Konoha, starting with the fusion of Gojo Satoru

Chapter 26: Desperate Mahiro and Miwa

"The spot is mine."

At this moment, a person suddenly came out from another direction and rushed towards the middle tower, shouting. The emotion expressed in his tone could be said to be quite exciting.

"No, if he arrives early, then one of our team will definitely be eliminated."

Zhenhong naturally saw that person, and also found seven people standing in front of the middle tower. He originally thought they would be the last three, but unexpectedly, Cheng Yaojin came out in the middle.

Mihe's face immediately became uglier. She knew that if someone was eliminated from their team, he would definitely be eliminated.

Kakashi's expression also changed, and he was still thinking about whether to take action and intercept the opponent.

"Do not worry."

At this time, Satoru suddenly spoke to Mahiro.

"At least in this assessment, I won't let anyone in our team drop."

I saw Satoru quickly forming seals with both hands, and then slapping the ground. A wall instantly rose in front of the man. But he, who had already tried his best to rush forward, had no time to brake even if he found the wall in front of him. He could only watch helplessly. Watching myself hit it.

"Escape, earth flow wall."

At this time, Satoru's voice came out slowly. Unlike Kakashi, Satoru's earth flow wall did not have dog heads, and some had Satoru's own handsome avatar.

"Okay, it seems that we have successfully advanced to the next assessment with a slight advantage."

The moment the man hit the earth flow wall with all his strength, he lost the ability to move. After all, an ordinary genin is still very fast when sprinting at full speed, and he is already very powerful if he can still stay awake. .

"Very good, congratulations on completing the second assessment."

At this time, Orochimaru came out of a shadow, clapped his hands and said to these genin.

Then his eyes stayed on Kakashi and Satoru for a while longer.

Among the group of genin who were tested just now, many met the giant python he channeled, but all ended in failure. Only Kakashi defeated the other party.

What attracts Orochimaru to Satoru is more of Satoru's special ability.

"The last test will begin in a week. Your instructor Jonin will tell you the location of the test. Now, disband."

As Orochimaru finished speaking, all the genin walked out one after another.

Orochimaru also walked in front of Wu at this time.

"Lord Orochimaru."

Seeing Orochimaru approaching them, Mahiro and Miwa said excitedly, after all, Orochimaru is a legendary ninja to them.

Satoru frowned.

"Hatake Satoru, I am very interested in your abilities. Are you interested in studying together?"

As he spoke, Orochimaru stretched out his long tongue and licked his lips.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in studying my abilities with Lord Orochimaru."

Satoru refused without hesitation. Before he was truly invincible, Satoru decided to stay away from Orochimaru. He was the most dangerous and difficult person to kill among the Hokages. Satoru didn't want to get involved with him so soon.

"Really? That's really a pity."

Orochimaru said with a pity in his tone.

"I just don't know if your brother Kakashi also has the same weird abilities as you."

Upon hearing this, Satoru, who was about to walk away, suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"If you dare to touch a hair of Kakashi, I will definitely kill you, Orochimaru."

Satoru said directly, he was not afraid that others would hear his words.

And for some reason, when Orochimaru heard these words, he suddenly felt a trembling feeling all over his body, as if he was about to encounter danger.

"How could I do something to harm my fellow villagers?"

However, Orochimaru soon adjusted his state and said with a smile, and he still looked like a harmless smile.

"But Wu-kun, you were really scary just now."


Satoru ignored him and turned around to leave.

Mahiro and Miwa were also a little at a loss now. They bowed respectfully to Orochimaru and closely followed Satori's pace.

"He's really an interesting kid."

Orochimaru looked at Satoru's back, the interest in his eyes becoming more and more intense.

"Satoru, how can you talk to Lord Orochimaru like that? He is the legendary Sannin."

After leaving Orochimaru, Mahiro immediately said accusingly to Satoru.

"You'd better stay away from Orochimaru in the future. He is a very dangerous person."

Satoru's face looked solemn, and there was a rare smile on his face.

"I was serious."

Then, Satoru added another sentence.

"Okay, then we will listen to Satori from now on and just stay away from Orochimaru-sama."

Miwa spoke, but then she sighed deeply.

"What's wrong?"

Both Satoru and Masahiro looked at Miwa with some confusion, wondering why they sighed suddenly when they were fine just now.

"I just feel that the hope of being promoted to Chunin is a bit slim."

At this time, Mihe's eyes seemed to be dull.

"Why? We have just passed the second assessment, so don't get discouraged so quickly, okay?"

"I don't want to, but there is no other way. Let's not talk about the two brothers Satoru and Kakashi. The remaining people are also members of the Hyuga family, and the rest are also from the Nara family and the Yamanaka family. I don’t see any hope of victory for the Akimichi family, the Inuzuka family, and the Yume family.”

After hearing Miwa's words, Mahiro's face instantly turned ugly. Satoru and Kakashi Mahiro couldn't defeat them at all. As for the other people, Mahiro felt that he had no chance of winning.

They were able to pass the second assessment, and it seemed like it was all thanks to Satoru.

"What should I do, Satoru, I feel like there is no way I can pass this exam and become a chuunin."

In response, Satoru just spread his hands and showed a helpless expression.

The first two tests mainly focused on teamwork, and Satoru could still help them, but the last test relied on his own fighting ability. At this point, Satoru had no way to help them.

Among the ten people selected, apart from the two of them, there is also a civilian. If the two of them are lucky and happen to match that civilian, they probably have a chance to win.

However, Satoru felt that the chances of the two of them matching the last civilian ninja were very small. In order to take into account the face of some families, the Third Hokage would definitely let the group of family ninjas fight the civilian ninjas, so that the family ninjas would win and not Make them lose face.

If Satoru expected it to be true, Mahiro, Miwa and the last ninja who had the great luck to advance and pass the second test would never let them meet each other in the third test.

It will definitely make them rivals with different family ninjas.

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