After hearing Chiba’s words.

Hinata Ninji’s expression suddenly became excited.

Originally, he shouldn’t have brought it up, and even if he brought it up, Qianye was not obliged to help you.

Why should people help you?

Who are you?

Do you think you can make this request with Hinata’s brother?

What’s more, did you have a good relationship with Hinata before?

Hinata Ninji didn’t even expect Chiba to promise herself.

He just wanted to hold on to the only remaining hope in his heart to ask Qianye.

Unexpectedly, Qianye actually agreed very casually.

For a while, Hinata Ninji really didn’t know how to express the surprise in his heart.

It’s not just Hinata Ninji who is excited.

Even Hinata Hinata had a happy smile on her face.

No matter how Hyuga Hinata says it, he is also Hyuga Hinata’s own brother and Hinata’s own uncle.

If my father knew that Brother Chiba was willing to revive Uncle Hinata, he would probably be very happy, right?

After waiting for about ten minutes, Hinata Hiashi gathered a group of clansmen and asked these clansmen to leave here with Senjuma.

He returned to Hinata’s small building.

However, when he entered the room and saw Hinata Ninji and Hinata Hinata with an extremely excited look.

Hinata Hinata’s face also had a big doubt, what’s wrong with this?

“Patriarch!” Hinata Ninji said with an excited expression and a high pitch, “Chiba-sama has just agreed to my request!” ”

“Eh… What is the request? Hinata scratched her head, what is this?

Is there anything more exciting than unlocking the caged bird spell?

“Chiba-sama, promise to revive my father!!” Hinata Ninji said this, and tears of excitement remained.

“What?!!!?” When Hinata heard this, he immediately felt that this sentence was like a huge thunder, directly exploded in his ears.

A few seconds later, his eyes were also red, Hinata Hinata, his younger brother.

It can be said that it is the biggest regret in Hinata’s heart.

Even, when Hinata Hiashi found the original Hokage in Chiba’s tavern.

He had already come up with such an idea.

However, he also knew that how could he ask others for such a thing?

What’s more, it’s still Chiba!

Qianye Hikaru had previously unlocked the Bird Spell Seal in their cage.

Just such a favor, even if you give all the financial resources of the entire Hyuga family to Qianba!

Where is it so simple to unlock the caged bird spell seal?

This completely gave them a chance for the Hyuga family to be reborn!

Thinking of this, Hinata Hinata directly burst into tears.

“Boss Chiba, I… I really can’t repay it! Hinata’s body trembled, and her breathing became rapid.

“Or else! When Hanabi grows up, I will marry you in the future! ”

Hinata said heavily, and immediately waved his big hand, blocking Chiba who wanted to speak.

“Boss Chiba, I know, even if this is the case, it cannot be regarded as repaying you, but! Our Hyuga family can only do so. ”

“In the future, as long as Boss Chiba says a word, our Hyuga family will definitely go to the sword mountain and the sea of fire for you!” At all costs! ”

Hinata Hiashi’s words directly said that he was dead.

Qianye opened his mouth, and finally sighed heavily.

What a gift for nothing!

Even Meituan didn’t give it that way, did it?!

However, since the head of the Hyuga family said so.

We can’t refute people’s face, can’t we?

“Okay then, I’ll say yes.”

Qianye reluctantly agreed.

If he doesn’t agree, it is estimated that Hinata Hinata will not sleep well at night, right?

It’s not just that he can’t sleep well, but even Hinata Hinata can’t sleep, right?

So, for the sake of my Hinata Hinata, then I’ll suffer some losses!

Let me bear this affliction alone.

“Thank you Boss Chiba!” Hinata Hiashi immediately breathed a sigh of relief after Chiba agreed to come down.

Not to mention his two daughters.

A person as powerful as Qianye, and his temper is still so good.

He is also very helpful, and even Hinata Hiashi wants to marry all the single women in the entire Hyuga family to Chiba.

However, Hinata Hinata is also a little selfish.

Forget about someone else’s daughter!

How can I have my own daughter?

You can’t get married yet!

Qianye walked to the center of the hall, and then said slowly:

“I, Qianye, am definitely not a person who breaks my word.”

“Since I promised to revive Hinata, then I will definitely do what I say.”

Immediately, after Qianye finished speaking, his hands began to slowly seal up.

And the mudra are all strangely shaped.

They were all handprints that Hinata had never seen before.

And Qianye’s face began to slowly turn pale.

Of course, all this is pretended by Chiba.

Can’t you just wave your hand and revive Hinata, right?

Wouldn’t that be too casual?

And after the three of Hinata Hiashi saw Chiba’s pale face.

My heart was suddenly filled with infinite gratitude!

People Qianye is really great!

Hinata Hiashi can’t wait to marry his daughter to Chiba today.

“System, choose to summon Hinata Hinata.”

Qianye said in his mind.

“Ding! Do you summon “Hinata Hinata”? ”

“Summon.” Chiba said.

“Ding! Start summoning “Hinata Hinata”

“Ding! Summoning complete! ”

“Ding! Number of remaining summons: 2. ”

After hearing the prompt tone of the system, Qianye couldn’t help but smack his tongue.

At the same time, in front of Chiba.

Suddenly, a huge pillar of light appeared.

As the pillar of light slowly disappeared.

A figure slowly appeared in front of everyone.

This person is none other than Hinata!

Hinata Hinata also looked at everyone with a confused look at this time.

“Big brother!” Hinata exclaimed, and immediately took a few steps in the direction of Hinata.

And Hinata Hiashi burst into tears directly.

“Oudoudou!” Hinata Hiashi quickly rushed in front of Hinata Hinata, and then hugged him tightly.

“My Oudou Bean!”

After Qianye saw this scene, he couldn’t help but swallow his spit.

It is said that the Uchiha family is the family with the most brothers in the Hokage.

Why did the Hyuga family also come out this time?

Moreover, how can you see that Hinata Hinata is developing in the direction of the Senju Pillar?

Hey, hey, hey! Eldest brother! Don’t forget your high indifference setting!

Qianye couldn’t help but complain in his heart.

“Father!” Hinata Ninji also rushed to his father and said with an excited expression.

Hinata Hinata looked at Hinata Ninji a little distracted for a while, and then a pair of pupils trembled fiercely.

“Are you…”

“It’s Ningci!!!”

“Ningci! I’m dripping obediently, I’ve grown into such a big one! ”

The last sentence really amused Chiba, and at this time, Hinata Hinata also ran to Chiba’s side.

His face was full of excitement and excitement, and his eyes were full of admiration when he looked at Qianye.

Qianye grinned, since you took the initiative to send it to the door, then I am not polite!

Then, Qianye held his forehead and said a little shakily:


“No more…”

“I’m going to faint…”

Immediately, Chiba aimed in the direction, and the direction would not be wrong at 12 o’clock.

I pour –

Directly threw himself into Hinata’s arms.

Chiba: “_(:з”∠)_, fainted…”

Hinata: “o(*////▽////*)q, Chiba brother ~~”




Thanks: EvanCheng for the great monthly pass support!

Thanks: Theban Memory Great Monthly Pass support!

Thanks: 184****1962 for the great monthly pass support!

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