Chapter 237 【White Earth: Great! 】

After three bottles of shochu.

Bai Tu’s pretty face has already been painted with a touch of crimson, and his eyes are a little blurry and seductive.

Bai Tu put her hands on the table, propped her chin, tilted her head and looked at Hyuga Bin: “Bin-kun, do you think I look good?”

“Well, it looks good.” Hyuga Bin responded with a smile.

“It’s useless to look good.” Bai Tu sighed again when he heard Hyuga Bin’s answer.

Hyuga Bin knew Bai Tu’s next step of communication, but in this case, he could only cooperate and ask Bai Tu: “Why is it useless?”

“It’s just me who looks good. There is no boyfriend and no one likes it.” Bai Tu said while looking at Hyuga Bin with a faint expression in his eyes.

“Iwagakure ninja who likes Baitu-kun, even if there are not a thousand, there should be hundreds of them.” Hyuga Bin said without exaggeration.

Bai Tu has a “noble” identity, a “gentle” personality, a strong strength, a superb appearance, a perfect body, and a big Nana…

He would instinctively be moved by having multiple girlfriends.

He also has reason to believe that normal men are tempted by white soil.

Regarding the characteristics of Baitu, as some otaku who had traveled through the former world, and the boy who likes “crazy kittens”, just look at Baitu more and just click to download magnet:?xt…magnet link, sinking at night.

“They only treat me as a leader, and there is no one I like in Iwagakure.”

Bai Tu first denied Hyuga Bin’s words, and then immediately told her inner thoughts and guided Hyuga Bin to drill into the cave she had set up.

“You will always meet someone who likes each other and is suitable.” Hyuga Bin can only smile and relieve Bai Tu.

“Really? But where would that person be?” Shiroto’s eyes flicked in front of Hyuga Bin as he spoke.

Hyuga Bin was still thinking about how to respond to Bai Tu, and three options came to mind:

[Option A: Tell Bai Tu that the other party is far away and close in front of you. Completion reward: Earth Style-Earth Flow Wall (B reward). 】

[Option B: Let Bai Tu stop dreaming, even if Nana is big, she will be alone in this life. Completion reward: Dust Escape-Original World Stripping Technique (S-level reward). 】

[Option C: Tell Bai Tu that that person will appear sooner or later. Completion reward: random attribute points +0.1. 】

“Someday in the future, he will appear next to you.” Hyuga Bin answered in his own words.

[Option task completed, energy +0.1. 】

“Bin-kun, your words are too official.” Bai Tu is obviously unwilling to accept Hyuga Bin’s answer.

“I mean you will meet your happiness someday in the future, but we have no way of knowing which day it will be. Now we just have to spend every day with a happy mood.” Hyuga smiled. Let’s explain it again.

“It seems to be true.” Bai Tu gave Hyuga Bin a bitter look.

She had also guessed that Hyuga Bin understood her heart, but was running away.

Dinner is over, it is late at night.

The weather in late autumn is already a bit cold.

The cold wind in the middle of the night made my face hurt even more.

Of course, this is for ordinary people.

The physique of the ninja is far superior to ordinary people, and the “skin” is thicker than that of ordinary people, and there will be no blown skin.

Hyuga Bin led the way from the white earth, farther and farther away from the hustle and bustle of the crowd.

Although Hyuga Bin did not know the exact location of the hotel he was staying in, he knew very well that this was not the direction to return to the hotel.

He was not worried that Bai Tu would take the opportunity to send Rock Shinobi to assassinate him, so even if he was not in the direction of returning to the hotel, his surroundings were inaccessible, and he did not pierce Bai Tu.

“Da da da!”

Under the faint moonlight, Bai Tu took Hyuga Bin to a secluded place, then stopped and summoned the courage to say: “Bin-kun, I suddenly feel a bit cold, can you give me a hug?”

This sentence, although there is no such word as “I like you”, it is a confession.

In the middle of the night, a girl asks a boy to confess to a secluded place alone. Even if it has the effect of alcohol, it takes a lot of courage.

In most cases, there are only two outcomes for girls, either “breaking in love” or losing their lives.

Bai Tu’s words once again triggered Hyuga Bin’s optional task.

[Option A: Embrace the white soil and transmit body temperature to the white soil. Completion reward: Earth Style-Decapitation Technique in the heart (D-level reward). 】

[Option B: Reject Bai Tu and leave immediately. Completion rewards: Earth Style-Earth Flowing River (A-level reward). 】

[Option C: Reject white soil. Completion rewards: Earth Style-Earth Flow Wall (C-level reward). 】

Faced with options without basic attribute points, Hyuga Bin chose to answer with his own thoughts.

“Baitu-kun, I have a girlfriend, it’s not very convenient.” Hyuga-bin tactfully rejected Baitu.

He is really tempted by Bai Tu, and he also wants to confuse Bai Tu’s Danai, but he can’t be influenced by hormones, see one by one.

This is an attitude that is irresponsible to Bai Tu, to himself, and to his girlfriends.

He must face up to the true heart of himself and Bai Tu, as well as the attitude of his girlfriends.

Hearing Hyuga Bin’s words, the white earth’s eyes were slightly red, but she was still unwilling to give up: “I know, Bin-kun, I just want to borrow your warmth.”

“I’ll accompany you to go home quickly. Turn on the heater at home and it will be warm.”

Hyuga Bin smiled and changed the subject and said, “Which way is your house? Let’s go.”

Faced with Hyuga Bin’s unanswered question, Bai Tu did not pause, and directly asked Hyuga Bin:

“Bin-kun, actually… you know that? I like you about it.”

“Yeah.” Hyuga Bin responded after two seconds of silence.

“Bin-kun, what do you think of me?” Bai Tu continued to ask.

Now that the confession has been said, she will ask everything about it tonight.


Hyuga Bin was still organizing the language, and Bai Tu continued to speak out her inner thoughts:

“Bin-kun, I know you have a girlfriend, Sunagakure’s Fuying Hakura, but I don’t mind, because I want to be with you.”

“In addition to Ye Cang, there are other people, and there are more than one.” Hyuga Bin also directly told his scumbag behavior, hoping that Bai Tu can understand that he is not a good person.

However, after Hyuga Bin said this sentence, Bai Tu’s expression of contempt for him did not appear.

When Bai Tu heard this, he laughed instead: “Really? That’s great!”

Hyuga Bin: “???”

(The reason for not updating in the past four days. On the first day, the child was knocked down. The process was very noisy and angry from the hospital to the police station. It was half Yoruichi when he returned home. Fortunately, the child was okay. After the epidemic appeared, he worked overtime again. Two days. Last night the child fell ill again and didn’t sleep much all night. The child is still ill today, and it’s hard to suffer from day to day…)

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