The written test was over.

Although many people did not know the answers to the questionnaire.

But they still passed the written test.

As for the reason, Morino Ibiki gave a very long speech.

Naruto sat in his seat, leaning his head and listening to Morino Ibiki's speech.

He was helpless.

He had heard it once in his previous life.

I didn't expect to hear it again now.

There was really no way.

He tilted his head slightly, and what came into view was a cute face that was still a little immature.

Naruto thought: What are you looking at Morino Ibiki, Hinata is still more beautiful!

Hinata noticed Naruto's gaze and glanced at him.

Under the table, she secretly pinched his thigh.

It hurt Naruto.

Hinata, you're too harsh!

I'm your husband!

Hinata's mouth corners slightly raised, smiling like a blooming flower.


Naruto noticed something.

He looked out the window.

Sure enough.

A mass of objects broke the window of the venue, shocking everyone's face.

"Swoosh" two kunai were inserted into the ceiling.

A banner was opened in front of Morino Ibiki.

"Examiner of the second exam, Mitarashi Anko, is here!"

Naruto: "..."

I knew it!

In front of the banner.

A young female ninja with purple hair, brown eyes and a well-proportioned figure appeared in front of everyone.

She raised her jade hand with a serious expression.

"I am the examiner of the second exam, Mitarashi Anko!"

"Next, let's go, the next one!"

"Follow me!"

Mitarashi Anko raised her arms and shouted.

However, everyone in the examination room was dumbfounded.

Where did this guy come from?

Morino Ibiki poked half of his head out from behind the banner, looking a little helpless.

"You guy, don't you even look at the atmosphere!"


Mitarashi Anko looked ashamed and angry.

"I always feel that this examiner is very similar to Naruto!"

Akimichi Choji narrowed his eyes and complained in a low voice.

Inuzuka Kiba nodded in agreement.

Mitarashi Anko glanced at the remaining candidates present.

Threatened to eliminate half of them in the second exam.

Hearing this.

All the candidates present were horrified.

It seems that the second round of exams will not be too easy.


The next day.

Konoha Central Square.

All the contestants who stood out from the first round of written tests gathered here in teams.

At this time, everyone looked serious and solemn.

In addition to the written test, the Chunin Exam also has a practical test.

And what they will face next is the team battle in the practical test.

It’s just that I don’t know how this team battle will be conducted.

Everyone is both nervous and expectant.

In front of everyone.

The examiner Mitarashi Anko glanced at everyone and read out the rules.

"The second test is to grab the flag. You need to attack the enemy camp while defending your own flag, that is, an offensive and defensive battle!"

"Everyone should understand, a three-on-three team battle, which means that half of the teams will be eliminated in this exam."

The voice fell.

The faces of the people below were solemn.

Sure enough, it was just as I said before, half of them would be eliminated.

Everyone prayed that the team they faced would not be too strong.

"This is the rule."

"Now, each team enters the position!"

Everyone immediately flashed to their respective team positions.

Team battle, start!

This time the team battle is broadcast live on the big screen.

Not only everyone in the inner city can see it.

Even people in the outer city can see it.

At this time, everyone stared at the picture on the big screen.

Every time the two teams win or lose, there will be cheers and shouts from the crowd.

Kakashi stood on the street, looking up at the big screen, silently.

He didn't care about the situation of other teams.

He just wanted to know how Team 7 was doing.

Tsunade sat in the office, watching the team battle with Shizune.

Every time she saw Konoha's team win, she showed a smile on her face.

"This year's kids are all good."

Shizune smiled.

Tsunade nodded.

"However, what I want to know most is the situation of Naruto and the others."

Tsunade was looking forward to it.

With Naruto's skills and experience.

It should be very easy to pass the Chunin Exam.

Tsuchikage Ohnoki and Sunagakure Chiyo were watching the team battle in different corners.

This is

A test of teamwork.

If you are not careful, you will lose everything.

However, the ninjas from Iwagakure and Sandagakure are still in an advantageous position. Their opponents are all ninjas from small countries, so they should have no problem winning.

Everyone is paying attention.

At this time, the screen cuts to Team 7 where Naruto is.

The positions of Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura are on a roof.

The bright red flag is protected by three people in the middle.

In the dark, there are two ninjas from the Land of Soup.

They approached quietly with kunai in hand.

"All three are here. Aren't they going to attack our position?"

One of the Soupagakure ninjas was startled when he saw the three of them guarding the flag at the same time.

The other Soupagakure ninja grinned slightly, with a mocking look on his face.

"A few little brats, they look like they are not even ten years old, how can they compare with us? Holding their ground is their best way!"

"Let's go, the two of us will go out together, just by the momentum we can scare them!"

"Good idea!"

After discussing the plan.

The two Yuyin ninjas immediately rushed out from the dark.

They roared and rushed in front of Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura.

They were aggressive, as if they were going to eat people.

However, the scene they imagined of the three people being scared and running away did not appear.

Instead, when they saw them, a sneer appeared on their faces.

"Just two people? You underestimate us too much!"

Naruto waved his hand disdainfully, as if he had no interest in the two Yuyin ninjas at all.

The two Yuyin ninjas immediately doubted their lives.

How could it be?

Aren't they fierce enough?

Why are they not afraid at all?

Just when they were confused,

Naruto shouted to Sasuke: "Sasuke, I leave it to you."


Sasuke nodded and stared at the two of them.

The Samsara Eye was activated!

Suddenly, the two Yuyin ninjas fell into illusion.

The kunai in their hands fell to the ground.

They held each other's hands and started dancing.

Their movements were coquettish and charming, and their bodies were charming, which was in sharp contrast to their original aggressive appearance.

Sakura was about to vomit blood.

What's wrong with her husband? Has he become so naughty after being with Naruto for a long time?

Look at the dance of these two ninjas, it's really eye-catching.

Of course.

Not only Sakura saw this scene, but also the audience in front of the big screen.

The whole people of Konoha were stunned.

What's going on?

Why did these two ninjas suddenly start dancing?

And they danced so coquettishly!

Hokage's office.

Tsunade laughed and pounded the table.

Her plump chest rose and fell.

"I am dying of laughter... I can't bear it anymore..."

She forced herself to suppress the smile in her heart, looked at the screen, and raised her hand to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"I knew these guys were not easy to deal with, but this is too funny!"

"Two strong ninjas are dancing such a strange dance in public."

"It's speechless!"

Tsunade said, still unable to stop smiling.

Shizune laughed beside her.

After a moment, she seemed to think of something and looked at Tsunade: "But, Tsunade-sama, they have only solved two people now, and there is still one. They are defending their own positions and can't capture the opponent's flag."

"If two people are solved, what's the use of the remaining one?"

Tsunade smiled lightly.

At this moment, she was full of confidence in Naruto and the other three.

On the screen.

After solving the two Yuyin ninjas, Naruto looked into the distance.

The screen switched to the opponent's formation.

To be on the safe side, even though he felt that he could completely crush the opponent, the Tangyin Ninja still left one person to guard the flag.

This person stood beside the white flag, relaxed physically and mentally.

He didn't think that his side would lose at all.

At this time, a figure quietly touched behind him.

Gently patted his shoulder.

The Tangyin Ninja looked back.

It was a yellow-haired Konoha Ninja.

He took out a kunai and was about to fight back.

At this time, countless yellow-haired Konoha Ninjas suddenly jumped out from all directions and surrounded him.

Tangyin Ninja: "..."

How could this happen?

Before he could react.

These yellow-haired Konoha Ninjas swarmed up.

They beat him up hard.

Easily took the flag.

Audience: "..."

What's going on?

Where did so many Naruto come from?

Shadow clones?

This is too much!

It was a complete gang fight!

Seeing this scene, Kakashi smiled knowingly.

He knew this guy would do something weird.

But he didn't expect it to be so simple and direct.

He actually used the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique to directly

The number of people crushed.

So despicable!

But I like it!

Hokage's office.

Tsunade was amused again and burst into laughter. She slammed her fist on the table, and the desk was almost broken by her.

Shizune looked at the screen and was speechless.

She thought of many possibilities.

She didn't expect Naruto and his team to win in this way.

It was simply jaw-dropping.

Chiyo of Sunagakure was also stunned when she saw this scene.

She had a good impression of Naruto before.

At this moment, she saw that he actually used this human wave tactic to crush the opponent.

She couldn't help but feel interesting in her heart.

The team battle decided the winner.

Naruto's team won and naturally advanced to the next exam.

The cheers and shouts in Konoha Village were endless and resounded through the sky.

And in a dark corner.

A white figure looked solemn at this time.

White Zetsu secretly observed the progress of this Chunin Exam.

Even if he saw someone perform well, he just smiled slightly and didn't care too much.

However, until he saw the performance of Naruto's team.

Sasuke's eyes deeply shocked his soul.

"Is this... Samsara Eye?"

White Zetsu's mind was shaken and he was shocked.

Unexpectedly, someone in the Uchiha clan has awakened the Samsara Eye.

But how is this possible?

Did they start studying Hashirama's cells?


This matter cannot be underestimated.

It must be reported to Obito quickly.

White Zetsu's figure sneaked into the darkness and disappeared in an instant.


The team battle is over.

Next is the individual battle.

After a night of rest.

The next day.

In the newly built arena.

Hokage Tsunade and the leaders of the major ninja villages are sitting in the judges' seats at this time, waiting for the exam to begin.

They want to appreciate the performance of the younger generation up close.

The audience seats were also full of people, and they had to be ready to cheer for their favorite players at any time.

At the same time, this individual battle will also be shown to the entire Konoha through a large screen.

Let everyone in Konoha Village see the grand occasion of the game.

At this time.

All the teams that won the second team battle gathered here.

Compared with the previous number of people, the number of people at this time has been reduced by half.

Examiner Might Guy stood in front of everyone and announced the rules of the game.

"The third exam is an individual battle, which will be conducted in a knockout format."

"There will be no battles between teammates in the first game, but if you win, battles between teammates are naturally inevitable."

"Please confirm your order of appearance."

"There are three rounds in the game, and the final will be a three-way battle between the three winners of Group A, B, and C."

A three-way battle refers to three people taking turns to fight one-on-one, and the first to win two games in a row wins.

"Are you all ready?"

Might Guy pointed to the sky with one hand, exuding youthful vitality and shouting passionately.

"Young ninja, burn yourself to your heart's content on this land."

"This is youth!!!"

"The game... begins!!"


The figures of the crowd flashed.

They all started to prepare.

In the lounge divided by teams.

Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura stared at the screen closely.

Looking forward to the first team to play against them.


The big screen on the competition field showed.

The team they were playing against was... Sand Shadow!

"It's Gaara and his team!"

Naruto was immediately filled with passion, and his fists collided.

"Now, we'll beat Gaara here!"

At the same time.

In the lounge of Sand Village.

After seeing the team they were playing against.

Temari was also surprised.

"The opponent is Naruto and his team."

"That guy named Sasuke, his eyes are not easy to deal with."

Kankuro looked solemn.

Gaara didn't care and said coldly: "Just don't look at him."

The scene of the previous encounter came back to his mind.

He gritted his teeth.

"Let's go and teach them a lesson!"

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