able to calm down and deal with the perpetrators of the year: the captain of the Dragon Pirates, the remnants of the Sun Pirates, the Sawtooth Sharkmen, and the Dragon !

As the saying goes: "When you cut down a tree, you cut off the skin first, and when you kill someone, you kill the heart first!"

She's not such a vitriolic racist, but the dragon yeah!

In daily life, the evil dragon often says things like "Murlocs are inherently stronger than humans" and "Humans resisting Murlocs is tantamount to violating the laws of nature". Obviously, they have some deep-rooted attachments to the two races of Murlocs and humans!

Stimulating him on the issues that the dragon cares about the most is undoubtedly what makes him feel the most pain!

Nami watched the dragon start panting heavily like a bull, and knew that he had hit the bull's-eye, but he still pretended not to care and said!

"What? Do you want to refute something?"

"You murlocs rule the weak villages with the fangs and claws you were born with, occupying the territory like wild beasts on the mountain, without any signs of intelligent creatures at all!

"Just pull a Sea Kings from the sea, they can do better than you!"


The dragon was furious and roared loudly at Nami!

"The murlocs are naturally superior races!"

"My bones are like steel, and my jagged nose is sharp!"

"Superhuman strength can easily lift a house!"

"Teeth that can be continuously regenerated is a natural weapon!"

"Combined with the strong and powerful jaw, my bite can bite off a shell in one bite!"

"I can still launch a powerful attack in the water!"

"What can you humans do?"

He actually stopped his continuous attacks and listed his own advantages one by one, as if planning to debate with Nami!

Of course the dragon isn't really out of his wits!

He is rough on the surface, but actually vicious and cunning in his heart!

It has long been seen that with his own speed, there is absolutely no way to hit this "Little Thieving Cat" who has suddenly become stronger!

That being the case, why not pretend to stop and wait for an opportunity to attack!

"Ha ha!"

"It's just an amphibian! How is it different from tigers and Sea Kings?"

Following Uchiha Shinta's example, Nami put her hands on her chest, raised her eyebrows slightly and said contemptuously!

How many deceitful beasts!

She is well aware of the evil dragon's schemes, but seeing his angry and forced to hold back, Nami clearly only feels elated!

"The facts are in front of you, but you won't turn black and white just because you yell!"

"On the contrary, if you care so much, could it be that you have been humiliated by humans?"

"It seems that the so-called murlocs are nothing more than that!"

In order to stimulate the evil dragon, Nami kept a cold face and indifferently said a big truth that she didn't even believe, which really stimulated the evil dragon's nerves!

"Only human beings are the highest level in this world!"

"Bastard! What are you talking about!!!"

The evil dragon tried to suppress the anger in his heart and keep calm, but Nami's last words were like a spark thrown into a powder barrel, detonating all the anger and darkness in his heart!

"The murlocs are the real superior race!"

"Human beings are just an inferior race! Since you dare to speak so boldly!"

"Die to me!!!"

"Dumpling‧ON‧Gear Car!!!"

The dragon slammed into Nami, who was three meters away, and turned around in the process, holding a set of teeth in each hand at some point, and the mouth that kept opening and closing, like a whirlwind full of teeth biting it!

"Can't bear it anymore? Then let me put an end to this farce that has lasted for seven years!"

Nami's body responds with white light, submerging into her body, and forming a pure white light film on the surface of her body, reflecting her like a fairy descended from heaven!

"Slippery Fruit · Overtime Sense!"

With the ability to slide fruit, reduce the "friction" of nerve reflexes, let the reflex speed increase geometrically, so as to restrain all haste!

The world is slowing down!

In Nami's eyes, the tooth-like pale white whirlwind that hit gradually slowed down, turning into an ugly sawtooth sharkman holding teeth in both hands and spinning at high speed!

This high-speed rotating sawtooth shark gradually slowed down, and finally completely turned into an immobile statue, frozen in Nami's field of vision!

"Slippery Fruit · Flash!"

Nami raised his leg, then retracted it, and suddenly appeared an ugly murloc head with a jagged, spiked proboscis in his hand!

This is a special skill developed by the ability of Slippery Fruit, and it is specially used in conjunction with "Sense of Overtime"!

She moved to the side of the dragon in an instant, took off the head and returned to the original position again!

"Click! Crack!" 1.7 Nami habitually bit the head in his hand for a few times, and then realized that something was wrong!

"I.....I am..."

He opened and closed his mouth, trying to make a sound, but he could only feel the breath flowing out from under his neck, and then the severe pain broke out, and he couldn't bear to open his mouth wide, performing a silent mime!


The strange sound came into the ears, making the dragon come back to his senses a little!

Under the focus of the field of vision, a familiar figure holds a pair of teeth in each hand, with a headless neck, blood flowing like a fountain, spraying several meters into the sky!

"that's me!!!"

The evil dragon came to a sudden!

Turns out he was killed!!!

next moment!

Nami shook the head in his hand lightly, the white light flickered slightly, the blood flowed cleanly between Setsuna, the consciousness of the evil dragon was completely plunged into darkness!

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

There was a burst of applause, Nami raised his head, and the boy with a bamboo knife hanging from his waist threw off the village policeman who was standing still, and walked into the circle of blood!

The Bloodline or corpses in front of his footsteps were separated by an invisible force!

"Congratulations! The vengeance has been avenged! Blood sacrifice to the soul of the wronged!"

"What are you going to do next? My navigator!"

Nami looked up at the coconut trees protruding from the cliffs in the distance, swaying in the sea breeze, and raised the head of the dragon with one hand to gesture to Uchiha Shinta!

"Of course, for my mother!".

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