Konoha Super God Hyuga

Chapter 421 - White snake escapes (one more)

Chapter 421 – White snake escapes (one more)

Although the battle has ended, the “exercise” continues.

In the refuge.

“What happened outside?”

The face of the speaker was uneasy.

“Is it Oshe Maru?”

“It’s not that Oshemaru was killed by Sasuke.”

“It must be Yanyin of the Land of Earth.”

The third Ninja War was when Iwakura took the lead in launching a surprise attack on Konoha. It has only been more than ten years since the war, Konoha’s people still remember.

“It turns out that so many exercises before are to deal with today’s situation, Master Naruto is wise.”

“Cut, it sounds like it wasn’t you who complained before.”

“What am I complaining about!” He suddenly raised the pitch, attracting everyone’s attention. He murmured, “It’s not a complaint, it’s just casual talk.”

Those who are familiar with him also know that this person is not malicious. It is just a small businessman who has delayed his business because of the drill. He complained a few words, but laughed and said nothing.

The somewhat dull atmosphere suddenly eased.

At this time, students from Ninja School acted as volunteers and sent a small cup of hot water. The atmosphere became much better. More people began to speak quietly and occasionally laughed lowly.

In fact, before and after the real battle, together with the ending, it didn’t take half an hour, and the evacuation exercise continued as usual according to the scheduled plan.

Hayato and Jiraiya also came to the basement where the root teleportation was located.

Space-time art has been destroyed.

Jilaiya was the most accomplished in surgical techniques, and he studied it carefully for a while.

“It’s a gift from heaven.”

“Heaven’s gift?”

“Yes.” Jilai said, “This is Yunyin’s technique, Konoha does not. I don’t know where Danzo got it. It may be a trade or spoils, but Danzo didn’t turn it in, so he embezzled it. .”

Someone nearby knew something about the technique of sending from heaven: “I have also heard of the technique of sending from heaven. It is said that the technique of sending from heaven will cause violent friction with the air because of high-speed movement. The teleportation caused the body to split and die. So this technique is Yunyin’s space ninjutsu used to transmit matter.”

“This technique has a lot of traces of modification, and it should have been modified on the technique of Heavenly Gift.”

Jilai also sighed, this kind of modification experiment, I don’t know how many people have sacrificed their lives in vain.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

“Can you start it again?”

Hayato asked, if you start it again, you might be able to trace Danzo in reverse.

“This is a one-way start technique. You can only input a signal here, and then start it on the other side.”

Jilai also shook his head, “This old fox, Danzang, has long thought of the possibility of reverse tracking.”

“The root ninja all died on the spot. The white snake may not have used this teleportation formation to escape Konoha, so the white snake may still be hidden within Konoha.” Hayato said, “Then extend the evacuation drill time, and then… ”

At this time, Anbu hurried over.

“Master Jiraiya, especially Shinobu, Mitarai Azuki lost contact for more than fifteen minutes.”

Under normal circumstances, the team members will communicate by radio, and the silence will not exceed five minutes at the longest, otherwise an abnormal situation has occurred.

Jilaiya’s face changed abruptly, thinking of a possibility.

“No, I believe in Adzuki beans.” Hayato said, “And if Adzuki beans is going to betray Konoha, I won’t wait until now. How much of Adzuki beans’s body still has the remaining energy of the Oshe Maru, it should have been attacked by a white snake. Start the search. Are you there yet?”

The last sentence asked the Anbe ninja.

“A conservative search has been carried out in the area that Mitarai Adzuki is responsible for, and there are no results yet. Tsunade-sama said that you and Mr. Jiraiya are responsible for the task of in-depth search.”

“Oh, I see.”

With the addition of Hayato, the search becomes simple.

The red bean was found in the grass behind the Hokage Rock. He didn’t die, but fainted. Everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. But even in a coma, Adzuki’s expression was still very painful.

Jilai also checked.

“I found the bite marks of a snake on the neck and was attacked. The spirit of the red bean was eroded and was controlled by the white snake. Tsunade needed to treat it himself.”

“Why does the white snake control the red beans?”

“The white snake is just a split body of the spirit body of the Dashewan, unable to perform ninjutsu. The imprint of the Dashewan remains on the red bean, which is the best carrier for the white snake. It parasites on the red bean, then controls the red bean, performs spiritism, and then reverses the spirit. . I’m afraid that Oshe Maru is now in Longdi Cave. Damn… it’s careless.” Jilai also said, “I only knew that Danzo and Oshe Maru had close cooperation before, but I didn’t expect Danzo to plan to rescue Oshe Maru .”

“Dog jump over the wall in a hurry. Konoha no longer has a foothold for Danzo, so just smash the jar and want to use the power of Oshemaru.”

Hayato sneered, “In the end, I don’t know who will use whom to cooperate with a madman. What can I do? Forget it, Danzo can hide in the dark now and get sick. If you really dare to show your head, you must do a good job. The preparation of the head.”

It was easy to say, but Hayato knew that in fact, this time the strategic goal was not even half completed.

Thought that the most important eye of reincarnation was not successfully recovered.

As long as the Eye of Reincarnation is still in the hands of the earth, as long as time permits, there will be the next Penn.

And this time, probably bringing the soil will transplant the eye of reincarnation to yourself. Daito is the Uchiha clan, and the reincarnation eye is the eye after the evolution of the writing round eye. From this point, Daito is more suitable for the reincarnation eye than Nagato.

Uchiha Madara chose Nagato as the carrier of the reincarnation eye, largely because of the powerful vitality of the Uzumaki family, and the soil between the pillars was transplanted, which is not inferior in this regard.

Therefore, in the near future, Hayato’s combat goal will still be on Akatsuki’s body, not to give the dirt time to breathe.

Hayato went to the hospital to see the four injured. Kakashi didn’t bleed, but the most serious injury was the sequelae of overuse of Shao Lun, which had a sign of blindness.

Then there is Sakura, but Sakura herself is a medical ninja and a cultivator of Yin Seal. She is fine. Now as a patient, she is helping at Konoha Hospital instead.

Sai’s wound pierced his chest and looked miserable, but he avoided the organs and blood vessels, and he was finished after lying in the hospital for seven or eight days. Just looking at Ino’s nervousness, it is estimated that he does not want to be discharged from the hospital for a while.

With a bandage on his arm, Yamato peeled Kakashi an apple with a grimace. Obviously he is also injured, so why should he take care of others…

When Hayato was in the hospital, the horns of the evacuation drill rang through Konoha, and people walked out of the refuge in order, looking at the still blue sky and the whole Konoha, with a general feeling in their hearts and a smile from the heart.

At least cherish the current life more.

Nagato may be right about one thing, suffering and pain will make people cherish and unite, but if man-made disasters are created, wouldn’t it be pitiful and ridiculous as a human being.

[Ps] Thanks to Fuyunmengying for the 100-point reward, thank you for your support.

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