Konoha Super God Hyuga

Chapter 846 - (22)

Chapter 846 – (2/2)

“It’s this kind of boring attack again, the oil female sword star – that’s the way you are, and I still have expectations of you in vain, huh!”

Uchiha Kei was angry, who looked down upon him, this kind of attack with no technical content! His pupils suddenly turned scarlet, with a black gou jade on the edge.

A disagreement is to write round eyes, too irritable (`^´).

Let you see what real technology is!

Shan Gouyu turned to see the trajectory of Kuwu in his eyes, and read the movements of Jianxing, predicting his next move.

The world is so clear!

A large amount of information read in a short period of time poured in, and his head was painful like being stabbed by a needle. This made Uchiha Kei even more excited. He didn’t get rid of the flying kunai, but dazzled, passing between the two kunai, and quickly approached the sword star.

“Sure enough, I opened my eyes!” Ryosuke suddenly burst out of blue veins around his eye sockets, and observed Uchiha Kei with intensified white eyes. “The quality of Chakra has changed, and it is completely different from before. Is this Shawanyan. Sword Star… can you? Don’t be careless.”


Uchiha Kai’s fist hit Jianxing’s face severely.

The sword star floats up like a sack being thrown up. When it reaches the highest point, it gives people the illusion of stagnation in time and space, and then presses the switch, smashing to the ground like a rag.


Someone screamed…More people opened their eyes wide with incredible expressions. What a surprise… I didn’t expect that Jianxing didn’t make effective defense or evasion.

Was he hitting the illusion, or did Uchiha Kei approach that level?

The sword star lying on the corpse suddenly moved, and then there was no sound. Just when everyone thought he was back to the light, he moved again, making people look anxious, and there was an uneasy feeling of urinary urgency.

Fortunately, Jianxing didn’t mean to lie down, otherwise the audience would go to the court to whip the corpse. He slowly sat up and stood up, making no sound during the whole process. Taking off the sunglasses, there was no ripple in the black eyes, almost ruthless indifference.

The sword star in the fighting state has a very strange feeling, as if he is a precision-operated computer, running step by step, rationally like schizophrenia.

The atmosphere is cold,


Jian Xing broke off the temples of his glasses, a bit crooked, and then put them on again.

This indifference,

Covered again under the black lens.

The light and windy appearance irritated Uchiha Kei again.

——Why don’t you panic, how can you not be afraid, this is a writing wheel, I’m Uchiha!

Uchiha Kai stretched out his hand, flicked angrily, and threw out a few small black beetles.

“Do you think this little trick is useful in front of the writing wheel? Innocent, arrogant thoughts!” As he said, he stretched out his toes and crushed the dead worms. “I will crush you, just like crushing this. A few bugs.”

“Jianxing is quite calm. He used bugs to form a defensive layer on his face and took off the power of his fist.” Fukuda Ichiro sighed, this “skin” is really thick, and he can’t break it with a punch.

“Yes.” Hiroki Nakamura smiled, and did not take any stubborn words. As a Shinobu, he saw far more things than Ichiro Fukuda.

First, since Jianxing can gather such a large number of worms in advance, it shouldn’t be difficult for him to avoid it. He was hit deliberately to allow the worms to climb onto Uchiha Kei.

It’s just that Jianxing’s performance is a bit flamboyant? Such an obvious and deliberate beating is relatively stiff from the perspective of acting skills, and it is easy to cause others to be wary. What’s more, Uchiha Kai has the blessing of writing round eyes.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

Hiroki Nakamura couldn’t help thinking, whether Shinobu school would like to offer an acting class.

Second, in addition to the defense against the worms, the sword star adjusted his center of gravity. It was not so much Uchiha kicked off, but rather he fell back and fell without pain.

“It’s a pity.” Hiroki Nakamura shook his head and sighed–

Sigh that Jianxing’s good little strategy failed,

Sigh that the opponent is Uchiha who is hard to beat.

In the next scene, as expected by Hiroki Nakamura, Kei Uchiha completely suppressed the sword star.

“25%, 50%, 100%.” ​​The seemingly embarrassed Sword Star silently recorded three numbers in his heart.

If there are sand sculpture netizens, they will probably stare: Brother die, are you going to open Wushuang?

But it is not.

This is Jianxing’s assessment of the changes that Shalunyan has brought to Uchiha Kei. Turning on the writing wheel will not increase the amount of chakras, but it can greatly improve the quality of chakras. With the improvement of Chakra’s quality, Uchiha’s strength has undergone a chain reaction change.

25% is the increase in power, and 50% is the increase in speed. It does not seem to be a gorgeous figure. However, in the same level of competition, 1% of the data can sometimes change the outcome.

In the eyes of other people, Uchiha’s start-up has become concise and sharp, and every blow is full of power and rhythm, which is simply different.

The onlookers couldn’t help but feel shocked. This is the power of writing round eyes.

However, power comes at a price. 100% is the additional amount of Chakra consumed by Uchiha Kei at this time.

But-Uchiha Kei didn’t notice it.

He was immersed in a peculiar state of excitement, like a drug addict knocking on the washing powder, the expression on his face showed a distorted morbid state.

Great, these eyes!

Everything is expected.

Everything is under control.

How does it feel?


The omnipotent god!


Uchiha Kai caught a tiny gap where Jianxing’s center of gravity was unstable, and suddenly kicked out! This powerful and heavy kick kicked the sword star.


He quickly completed the seal, and he-wei-shen…

bad! Judging by experience, Class C Fire Escape! Fukuda Ichiro was shocked, C-level ninjutsu is quite dangerous for Ninja students.


Yuki Nakamura grabbed Ichiro Fukuda.

Fukuda Ichiro glared, you pull me. Why, I am saved!

Yuki Nakamura gently shook his head and motioned to Ichiro Fukuda to look at the sword star.

—— Jian Xing knelt on the ground, stretched out a hand, countless worms condensed in his hand, turned into a shield enough to protect him.


It’s a long story, but it happens only in a short moment.

Six seals are completed!

Uchiha Kai’s mouth sprayed a huge fireball, 2 meters in diameter, and rolled towards the sword star. He is hideous in his heart, defensive, depending on how you defend, even the bugs and others are burnt to ashes!

This is the signature fire escape created by Uchiha-the art of the powerful fireball, which is characterized by high difficulty, handsome action, wide range, great power, and… has never burned a famous person to death.


The fireball blasted on the black shield, making a sound that hit the heart directly.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The onlookers couldn’t help their heartbeats speeding up, and their throats became dry and astringent. Except for the two teachers, the rest were students from Ninja School. The C-level Fire Dunge was already a rare occasion.

“Sword Star!”

“It’s not going to die.”

“Uchiha Kei is too much!”

Many people began to worry about Jianxing, but Ryosuke whispered, “It’s over.”

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