Konoha Super God Hyuga

Chapter 700 - (One more)

Chapter 700 – (One more)

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“That’s right, it’s me.” Hayato didn’t know that he had cut off his children and his grandson was famous, and said with a smile: “I am the one who is responsible for hunting you down. I temporarily entrusted the task to Shuiyue. Just from the current point of view, Shuiyue , You don’t seem to be doing very well?”

“Sorry.” Shuiyue lowered her head slightly, just in time to see the shark’s muscle rubbing against Hayato’s feet, like a sticky Coyote.

Had the ghost lamp full moon ever seen the dog-licking appearance of the shark muscle, even if he died once, he couldn’t help but lemon.

“Would you like to try again?” Hayato asked, “Although I don’t know how the process is, but since the shark muscle is in the opponent’s hands, that is to say…you are hitting one for three and you still lose?”

Shuiyue was silent.

Fragrant Phosphorus couldn’t help it, and said loudly: “Hey, I said Shuiyue, this is your business, do you want it or not? Squeak!”

Shigego said: “Sasuke is not here, it’s up to you this time.”

Shui Yue glanced at the two of them and said, “Okay, then try. Don’t blame me if you die.”

Xianglin said: “Crow’s mouth, I won’t die if you die a hundred times.”

Shuiyue said in her heart: “Even if I die a hundred times, I won’t let you die once, ugly woman.”

Ghost Lantern Full Moon is quite satisfied, feeling that my brother has found a good partner.

“We’re on it, brother!” Shui Yue said loudly.

Shigeo was the first to rush up.

He is the flesh tank of the Eagle team.

Hayato noticed that Shigego’s body was slowly absorbing the natural energy around him.

It should be Shigego who has received Jiraiya’s training and is learning how to absorb and control natural energy.

Although Shigeo in front of him cannot be directly cursed as before, he will not become a murderer.

It’s just that no matter what state Shigego is, he always uses physical attacks as the main method of attack. The only ninjutsu attack is Chakra Jet.

These moves are difficult to cause damage to the ghost lantern full moon.In the daily competition between Shigego and Shuiyue, Shigego always wins more and loses less.

Shigeo could not cause damage to Shuiyue’s hydration mystery, but in the same way, Shigeo could not break through Shigeo’s defenses. The result of the competition is usually that the water moon chakra is exhausted, or accidentally blown by Shigeo’s punch.

But Ghost Lantern Full Moon is not Shuiyue, his attack method is much stronger than Shuiyue.


Zhonggo punched Guideng Manyue with a punch.

Actually hit.

Zhonggo was a little bit incredulous, and for a moment, the ghost lamp and the full moon turned into a pool of water.

Water body!


What about the ontology?

“Under the feet.” Xianglin felt the full moon of the ghost lamp.

Shigeo’s reaction was also very quick, with both fists hammering directly on the ground.

With him as the center of gravity, a spider-web-like, shallow pit full of cracks is formed.

A lot of water gurgled from the cracks.

“He’s in the water.” Xianglin said.

But she couldn’t tell where the ghost lamp full moon was, or that the ghost lamp full moon was everywhere in the water.

After the hydration, the ghost lamp is full of the moon and merges into the water.

At this time, if Sasuke is here and sends a “unicorn”, the ghost lamp full moon will float up like a dead fish.

It’s a pity that none of the three can escape from thunder.

Shuiyue thought for a while, jumped into the puddle, and hydrated as well.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)He wanted to get into the water and grab the full moon after the hydration of the ghost lamp.

The water in the pit churned violently.

After a while, the Ghost Lamp brothers entangled and emerged from the water.

“Fragrant Phosphorus, it is now!” Shuiyue was suppressed by her brother and shouted enduring pain.

Behind Xianglin, four chains stretched out and plunged into the body of Ghost Lantern Manmoon.

King Kong blocked!

The unique sealing secret technique of the Maelstrom family can be used as a powerful attack weapon, and can also be used to create enchantments and seal tail beasts.

At this time, it is more than enough to seal the full moon of the ghost lamp.

It’s just that for Aromatic Phosphorus, it is reluctant to use this trick now.

She was panting, her face was dripping with sweat, and she was full of red after exhaustion.

“Asshole Shuiyue, my mother tried her best this time for you. I dare to yell at me in the future, my mother will kill you!”

“I know, I know…” Shui Yue said with a smile.

“It’s a bit ugly, but as a woman, there are still advantages.” Ghost Lantern Manyue whispered.

“I heard it, dead Kappa!”

Xiang Pho shrank the chain, tied the full moon of the ghost lamp into a big zongzi, and threw him away angrily, which was considered as a chance for the two brothers to speak alone.

“Shuiyue, I’m sorry, I didn’t take care of you when you grew up. You have suffered a lot outside.”

“Yeah, I suffered a lot. But looking back, it’s that way. It’s better to support it anyway than to die.”

“I know you have a dream since you were a child. You want to become the leader of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen and the leader of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.” Ghost Lantern Manyue said, “But are you sure this is your dream?”

After listening to the ghost lamp full moon, Shuiyue was silent.

In fact, Shuiyue has been at a loss recently.Is it my own dream to revive the Ninja Swordsman, or is it just to worship my brother as a genius, who inherited his dream after he died of illness.

If the revival of the Ninja Swordsman is his dream, he now…no, he should return to the fog before.

It is almost impossible to revive the Seven Ninja Swords in a place outside the mist, even if Sasuke puts aside his own affairs and helps him with all his strength.

Freed from the mist, even if you gather seven knives and find seven good knives, can you call it the “Seven Ninja Swordsmen”?

He stayed with Sasuke all the time. What was his real purpose?

Shuiyue turned her head and glanced at the fragile phosphorus.

Continue to be silent.

Ghost Lantern Manyue understood what Shuiyue meant, and said: “In the future, live according to your own ideas. Only when you live, you have more possibilities. When you die, any dream will lose its meaning.

I don’t have much time left. I want to talk about what happened after you betrayed the village. I want to hear…”


Shuiyue started from leaving the mist and wandering alone, talking about the days when he was caught by Oshemaru and staying at the northern base, and then to the days when he followed Sasuke.

Shuiyue spoke slowly, and the ghost lantern nodded from time to time during the full moon.

“You have found a good partner.” Ghost Lantern Manyue said with a smile, “The misty companions would not have such a bondage before, so cherish it.”

“Got it.”

The two brothers chatted for a while, and Ghost Lantern Manyue entrusted the scroll he was carrying to Shuiyue.

The scroll can not only seal and summon the seven ninja swords, it also records many secret techniques of the ghost lamp clan, as well as the use of the seven ninja swords.

There is not so much time on the battlefield to chirp.

Hayato felt that the time was almost up, so he used a sealing scroll to completely seal the ghost lantern full moon.

Shigego asked, “Hayato, have you seen Sasuke?”

“No, I saw Itachi.”

“Sasuke isn’t with Itachi, what will happen?” Xianglin exclaimed.

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