After Tsunade saw the smile on Chiba’s face.

She only felt a chill in her spine, and then she slowly retreated.

“Chiba, you… What do you want to do…” Tsunade coughed lightly, pretending to be bold.

“Hey!” Qianye couldn’t help but sigh, “Since you all shouted like that.” ”

“Then I have to turn what you just said into a truth! Otherwise, wouldn’t I have lost a lot? ”

“Huh??” Tsunade was stunned, and when he thought of the words he had just shouted, his face suddenly turned red.

“Chiba! You! Shameless! ”

“Thanks for the compliment.” Qianye smiled slightly.

“You! Tsunade took the silent little hand beside him, and the two fled here in an instant.

Even, the bottle of two-pot head in Qianye’s hand, she didn’t plan to ask for it.

Originally, Qianye was already very powerful, and the rogue Qianye was even more powerful!

The old lady avoided the edge for a while… Look how I go back to this game in the evening!

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the reverse operation, reward: 2000 gold coins. ”

After Qianye heard the system’s tone, a smile appeared on his face.

Okay, my anti-customer this time is very successful!

“Chiba-sama! You really are… That’s awesome! ”

On Chiba’s side, Yamato has already thrown himself into the five bodies that Chiba worships.

The grumpy Tsunade on weekdays is like a docile kitten in front of Chiba-sama.

Although, sometimes, Tsunade will also blow his hair, but after all, he still can’t get benefits from the hands of Chiba-sama!

“Hahaha, nothing.” Qianye waved his hand casually, “Captain Yamato, remember.” ”

“When it’s time for the summer festival, be sure to come to my tavern.”

“Don’t worry, Chiba-sama! I will definitely be there on time! Yamato said very seriously.

“Well, okay, you’re busy, I’m leaving.” Chiba waved his hand, then jumped and left the rooftop of the Hokage office building.

Just two minutes after he left, on the rooftop, Tsunade turned back here.


“Please clear your memories within these ten minutes!”

“If you can’t clear it, I don’t mind, help you clear it.”

Tsunade flicked his fist and looked at Yamato in front of him with a smile.

“Goo…” Yamato swallowed hard.

Then he asked with a blank look, “Naruto-sama, why are you here?” ”

“Why am I here too? Don’t I remember me patrolling near the office building…”

After Yamato finished speaking, he left the rooftop with a confused look.

Tsunade snorted softly, and immediately looked in the direction where Chiba had disappeared.

“You wait for the old lady to !!!”

“Women are very vindictive!!”

Tsunade stomped his foot indignantly before leaving the place.

At this time, Chiba was also wandering through the streets of Konoha.

Before you know it, you have come to a small forest.

At this time, there seemed to be some movement in the grove…

Qianye swallowed his spit, and faintly seemed to hear the sound of “hey ha”.

After walking over, Chiba saw the sign at the entrance of the forest.

“Eighth Cultivation Ground.”

After Qianye saw the brand, the expression on his face was slightly disappointed.

After walking over, Qianye saw two figures practicing against each other.

“Akamaru! Let’s go together! ”

Inuzuka said loudly to Akamaru beside him.

“Wang!” Akamaru also responded quickly.

“Orc doppelganger!” Inuzuka has both hands imprinted.

Akamaru on the side suddenly turned into Inuzuka Ya.

Qianye also happened to be in time for this scene.

Is it coming?

Can you see Inuzuka use that trick?

Is that the move that starts with Hokage and goes all the way to the end of Hokage?

“Tooth to tooth !!!”

Soon, Inuzuka and Akamaru began to spin wildly.

In the end, two spinning attacks were formed, and then quickly rushed towards Shino the oil girl in the distance.

“Occult! Parasites! “Shino the oil girl will not stand stupidly in place.

Instead, his hands began to release a large number of parasites and began to fight!

For a time, the two people fought and it was difficult to separate.

“Boss Chiba?!”

Under the big tree on one side, Sunset Hong suddenly exclaimed.

Then went to Chiba.

“Teacher Hong.” Qianye smiled slightly, waiting until Sunset Hong came to him.

Qianye said in surprise: “Long time no see, Teacher Hong feels as if he has become beautiful again!” ”

“Yes… yes…” Sunset Red blushed and whispered.

“That’s of course, becoming beautiful is becoming beautiful, I never lie.” Qianye said extremely seriously.

“Hmm…” Sunset Hong only felt that her head was a little confused for a while.

I just wanted to find Qianye, but I forgot about it.

The battle in the distance also slowly came down, and after all, it was Shino who won the oil.

“Shino! Don’t get proud too early, sooner or later I will let you lose on top of my teeth! ”

Inuzuka did not lose heart, patted the dust on his body, and stood up.

As for the oil girl, Shino is still so taciturn.

And Inuzuka has long been accustomed to this.

“Red sensei, Inuzuka tooth, oil girl Shino.”

Chiba smiled and walked up to Inuzuka and the two of them together.

“There are still a few days before the summer festival, and there will be a feast in my tavern.”

“This is an invitation.”

After speaking, Qianye sent each of the three invitations in his hand to them.

“Hehe, Boss Chiba, I will definitely go back then.” Inuzuka smiled.

“Actually, I have long heard Teacher Hong say about Boss Chiba, your tavern.”

On the side, Sunset Hong tilted her head slightly, not letting Qianye see her somewhat flushed cheeks.

“Hahaha! Teacher Hong, in fact, I feel that the boss of Chiba is so handsome, and he is also the big boss who runs a tavern. ”

“It’s better to… Teacher Hong and Boss Chiba are together! Inuzuka laughed.

Seeing this, Qianye was stunned all of a sudden, flower rubbing! Is Inuzuka such a kid so good?

How did I not see it before?!

This is the real assist teammate!

“Teeth!” Sunset Hong glared at her disciple.

“Hehe, hey, what, Shino and I will go first.”

“Teacher Hong, today’s training is over here!”

After Inuzuka finished speaking, he pulled Shino the oil girl who had been silent beside him.

“What are you pulling me for… Spread out, I can go by myself…”

The two of them walked farther and farther, and from time to time they could hear the somewhat complaining voice of the oil girl Shino.

At this time, among the eighth cultivation field, only Qianye and Sunset Red remained.

“Boss Chiba, just… My disciple is speechless, please don’t go to your heart…” Sunset Hong explained in a low voice.

“What if you can already go to your heart?” Qianye tilted his head, looked at Sunset Red, and grinned.

“Huh?” Sunset Hong raised her head, and her big eyes were full of different emotions.

“Let’s go, the task of today’s training is also completed.” Qianye smiled slightly, “I’ll send you home.” ”

“Hmm…” Sunset nodded and answered.

Immediately, Sunset Hong took Qianye and walked in the direction of his home.

And at this time, her heart was in turmoil.

Take a stranger home… This is the first time…

For a while, Sunset Hong was also a little helpless.

It would have taken only half an hour to travel, but she grinded it to an hour.

By the time I got home, it was already dark.


Just when Xi Rihong didn’t know what to do, Qianye’s stomach on the side suddenly “grumbled”.

Qianye couldn’t help but scratch his head, “Aha, what is that, I didn’t eat much at noon…”

After seeing Qianye’s appearance, Sunset Hong immediately laughed.

“That… Stay at my house for dinner tonight!” ”

“Exactly, let you taste my craft~!”

Qianye quickly straightened up, “How can that work?” It’s so dark, how embarrassing is that? ”

“By the way, this apartment, right?”

Sunset Red: “emmm… Yes…”


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