“Boss Chiba, when do we leave then?”

Zi Lai also came to Qianye and asked with a smile.

“Then tomorrow morning.” Qianye smiled slightly.

“Tomorrow morning at eight o’clock, gather at the gate of Konoha Village.”

“Okay!” Jiraiya nodded quickly, and then fled directly from here.

If he doesn’t leave here again, it is estimated that he will be tied here by the Thousand Hand Pillar.

“Boss Chiba, I know my granddaughter’s temper.” After seeing the fleeing Jiraiya, he couldn’t help but scratch his head.

Then he returned to Qianye’s side and began to chatter.

“If you really hand over Konoha Village to her to manage, I’m afraid it really won’t take a year.”

“Konoha Village is about to give it away!”

Qianye shrugged his shoulders helplessly and patted the Thousand Hand Pillar.

“Why are you so unconfident in your granddaughter?”

You know, the village of Konoha in the original book is also well managed by Tsunade.

Not much happened! At most, it is because of the matter of a bag of rice.

Then he had a fight with Payne, and finally Penn flattened Konoha with a big move.

Other than that, there is basically no big mess.

“It’s because of my granddaughter that I’m worried.” Thousand Hand Pillar smiled bitterly.

“It’s okay, don’t worry.” Qianye smiled helplessly.

“Your granddaughter is actually not as bad as you say.”

“I hope so…” sighed the Thousand Hand Pillars.

At this time, the Thousand Hands Pillar suddenly appeared beside the Thousand Hands Pillar.

He narrowed his eyes and asked, “Boss, there is something I want to inquire about.” ”

“What’s going on?” Chiba nodded.

“Is Tsunade still single?” Senjuma asked casually.

“Yes.” Qianye thought about it and nodded.

Qianshou nodded meaningfully, and then slapped his eldest brother’s shoulder.

“Big brother, this matter is naturally determined in Boss Qianye’s heart!”

“We just need to be responsible for support! Other things, the boss has in mind. ”

Thousand Hand Pillar scratched his head, and had to do so.

Qianye didn’t care about anything.

I just informed myself that during this time when I was not in the tavern, I paid attention to all aspects.

And he began to prepare for tomorrow’s journey.



The next day, early in the morning.

At the gate of Konoha Village, Chiba and Shiro slowly appeared in Jiraiya’s line of sight.

“Boss Chiba.” Zi Lai also walked up to the two of them, smiling and saying hello.

“Hmm.” Qianye smiled, and then tilted his head to look at Shiro beside him.

I remembered the scene of the morning again.

Suddenly, a smile rose slightly at the corner of his mouth.

And at this time, Bai, her head is also dizzy.

Because when Boss Chiba found her in the morning.

Words spoken in her ear.

“The journey is far away, I’m going to bring a maid to warm my bed.”

When he thought of this, Bai’s face suddenly turned extremely red.

“Okay, let’s go.” Qianye said to Jiraiya.

“Okay.” Jiraiya nodded.

Immediately, the search for Tsunade begins.

After walking for an hour.

The three of Chiba had already left the forest area outside Konoha Village.

Came to a big road.

“Tsunade, this guy, likes to wander around the small villages and markets nearby.”

“So, in two weeks at most, you can find her.”

“If you’re lucky, you might find it in a week.”

Zi Lai also said to Chiba.

“It’s okay, there’s no hurry.” Qianye nodded, “We have time.” ”

Tsunade was just that, Chiba also knew where she was at this time period.

So, along the way, I really came to sightseeing.

As for the white!

That’s naturally going to be with you.

Wouldn’t it be beautiful to ridicule Bai every day and enjoy the surrounding scenery?

Five minutes later, on the road.

Three figures appeared on the road.

“Hey! What are you two doing here? ”

“Don’t worry, I won’t mess around, I just want to follow and see.”

Senju Juma looked at Senju and Uchiha who were blocking in front of him, and suddenly said helplessly.

“You want to come out and play alone? And then don’t take me yet? Uchiha hugged his arms and stared at the Senjuku pillar with burning eyes.

“No, Ah Ban, I’m stalking Boss Chiba! If the boss finds out. ”

“What kind of punishment may you receive!” Qianshou Zhujian said seriously.

“So, Abara, go back to the two of you.”

“Fart! You just want to come out and play! The corners of Uchiha’s mouth tugged slightly, “I don’t care, how boring am I in the tavern alone?” ”

“There are still three missing one in mahjong!”

“Kuruma.” The Thousand Hands Pillar looked at the Senju Kuruma in front of him.

“I’m just passing through.” A thousand hands look up at the sky at a forty-five-degree angle.

In the end, the three decided to track Chiba together…

This is the moment.

Among the taverns.

Uchiha Senna was forced to take over the financial position for the month.

In the back kitchen, there is only one person who is busy.

At this time, Asura and Indra came from the hot pot restaurant next door.

“Izuna, where is your brother?”

“And, what about them between the pillars?”

After Indra and Asura looked around, they immediately asked curiously.

“They have something to do, go out for a while.” Uchiha Senna’s face showed an embarrassed look.

“Oh.” The Indra brothers didn’t think much about it, and asked casually:

“How soon will I be back?”

“It could be … A month…,” Uchiha Senna whispered.

Asura: “??? ”

Indra: “??? ”

【Tavern Chat Group】

Asuras: “@ between the pillars of a thousand hands, between the pillars, where are you resting?” Izumi said the three of you go out for a month? Where is this going to go? ”

Then, there was a minute of silence.

At this time, Qianye, who was walking leisurely in the road, was also stunned.

Looking at the prompt information in front of him, he shook his head and smiled.

What an asura asuras!

This sentence directly sold all four of them!

【Tavern Chat Group】

Asura: “@Thousand Hands Pillar, @Thousand Hands Pillar, @Thousand Hands Pillar, @Uchiha Madara, Man pinch?” ”

Uchiha: “I’ll set you monkey’s!” Why am I going to strangle you!!! ”

Thousand Hand Pillars: “Count me in.” ”

Senju: “Count me in.” ”

Asura: “Huh? What’s wrong with me? ”

At this time, Asura looked confused!

Didn’t you just ask the question in your heart?

All of a sudden! Asura seems to have thought of something!

Asura: “Oh!!! ”

Asura: “I see!” ”

Asura: “The three of you are trying to track Boss Chiba, right?!” ”

Uchiha: “??? ”

Between the Thousand Hand Pillars: “??? ”

Senjukuma: “??? ”

Uchiha: “Shura, you remember, when we slowly type the question mark, it does not mean that we have a problem, but that you have a problem!” ”

Asura: “Forehead (⊙o⊙)…”

Asura: “So it’s this!” Then I don’t tell our boss no. ”

Everyone slowly put a question mark again?


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