“You’re here too?”

Seeing Tsunade walking in with a pout, Senju Takuya smiled.


“It’s not all because of you.”

“What are these wives of yours doing around?”

“It’s not comfortable for me to eat now.”

Tsunade saw Takuya Senju’s gloating look and complained unpleasantly.

Originally, grandma was dissatisfied with her for never getting married.

Now Takuya Senju is leading his five wives over, and it’s strange that grandma doesn’t urge her.

“How can you blame me for this?”

“If you get married, Grandma Mito won’t say anything about you.”

Senju Takuya said with a smile.

Didn’t expect it,

Today, when I brought my wife to dinner, I was able to have an unexpected harvest.


“I don’t want to cheapen those stinky men.”

Tsunade sneered.

She was too clear about the virtues of those men.

The thought of the eyes of those people looking at her made Tsunade feel disgusted.

One by one,

All are womanizers.

“By the way, you beat the son of that old thing in Tuanzo to a serious injury, be careful that he secretly retaliates against you.”

“If something is wrong, you must notify me as soon as possible.”

Tsunade looked at Senju Takuya and instructed.

Although Shimura Danzo has no movement now, no one knows what he thinks in his heart.


Tsunade thought it was better to be just in case.

“Got it.”

“Sister Tsunade, you really care about me.”

Senju Takuya looked Tsunade up and down.

I have to say that Tsunade’s figure really has nothing to say.

Even after getting along for so long, every time can make his heart surging.


“What kind of eyes are you bastard?”

Tsunade tugged uncomfortably on his clothes.

“Sister Tsunade, the more I think about it, the more I feel that Uzumaki Shinna is right.”

“Fertile water does not flow into the fields of outsiders.”

“It’s better if you marry me.”

Senju Takuya chuckled.


His strength has long been different.


Face Tsunade,

He also has a certain confidence.


“You guy, even I dare to tease!”

Hearing Senju Takuya’s words, Tsunade’s face turned red, and he clenched his fists in shame and prepared to teach Senju Takuya a lesson.

But in the next second, her wrist was grabbed by Takuya Senju.



Seeing his wrist grabbed, Tsunade struggled to break free.

But what she didn’t expect was that she didn’t break away.

This took Tsunade by surprise.

Takuya Senju,

When did you get so much strength?

“Tsunade-sama, you know what?”

“Those suitors of yours in the past were all taken away by me.”

“You are the news of Lily, and I also released it.”

Senju Takuya said slowly.

In the past, he was young and had little strength.

In order to drive away the annoying flies around Tsunade, he exhausted his mind.

Among them,

Kato died during a mission before approaching Tsunade because of his intervention.


Tsunade can be said to be single in the mother-fetus.

“Well, it turns out that you guy has been messing around behind his back!”

Hearing Senju Takuya’s words, Tsunade was furious.

No wonder there was a time when others looked at her so wrong.

It turned out that this guy was the ghost.

“Sister Tsunade, I used to be young, so I could only play some small tricks.”

“But now that I’ve grown up and have strength, it’s time to tell you some of my heart.”

“In my heart, you have long been my woman, and no one can touch you except me!”

Senju Takuya said a little domineeringly.

Feeling Takuya Senju’s aggressive eyes, Tsunade’s heart flustered.

She didn’t know what was going on with her, even if it was on the edge of life and death, she had never been so flustered as she was now.

Just when Tsunade was stunned, Senju Takuya lowered his head and gently pecked Tsunade’s lips.

This one,

Tsunade was completely stunned.


Forcibly kissed?!

The first kiss was inexplicably taken away, and Tsunade wanted to beat Senju Takuya hard, but his body couldn’t use a little strength.

Looking at Takuya Senju’s familiar face, Tsunade finally forcibly broke free from Takuya Senju and turned and fled.

Looking at Tsunade’s back as he fled, Takuya Senju touched his lips and carefully recalled the feeling just now.

I have to say that Tsunade is really a stunner in the world.

“Sister Tsunade, sooner or later you will be mine.”

Senju Takuya muttered in a good mood.

He knew Tsunade too well.

In this situation today, Tsunade did not lash out at him, but chose to escape.

That was enough to show that Tsunade had enough affection for him in his heart.

As long as he works harder, it won’t be long before Tsunade becomes one of his wives.


“The meal is ready!”

Takuya Senju walked out of the kitchen with the cooked meal.

I found that the eyes of Uzumaki Mito and the others looking at themselves were all a little wrong.


“What about Tsunade?”

Senju Takuya asked pretendly.

“Then I’ll have to ask you.”

Uzumaki Jiu Shinai snickered.


Tsunade ran away in a panic, but they all saw it.

That flushed face and a coquettish look.

If nothing happened in the kitchen just now, they wouldn’t believe it.

“Little Takuya, I’m old, and Tsunade doesn’t listen to me anymore.”

“So, her life’s event, I will ask you.”

Uzumaki Mito means something.

“Eh… Don’t worry, Grandma Mito. ”

“Tsunade’s marriage is wrapped up in me.”

Senju Takuya also said cryptically.

Hearing his words, Uzumaki Mito nodded in satisfaction.

She knew her granddaughter too well.

Judging from the expression that Tsunade ran out just now, this girl probably already liked Kotakuya.

Although it was a little unexpected, she was also happy to see such a result.

“Ko Takuya, I heard that you have caused some trouble recently.”

“If there is anything you can’t deal with, be sure to tell me.”

“Although my old bone is not as good as it used to be, it is still very simple to deal with some people.”

“The most important thing for you now is to give birth to a few more big fat boys, you can’t be lazy.”

Uzumaki Mito said kindly.

Hearing her words, Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai and the others all blushed and lowered their heads.

They rather want their husbands to be lazy so that they can also take a break.

“Grandma Mito, I can solve these things myself.”

“I’m the patriarch of a thousand hands now, you can’t underestimate me.”

Senju Takuya said warmly in his heart.

He could feel the deep sense of care in Uzumaki Mito’s words.

“That’s good.”

“When people are old, they love to be verbose, let’s eat first.”

Uzumaki Mito said with a smile.

This feeling of eating with many family members has not been felt by her for a long time.

Senju is able to regain some popularity,

All this,

It’s all because of Takuya.


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