The two of them suddenly appeared, and the two of them suddenly appeared.

Chiyo's face sank slightly, and she looked at Naruto and Sasuke with a bit more solemnity.

These two people looked like children of only seven or eight years old, but they could burst out with such great power.

It was simply shocking.

Has the younger generation of Konoha grown to this point?

Just now, these two people suddenly appeared, and she didn't even feel anything.

It was as if they suddenly appeared out of thin air.

And in just a blink of an eye, they suppressed Gaara.

You know.

Most people would avoid people like Gaara, after all, he is a Jinchūriki.

But judging from the faces of these two people, they not only did not have any fear, but even had some composure.

She couldn't even see when they drew their swords.

How is it possible?

How can two little kids give people such a strong sense of oppression?

Chiyo had a bad feeling in her heart.

Gaara, who has always been arrogant, might suffer this time.

As soon as the thought came to her mind, a hint of madness appeared on Gaara's originally calm face.

In his two eyes with dark circles, he showed strong excitement.

He laughed almost crazily, and his laughter was creepy.

"Hehe... Hahaha..."


"The people of the Sand Village can't give me the pleasure of fighting at all. I didn't expect to meet them here!"

"It's not in vain this time!"

"Come on, let's have a big fight!"

Gaara looked at Naruto with a grim smile. As he got excited, more sand overflowed from the big gourd behind him and floated in the air.


Gaara roared.

He grabbed the sand of Tenten and Neji and squeezed it hard, making Neji and Tenten scream in pain.


Naruto turned his hand and swung his sword.

The sword shattered the sand.

Ningci and Tenten were saved and fell to the ground from the air.

"Ningci, Tenten, are you okay?"

Naruto looked at them and asked.


Ningci frowned and answered, his face was very bad.

Tenten coughed twice, as if he was pinched to death: "He was almost pinched to death. This guy is from the Sand Village, what is his background?"

Naruto did not answer her question.

Instead, he waved his hand and said: "You guys wait aside first, leave this to me and Sasuke."


Tenten nodded.

Ningci glanced at Naruto, and was a little worried whether Naruto was the opponent.

After all, he is the person that Hinata-sama likes. If something happens, Hinata-sama will be very sad.

"Be careful!"

Ningci said, and stepped aside with Tenten to wait.

Naruto looked back at Gaara, his eyes were solemn, and there was a hint of nostalgia in his eyes.

"Long time no see, Gaara, I didn't expect you to be so depraved at this time, it's really annoying!"

"Who are you? Why do you know my name?"

Gaara stared at Naruto, a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes.

This was his first time in Konoha.

He had never seen Konoha before.

How did this guy know his name?

"Well... it's a long story."

Naruto pondered for a moment and grinned.

Gaara was too lazy to ask more.

It was more exciting to tear the other person apart than to know the reason.

"Then don't say it, just do it!"

The voice fell.

The floating sand turned into a sharp thorn, pointing directly at Sasuke.

Although Sasuke had already crossed his Zanpakuto in front of Gaara's neck at this time, he could not stop his killing intent.

Sasuke gritted his teeth secretly.

Has this guy been so crazy since he was a child?

But thinking about it carefully, it seems to be true.

This guy hasn't been beaten by love yet, just like a rebellious child.

The spikes formed by the sand rushed at a high speed.

After a moment of hesitation, Sasuke chose to give up threatening Gaara and dodged.

At this time, Naruto saw Gaara attacking Sasuke, and immediately stepped forward to attack.

But he didn't use his real style.

He only relied on physical skills to entangle with him.

Naruto knew that Gaara's sand had independent consciousness and would automatically defend.

If it were his previous life, he might not be able to touch Gaara at this age.

But it's different now.

He has mastered many powerful physical skills.

"Hachikyo, one style: violent foot!"

Naruto's speed suddenly increased, and Chiyo, Kankuro and Temari who were watching the battle changed their expressions.

Because they couldn't see Naruto's movements

It's done!

It's too fast!

With a forward rush, Naruto instantly gathered his physical energy on his fist and rushed straight to Gaara's face.

The sand gathered quickly.

A protective shield was formed in front of Gaara.



The kinetic energy of the speed was quickly converted into the potential energy of the fist's violent hit.

A powerful force poured out.

Naruto broke the sand shield with one punch.

The terrifying power shocked Gaara and made him retreat again and again.

"How is it possible?"

Behind Gaara.

Temari was shocked and her heart "clicked".

For so long, he had never seen Gaara being repelled.

Kankuro was even more shocked, as if he had seen a ghost.

Gaara, who was almost invincible in the Sand Village in the past, was actually repelled like this?

How is this possible?

Chiyo stood behind the two men, frowning.

This was the first time she saw Gaara get beaten.

I didn't expect there was such a powerful person in Konoha Village.

And he was just a child.

He didn't even wear the Konoha forehead protector.

Who is he?

Gaara was beaten back.

A flash of shock flashed across his face.

It seemed that he didn't expect this to happen.

It was beyond his expectations.

But it also aroused his competitive spirit.

He sneered even more crazily.

His eyes were full of murderous intent when he looked at Naruto.


He shouted.

More sand overflowed from the gourd.

It was overwhelming.

It seemed to cover the entire sky.

He bared his teeth, and his expression began to become as fierce as a beast.

Naruto's eyes fixed.

Gaara was about to lose control!


Naruto shouted.

Then he jumped back.

At the same time.

Sasuke was very tacit, and took advantage of the moment when Naruto retreated.

He slid in front of Gaara.

His eyes suddenly focused.

Samsara Eye activated!

Gaara trembled all over.

Then, he fell into the illusion.

The surging chakra condensed instantly.

Gaara fainted directly in Sasuke's arms.

This was the first time Sasuke showed Samsara Eye in front of everyone in Sand Village.

The sudden change shocked the other people in Sand Village.

"What happened?"

Temari's face changed drastically.

"Asshole, what did you do to Gaara!"

Kankuro couldn't hold back and took action directly.

He controlled his puppet, the humanoid puppet "Crow" with three eyes and four arms, to attack Sasuke.

"What did you do to Gaara?"

"Crow" ejected three kunai from its mouth and shot directly at Sasuke.

At this time.

Naruto attacked.

The Sun Breathing instantly released all the energy in his body.

He rushed forward.

He swung his Zanpakutō.

The violent burning energy instantly forced Kankuro's puppet back.

"Enough! Stop it!"

Naruto pointed his sword at Kankuro and said, "Gaara is fine, he just fainted."

Sorry, I have to take care of the kids tonight, my wife is traveling, so I can only update once. I will make up for the missed update tomorrow, don't worry.

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