Konoha Super God Hyuga

Chapter 808 - 22

Chapter 808 – (2/2)

[First change, there will be no such line after the change, repeated downloads will not be deducted repeatedly] “I’m back.”

“How are you doing at school so early today?”

Sword Star’s mother, Kiko, leaned out half of her body from the kitchen and asked with a smile.

Kiko is also twenty-seven or eighteen, with soft features and always smiling.

“It’s okay, nothing special.” Jian Xing replied, “By the way, two friends came to have dinner at home today, will it be too troublesome.”

“It’s not troublesome. It’s rare to have a friend from the sword star come to the door. Mom is too happy to be too late.” Kiko said with a smile, “I just add two dishes at random, it’s not troublesome…”


You roll up your sleeves and raise your kitchen knife to prepare for a big fight. It’s hard to believe that you just “add two dishes at random”.

“Or, I’ll lay hands on you.” Jian Xing said.

“No need!” Kiko waved a small hand, “Don’t underestimate the full-time housewife.”

There is no underestimation at all. If the housewife has your combat power, 100,000 whites will be more than a dish.

A piece of cake.

The kitchen is in Kiko’s domain, and others are not allowed to point fingers, otherwise the consequences will be very serious. Once, Sword Star’s father floated, pointed Jiangshan, passionately writing, and ended up drinking stew without salt for a week.

“Thank you so hard.”

“Don’t worry about the food and leave it to me!” Ji Zi was full of energy.

“Okay, then I’ll go to the bug house and have a look.”

Jian Xing took off his sunglasses, took off his coat, unloaded his hands and feet, and came to the insect house.

The insect house, as the name suggests, is the place where the oil girls raise insects.

The oil girls feed their own chakras to feed the worms, let the worms become parasitic in their own body, and manipulate the worms. However, there are so many and different kinds of insects in the Yunv clan, so the body is so hot, how can it be stuffed?

Hard stuff?

Be careful of side leakage!

The picture is so beautiful, I dare not think…

For various reasons, the worm house came into being.

In the long years, the function of the insect house has become more and more. It is not only a place for arranging redundant insects, but also a place for cultivating and screening insects. For the oil girls who rely on insects to fight, the importance of the insect house is self-evident.

Therefore, there is usually a “no entry” warning sign outside the bug house.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)


You put a button on the street with a note beside it: “Please don’t press it!”

Nine out of ten people will want to press it down, and then there may be one who can’t restrain it and press it down.

There used to be a bear kid from the Inuzuka family who went to Sword Star’s house to play, and broke into the insect house without heeding advice. As a result, a slap-big spider jumped on his face, and the colorful poisonous hairs directly stabbed him into a pig’s head. Now the bear kid screamed “wow” when he saw the spider big in sesame.

Tsk tsk, the ninja career is so gone.

Jianxing’s exclusive bug house is about fifty square meters, with wooden shelves placed on all sides, and jars of various shapes and sizes are placed on it.

Most of the jars are ceramic, and a few are made of glass and metal. This is the worm pot, the core thing in the worm house. The bugs thrive and mutate in the pot.

In the middle of the room is a test bench, on which are placed various kinds of petri dishes, test tubes, pipettes, droppers, alcohol lamps, microscopes and other common laboratory equipment. Below the stage are cabinets and drawers, storing various notes, scrolls, and infrequently used experimental equipment.

Insect tanks are the most commonly used and most important urinary tools for the oil women. There are two common ones: breeding insect tanks and combat insect tanks. The oil female tribesmen went out with a combat insect pot with the family crest of the oil female painted on it, or the word “worm” was written on it.

Jian Xing sat on the chair, closed his eyes, in his head

Jianxing took out the [feeding diary] from the drawer, and added chakras in order according to the record. The cheering and joyous emotions passed by the bugs in the jar made him equally comfortable both physically and mentally.

At this time, the lid of a bug jar was pushed open, and a pair of razor-shaped jaws emerged first, and then a black big head. This is a big king tiger beetle with a big palm, Jianxing named it “Jiu-Jiu”.

“Tweet, it’s you every time, I don’t have any patience.”

Jian Xing did not lighten the skull of the King Tiger Beetle.


Chu Chu did not care, and made a cheerful cry. The sword star picked it out of the forest because of its peculiar cry, so it was named “Chiu Chiu”.

In the beginning, Tweet was only one or two centimeters away. After feeding Chakra, her body size skyrocketed in just one month. Now she is palm-sized and heavy.

Jian Xing’s palm is attached to the thick carapace, and slowly enters the chakra.

Chu Chuo was so comfortable that he shook his head, as if he was enjoying an authentic horse and a chicken.

After feeding and tweeting, he drove it back to the worm tank, and Jianxing continued to feed chakras into other worm tanks.

Concentrate on doing things, and time will pass very quickly.

When he heard the knock on the door, Jian Xing suddenly looked up and saw that half of the setting sun had sunk into the mountains.

it’s getting dark.

The oil girl Reiko stood at the door with a smile.

“Your father is back, get ready to eat.”


When the mother and son came to the living room, Jian Xing’s father, Yu Nv Zaoma, had already put down the worm pot. He patted the seat beside him and motioned Jian Xing to come and sit down.

The oil girl Reiko smiled and said: “You father and son have a chat, I will go to serve the food.”

Sword Star sat down.

The oil girl stove horse hugged the sword star, rubbed his hair vigorously, and said, “I heard that you had a conflict with the Uchiha kid today?”

Sword Star said: “Well, it was just a fight, and there was a teacher present.”

The oil girl said: “It’s not a private fight if there is a teacher, you won?”

Jianxing nodded, and said: “I won. Uchiha Shinsuke seems to have just awakened to write round eyes. I don’t seem to have mastered the illusion. He can’t wait to come to me to fight. Huo Dun is a good use. If you can calm down, practice it. , Maybe it’s even more difficult. Well, it’s just difficult.”

Illusion is one of the signature abilities of writing round eyes, but to be honest, ordinary illusion is almost useless for the oil girl clan. The worms are insects of swarm wisdom. Individuals have simple minds and are so simple that they are not affected by illusions. Once the host has an illusion, the worm will immediately disrupt the operation of Chakra and help dispel the illusion.

After thinking about it, Jian Xing asked: “Will it cause any trouble to the family?”

“No, Uchiha is arrogant and not stingy. Anyway, it’s a joke between children. It’s really troublesome. It is Uchiha who is embarrassed. However, you may be a little troublesome, and other Uchiha children may not be convinced. Speaking of which, Uchiha at this age is the best, so don’t be careless.”

Oil girl Zaoma touched Jianxing’s hair, “Also, you are still young, and family affairs don’t need you to worry about. Learn ninjutsu well and make more like-minded friends. Okay, let’s talk about your battles. …”

Ninja school students, even if they have the strength of Ninja, put aside those fancy things in Hu, and put it simply in a few words.

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