Chapter 194 【A sensible Itachi! 】

Saying goodbye to Namikaze Minato, Hyuga Bin walked home alone on the streets of Konoha.

He had left the coordinates of Flying Thunder God in Kirigakure, and he could fly over at any time, so he didn’t rush to go over and make some things right away.

He planned to rest for two days first, and think about the follow-up plan by the way.

By the way, he also wants to let the previous “Little Worm Full Moon” incident be more fermented, and to learn more about Kirigakure Terumi Mei’s support rate.

If he doesn’t need to do anything in the follow-up, Terumi Mei can become Fifth Mizukage, which is naturally the best.

If Terumi Mei’s approval rating is still close, Hyuga Bin can only continue to start from the other three competitors.

He can’t increase Terumi Mei’s approval rate, but he can continue to attack the other three, and reduce the approval rate of the three competitors, which has the same effect.

Before passing through the lively market, Hyuga Bin saw that Sarutobi Asuma, Hatake Kakashi and Uchiha Obito were “threesome”.

Three people must have a foundation.

Because of the close relationship, Sarutobi Asuma is on the left, Uchiha Obito is on the right, Hatake Kakashi is sandwiched in the middle, and the left and right are males.

Sixteen-year-old Sarutobi Asuma is in the youth rebellious period. He is not close to his father, Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, and naturally he will not follow Sarutobi Hiruzen’s arrangements.

Sarutobi Hiruzen paved the way for him, but he didn’t go. He had to rely on himself, so that Sarutobi Hiruzen had a big head.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sometimes doesn’t understand. They are all his sons. Why is the eldest son Sarutobi Shinnosuke so obedient, but the younger son Sarutobi Asuma is so rebellious.

Of course, for some reason, Sarutobi Asuma did not go to the country of fire to be the guardian of the twelve guards.

When Hyuga Bin saw Hatake Kakashi, the three also saw Hyuga Bin himself, and waved to Hyuga Bin and said hello: “Bin.”

“Asuma, Kakashi, obtu.” Hyuga Bin responded with a smile.

The three approached Hyuga Bin, Uchiha Obito smiled and asked Hyuga Bin, “We are going to eat meatballs, do you want to be together?”

Uchiha Obito regards Hyuga Bin as his best friend for life, so at the first meeting, Kakuzu can’t hide a smile.

Moreover, because of Hyuga Bin, he was full of confidence, and Sarutobi Asuma was always pressed on his mouth.

After all, he was a man who could hold on for one minute and one second in Hyuga Bin’s hands.

“Yes.” Hyuga Bin gladly accepted Uchiha Obito’s invitation.

As a foodie, he also likes meatballs as a snack.

Moreover, he is not picky about meatballs, no matter what color or milk sauce he can eat.

Like Uchiha Obito and Hatake Kakashi, they prefer three-color balls, one for each color, and three for each string.

Sarutobi Asuma prefers green sauce with milk, which is easy to cream.

A three-person line becomes a four-person line.

While walking and chatting, they came to the meatball shop. After Hyuga bin four ordered the meatballs they wanted to eat, they sat down along the long table.

“Bin, are you free for a while? I want to challenge you again.” Hatake Kakashi asked Hyuga Bin before the balls were on the table.

A few months ago, Hatake Kakashi witnessed Hyuga Bin knocking Wooden Golem into a coma and then killing Fourth Generation Ai with a single blow on the front line.

This made him understand in his heart that the gap between him and Hyuga Bin was getting bigger and bigger, and he might not even be able to surpass it for the rest of his life.

But he will not give up challenging Hyuga Bin, even if every challenge is a failure, he will continue to persevere.

In each short battle with Hyuga Bin, he was able to find shortcomings and grow.

Upon hearing Hatake Kakashi’s challenge, Sarutobi Asuma and Uchiha Obito were also eager to try.

“I’m free.” Hyuga Bin responded with a smile.

Upon hearing Hyuga Bin’s answer, Sarutobi Asuma and Uchiha Obito spoke at the same time: “Bin, I too…”

“Let’s eat the meatballs first, and then go to the training ground to practice you.” Hyuga Bin accepted all the challenges in response to the challenge.

More than an hour later, Konoha training ground.

Hyuga Bin first took three minutes to defeat Hatake Kakashi, and from his perspective pointed out the shortcomings of Hatake Kakashi in the fight against him.

Subsequently, Hyuga Bin put the same water and spent the same time defeating Sarutobi Asuma and Uchiha Obito.

The reason why Uchiha Obito and Sarutobi Asuma insisted on the same time is that they are now at a real level of strength.

Uchiha Obito has awakened Two Tomoe Sharingan, and his strength is more than twice as strong as before. It has smoothed the current gap between the “Konoha high-quality ninja” Sarutobi Asuma who has received high-end education since childhood.

In the future, if Uchiha Obito can awaken the three-goed jade, and even the higher-level Mangekyō Sharingan, Sarutobi Asuma will be far behind.

The Hokage world is a world that relies on blood.

Sharingan is the most buggy bloodline among them.

After giving a lesson to the three of Hatake Kakashi, Hyuga Bin went home to eat a family lunch made by Hyuga Ling.

Although he has only eaten meatballs not long ago, it does not prevent him from having two large bowls for lunch.

The next day, in the morning.

Hyuga Bin, who slept at home, was put to an end by Uchiha Itachi who came to the house.

“Itachi sauce, why are you here?” Seeing Uchiha Itachi who looked very well-behaved standing at the door, Hyuga Bin was still a little surprised.

One was surprised that Uchiha Itachi would come to him, and the other was surprised that Uchiha Itachi, a Uchiha Genin who had just graduated for two months, dared to come to the Hyuga clan alone.

Given the relationship between the Hyuga and Uchiha clan, Uchiha Itachi is likely to be beaten by a few Hyuga kids his age.

“Master Ben, your mother asked me to ask you to eat at home tonight.” Uchiha Itachi said honestly.

Uchiha Itachi, who is only seven or eight years old, is not yet the “filial piety” of his parents in the original book, and because Namikaze Minato is not dead, there is still a chance to correct him.

Now Uchiha Itachi is a bit calmer than kids of the same age, thinks a little more, and has a higher talent.

“Mustela, is it a special day today?” Hyuga Bin asked with a smile.

He wants to know the reason Uchiha Mikoto invited to dinner today. If it is for birthdays or other events, he would prepare gifts specifically.

Although Uchiha Mikoto has a very good personality, even if he goes empty-handed every time, Uchiha Mikoto will be very happy, but he doesn’t want to do it.

“No.” Hearing Hyuga Bin’s question, Uchiha Itachi shook his head and said honestly:

“It suddenly occurred to my mother that I hadn’t seen you for a long time, and my father is not at home tonight. She is a little bored, so I asked you to come home for a meal and chat.”

“Oh… Fugaku-senpai is not at home tonight…”

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