Konoha, My Skill Upgrade Experience Remains The Same

Chapter 181 I Have A Special Guest Skill

Great sound!

Elephants are invisible!

Uchiha Shinta slashed down with a knife, and every inch passed, the concept of erosion within a meter range disappeared without a trace!

Every time a foot passes, a pure white transparent sword energy grows on the knife!

After his knife is completely swung down, the three or four meters around has completely become a "land outside the world", no matter how Crocodile manipulates his fruit ability, he can't invade at all!

At the same time, a divine and clear sword energy broke away from the bamboo knife and flew towards Crocodile, cutting off the ground a few feet along the way!

This sword is extremely slow!

Let the sand crocodile on the opposite side even be able to observe it cutting off the fine yellow dust in the atmosphere bit by bit!

This sword energy is also extremely fast!

Let the awakened Sand-Sand Fruit ability user on the opposite side have a thorn in the chest before the elemental body has time to explode!


Crouching Crocodile with a stagger!

The chest under the plaid-sleeved shirt suddenly sprayed a large amount of blood mist, which was absorbed by the yellow sand in the atmosphere regardless of whether it was enemy or friend, and then it was dyed with dry dark red crosses and weathered into a red mold!


Uchiha Shinta jumped off the lone sand pillar, stepped on the soft sand pit with a "creak" sound and walked towards Crocodile!

This is like a signal, bringing the world back to normal!

The yellow sand cloud 06 in the sky began to settle gradually, and as Uchiha Shinta went higher and higher, it happened to drag him out of the bunker!

The concept of erosion that spread for several miles faded, and Nico Robin and Nami, who were trying to grow flowers in the desert, saw the result of the battle, and they were also approaching quickly!

In front of him, Crocodile's whole body has completely withdrawn from the elemental state, the blood flowing from his chest dyed half of his body red, and his violent panting shows the reality that he is completely out of strength!

"How...how is it possible!!!"

The sand crocodile gritted his teeth and wanted to squeeze out a little more strength, but found that the wound on his chest was like a canyon, draining all his strength!

I believe that at this moment, Smoker, who is still recuperating in Rogge Town, should have a common language!

And obviously, Uchiha Shinta spent a little more effort on the sword just now than when he cut Smoker!

Crunch! Crunch!

Uchiha Shinta's footsteps stopped a few meters away from Crocodile!

He has just exercised his skills, and now he is leisurely admiring the wonders of the new bunker on the desert, and waiting for the arrival of Nami and Robin by the way!


Struggling to hold on with the golden hook so as not to fall, Crocodile looked down at the ground, blocking his eyes, and could only hear the hoarse voice!


Uchiha Shinta responded silently to the sudden question!

He suspects that Crocodile's brain sulci are too smooth!

The relationship between the two is not Bo Ya Ziqi's bosom friend, who knows what you are asking for something inexplicable!

As if stimulated by Uchiha Shinta's silence, or realized that I asked a bit suddenly!

After a while, Kroker asked again!

"Why don't you kill me? Don't you want to be the One Piece?"

"Ha ha!"

Uchiha Shinta looked up into the distance, and saw that Nami and Robin were not far away, barely had time to chat with the sand crocodile about their ideals!

"Can I become the Pirate King by killing you?"

Crocodile was stunned, feeling something was wrong, but he couldn't refute it!

"Since you can't become the One Piece King by killing you, why should I go to such extra effort?"

Uchiha Shinta is changing the concept secretly!

Speaking of which, playing with people's hearts and changing others' minds has always been Uchiha's favorite thing:

After all, it is too easy for him to distort reality!

Only without active interference, the spiritual confrontation of intelligent creatures can surprise him!

Just like Crocodile's "Awakening Corrosion Reincarnation Tentet"!

It is indeed amazing for others in the sea!

But Uchiha Shinta expects more than that!

In his opinion, this strange sea provides a shortcut to mastering the rules!

One by one does not seek to be detached from the true self, at least time and space, cause and effect, and fate should be touched, right?


Not involved in time and space, time flows backwards and turns pages easily!

Uncertain cause and effect, the future is unpredictable!

Not to mention the need to prove the Tao with force at a higher material level!

"Although I don't know if it's Shichibukai's average level, or because of you!"

"Crocodile! Your strength is beyond my imagination!"

Uchiha Shinta uttered nonsense and stimulated the arrogant sand crocodile in his heart. I look forward to his surprise next time!

"Those who cannot hinder my footsteps are not qualified to be killed by me!"

So, carry me on your back and leave you with knife marks, and live on in this desert!"

The sound of "creak" sounded from a distance, Nami and Robin are coming soon, Uchiha Shinta seized the time to finish!

"Maybe a hundred years later, when I pass by this island again, I can hear your descendants telling my story!"

"This should be the only value you have left!"


Nami's clear voice ended the sand crocodile's heart-pounding journey, and along with her came not only Robin, but also three striders who saw the situation was not good!

"Are you OK?"

The orange-haired girl stretched out her tender hands to caress Uchiha Shinta's body, caring about her young boss' physical condition!

"Trey hee hee hee! Isn't this the president of our baroque work club?"

Nico Robin on the side lives up to her title of Devil's Son, remembering Crocodile bad-mouthing her to her face before the battle and the constant intimidation at the workplace before!

At this moment, after Uchiha Shinta stopped talking, open the wound of the sand crocodile again and sprinkle sea salt!

"Remember you invited Captain Foer to come to Alabasta, I have successfully completed this task!"

"I just don't know why you are looking for Captain Fall? Did you achieve your goal?"

"Trey hee hee!!!"

Uchiha Shinta let her slender jade fingers massage, in order to appease the nervousness of the orange-haired girl, and arbitrarily decided to show her more big scenes in the future, so as not to make a fuss about a little thing!

067 "Robin! Gone!"

He greeted Nico Robin, who was enjoying the "Thirty Years in the River East and Thirty Years in the River West" with his hands on his chest, and Nami, who was still leaning on him with one hand, came to a chocobo, tapped his feet and flew to straddle him!

The narrow-minded beauty with blue and black eyes finally let go of the big-backed Loser, who was clasped tightly in both hands, and gracefully stepped on the steps formed by flowers and sat leaning on another chocobo!

"and many more!"

The three of them were about to start when Crocodile, who was propped on the ground, suddenly raised his head and stared at him with a hideous face!

"Bamboo sword! What was the name of the knife you hit me just now?"

The face-saving sand crocodile can't say the words to chase, and expresses in a provocative tone that he will never admit defeat!

"Oh? You want to know? Then provide services for our itinerary at the Rain Banquet in exchange! After all, it's your territory!"

Uchiha Shinta turned his head to look at him, smiled lightly and shook the reins, and rode away on the chocobo, Nico Robin followed closely behind, the juvenile noise of jade knocking echoed in the sand sea!

"That sword was specially developed for you physical monsters in the sea!"

"Use Xuanwei's sword energy to vibrate, and forcibly seize the physical strength of the hit, so as to compress the battle into a few moves!"

"As for the name, let's call it Lina!"

"Failure is, between Setsuna!"

In the empty sand sea, the proud sand crocodile rests his hands on the ground, staring at the front, and there is a silly shoal beside him, looking at his big boss!.

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