
Uchiha Fugaku’s body was like a kite with a broken thread, and under the attack of Senju Takuya, it instantly flew upside down.

It wasn’t until he smashed the rockery in half in the courtyard that he could not stop.


Uchiha Fugaku spurted a mouthful of bright red blood from his mouth, lying on the ground and moaning.

The kick that Takuya just had a thousand hands almost caused him to die on the spot.

“Now it’s clear, who is Lao Tzu and who is Son, right?”

Senju Takuya walked up to Uchiha Fugaku and said condescendingly.

Looking at Senju Takuya’s contemptuous eyes, Uchiha Fugaku was extremely angry in his heart.


After feeling the undisguised killing intent on Senju Takuya, Uchiha Fugaku chose to close his eyes and lie on the ground and pretend to die.


Senju Takuya snorted softly.

This weak look really does not deserve to be the head of a family.

“Thousand Island Patriarch, just accidentally shot a little heavier, you won’t have an opinion, right?”

Senju Takuya ignored Uchiha Fugaku, who was lying on the ground and pretending to be dead, but set his eyes on Uchiha Chido.

“Of course it’s okay.”

“Today’s matter is that the Uchiha family did not do well enough.”

“Another day, I will personally come to the door to apologize.”

Uchiha Qiandao laughed.

Anyway, Fugaku has already been beaten, there is no need to continue to fight Takuya Senju because of this kind of thing.

Recently, there have been some problems with the funding of the Uchiha family.

He is also counting on the ten copper mines to solve the current difficulties.

“Then I will leave.”

“In a month, I will come on time to marry Mikoto.”

Senju Takuya said lightly, then turned and left.

After he left, the smile on Uchiha Chido’s face gradually disappeared.

“Waste, how long are you going to pretend to be dead?”

Uchiha Chishima looked angrily at Uchiha Fugaku who was lying on the ground.

“Father, I… I seemed to have broken my whole body and couldn’t move. ”

Uchiha Fugaku said bitterly.

Hearing his words, Uchiha Kuroshima frowned.

Crouched down and examined it carefully.

It was found that the bones in Uchiha Fugaku’s whole body were really all broken.

This surprised Uchiha Kurishima.

He never thought that Takuya’s random blow from Senju Takuya could have such great power.

“Father, I was careless this time!”

“Next time, I will definitely not disgrace the Uchiha family.”

Uchiha Fugaku gritted his teeth.

“Forget it, you are not his opponent at all.”

“Judging from the speed and strength of Takuya Thousand Hands just now, this patriarch of the Thousand Hands clan is probably not as simple as we imagined.”

“You are not allowed to provoke him in the future!”

Uchiha Kurishima said lightly.

He is very clear about his son’s strength.

Although Fugaku had just opened the Sangou Jade Writing Wheel Eye, his strength was already much stronger than that of ordinary Shangnin.


When facing Senju Takuya, there was still no way to fight back.

It can be seen that the true strength of Senju Takuya is probably very terrifying.

“With such great strength, I chose to give up becoming a ninja…”

“I have endured it for more than ten years, and I have only become active until now.”

“The Thousand Hands Clan, I’m afraid it’s really going to rise again!”

Uchiha Kuroshima sighed.

Since Takuya Senju is now choosing a wife with such fanfare, he doesn’t mind showing his strength in front of him at all.

That means that the other party is fully prepared.

Uchiha Kurishima suddenly felt a little lucky

Himself and the Senju clan,

Maybe it can really improve the situation of the Uchiha family a lot!

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kurishima glanced at Uchiha Fugaku lying on the ground again, and his heart became displeased again.

His own son originally felt not bad, but compared to Takuya Senju, why was it so much worse?

Obviously the same age, okay!


“You just lie down here first, I’ll find someone to take you to the hospital.”

“During this time of recuperation, you will give me peace of mind to stay at home and reflect on it.”

“Your performance today is really bad!”

Uchiha Kurishima snorted softly and turned to leave.

Looking at his departing back, Uchiha Fugaku’s heart was filled with anger.

It’s all to blame Takuya Senju for that guy!

Not only snatched his favorite woman, but also made him lose such a big face in front of his father.

“Senju Takuya…”

“I will definitely not let you go!”

Uchiha Fugaku gritted his teeth and said.

A pair of scarlet three-hook jade writing wheel eyes were also rapidly turning.

The pupil power, which had stagnated after opening the three-hook jade writing wheel eye, actually began to grow secretly.

When Takuya Senju went to Uchiha to kiss, there was nothing to hide.

Plus Uchiha Kuril secretly fueled the waves.


In a short time,

The news of Takuya Senju’s proposal to the Uchiha clan spread in Konoha.

“My mother drops… This world is also too crazy, the Senju clan is actually going to marry the Uchiha clan?! ”

“I’m still a little unbelievable, with the relationship between Senju and Uchiha, Patriarch Uchiha would actually agree to Senju Takuya’s request?!”

“This is not nonsense, I heard that this time the Thousand Hands Patriarch took out ten copper mines as a dowry!”

“Obedient, ten copper mines?!”

“Good fellow, Patriarch Takuya has refreshed my world view again and used ten copper mines as a dowry, which is also too good!”

“It is worthy of being an old giant, with this background, isn’t it simple to revive a thousand hands?”

Now the streets of Konoha are full of discussions related to Takuya Senju.

Whether it is the marriage of Senju and Uchiha, or the dowry of ten copper mines…

It’s all enough to shock for a hundred years.


Not only the ordinary villagers of Konoha, but even the major ninja clans of Konoha all gasped after hearing about this.

Ten copper mines!

That’s how much money it would have to be!

A lot of ninja,

The same mind arose.

If they also marry with the Thousand Hands clan, they will definitely be able to get a lot of benefits, right?


Even the Hyuga clan, who has always been determined not to intermarry with foreign races, was thrilled by this.

Although in the end, after fierce discussions, the conservatives still made the Hyuga clan abandon the idea of marrying the Senju clan with a very small margin.


This is also enough to show how much impact Takuya Senju’s choice of wife has caused!

And for this result, Takuya Senju is naturally happy to hear about it.

In his wife-picking plan, almost all of his applicants were civilian ninjas without any background.

But now it’s different, after seeing the huge benefits received by the Uchiha clan, the various ninjas of Konoha finally couldn’t bear it, and threw olive branches to the Senju clan.

As long as Takuya Senju took this opportunity to entangle his interests with the various families of Konoha.

That in the future, when he took the lead against the rule of Sarutobi Hinata and Shimura Danzo and others….

Who is the orthodox of Konoha, it is difficult to say.


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