In the market town, Senjukuma and Uchiha Madara and Senjuma have a million cash in their hands.

After this has money, it is natural to eat and drink.

The three of them ate and drank nonsense, and then went shopping and playing.

It was played until the second half of the night, spending nearly 200,000 yuan, and the third brother stopped.

If there were people who knew the three of them here, it was estimated that they would be directly shocked and faint.

Because, this kind of scene could not appear on the three of them at all!

But! That’s how weird it happened!

Meanwhile, in a forest near the market town.

The two figures were rushing towards Konoha.

“Wait a minute.”

Suddenly, the figure in front of him paused.

Suddenly turning around, a pair of three-hook jade writing wheel eyes slowly turned.

“What’s wrong, Mr. Itachi.”

Behind him, the dried persimmon ghost mackerel slowly landed on the tree trunk, looking at the Uchiha weasel in front of him.

“That direction … There seems to be something…”

Uchiha’s gaze slowly looked at the small market town in the distance, and he seemed to sense a wisp of breath just now.

However, the next second it disappeared.

“What is it?” The right hand of the dried persimmon ghost mackerel has already been held on the handle of the large knife behind him.

“Can’t sense it… Maybe it’s an illusion…” Uchiha frowned, eventually shaking his head.

“Mr. Itachi, let’s keep going.” The dried persimmon ghost mackerel glanced at Uchiha and immediately said:

“Don’t forget the task that Lord Chief has set us.”

“Hmm.” Uchiha nodded, and followed.

The two of them once again rushed forward, targeting Konoha Village!

Meanwhile, in a hotel above the market town.

Uchiha stood in front of the window, and the kaleidoscopic chakra in his eyes flashed away.

“What’s wrong, Madara? Not sleeping yet? ”

Behind him, Senjukuma walked to the window, looking at Uchiha who was looking up at the sky, and he asked softly.

“I’ll give you a knife!”

After Uchiha heard the words of the Senjuju Pillar, he only felt that the sweat hairs on his body stood up.

In the next second, he quickly turned around and cursed angrily: “How many times has Master told you!” ”

“Don’t stand behind me!!!”

“Ah Ban, don’t be so angry!” The Thousand Hand Pillar looked at the thunderous Uchiha in front of him and smiled.

“I’m special…” Uchiha rolled his eyes, “Okay, let’s not mess with you.” ”

“Speaking of business, did you just discover anything?”

“Found what?” Senjukuma scratched his head, he had just kept his heart on Uchiha Madara.

Other things, he really didn’t pay much attention to.

“…,” Uchiha was speechless and said, “Just now I sensed two chakra fluctuations that were quite passable. ”

“It was about five kilometers to the southeast, but the two chakras only stopped for a minute and left.”

“And the direction of those two chakras, if nothing else, should be the direction of Konoha Village.”

Uchiha raised his eyebrows and stared obliquely at the Senjukuma beside him.

“Groove! Is this worth it?! Wouldn’t it be two more who wanted to destroy Konoha? The Thousand Hand Pillar was slightly stunned.

“Who knows.” Uchiha shrugged his shoulders.

“That’s not okay! No, we have to find Boss Chiba quickly!” The Thousand Hand Pillar said hurriedly.

“Hurry up!” Uchiha grinned, “Aren’t you sleepy?” ”

“It’s time to sleep! And also! Can’t you just send it to your boss via group chat? ”

“I doubt now, how did you get into Hokage’s position with this IQ?”

The face between the thousand hand pillars immediately became aggrieved, stretched out two fingers, and lightly clicked.

He also muttered in his mouth: “I seem to have read in the book that falling in love will make people’s IQ negative…”

“wdnmd! What books do you read? The muscles in Uchiha’s face twitched violently.

“It seems to be called ‘How to Go Further in a Relationship with a Good Friend’.” Thousand Hand Pillar thought back and said.

“Climb !!! for Grandpa”


Next door, Senju really couldn’t listen.

A flying thunder god appeared directly at the side of the thousand hand pillars.

Then Mari took the Thousand Hand Pillar and directly used a Flying Thunder God to send him to his own bedroom.

The world suddenly went quiet.



The next day, early in the morning.

Chiba was lying leisurely on the sofa.

And behind him, there is Shizune, and Shizune is pinching Chiba’s shoulder.

After all, Qianye said, if only he could serve well during this period of time.

Maybe the 500,000 taels don’t have to be returned.

There is no way, in order to change the silence of money, you can only choose to succumb to the oppression of Qianye.

Still, Shizune is a medical ninja after all.

I still know the acupuncture points above the human body.

At this time, there was also a trace of Chakra on the silent fingers.

When her chakra touched Chiba’s body.

Suddenly, Shizune’s entire body trembled.

A pair of eyes were filled with disbelief.

“Well… What a strong Chakra! ”

Silent exclaimed.

The corners of Qianye’s mouth raised slightly, and said, “What’s wrong?” Why don’t you press it, continue. ”

“Yes…” Shizune swallowed, her voice full of horror.

Who is this person in front of you?

The Chakra contained in his body can be called terrifying to the extreme!

If you compare it to Tsunade-sama, it’s a drop of water compared to a lake!

For a while, Shizune became a little trembling.

With such a terrifying Chakra reserve, then his strength is also extremely strong.

If he doesn’t get happy…

Qianye closed his eyes and planned to squint.

“Dingdong~Someone in the chat group Aite you~”

Suddenly, a prompt popped up in my mind.

Qianye was helpless, so he had to sit up.

【Tavern Chat Group】

Uchiha spot: “@Chiba, boss, last night I found two not weak breaths, the target should be Konoha Village.” ”

Chiba: “Okay, I received it, and you guys come to me, I found Tsunade.” ”

Thousand Hand Pillars: “Wuhu! So fast! Worthy of being our boss! ”

“Okay, you all grab my hand, boss, my trait is still on you, right?” ”

Chiba: “Well, in a few seconds, you’re casting the Flying Thunder God.” ”

Senju: “Good.” ”

Then, Qianye stood up and took out a handful of pitch-black kunai from his system backpack.

And this scene frightened Shizune, but she didn’t cry out, because she knew that if the man in front of her wanted to kill herself.

Even if you call it yourself, it is useless.

Qianye tilted his head, looking at the mute who was a little shivering, and couldn’t help but smile.


“You changed this silence to vibration?”




Thanks: 60****562 for the great monthly pass support!!!

Thanks: Gone with the wind. Firefly. Great monthly pass support!!!

Thanks: honghong1988 big 588 VIP point tip!!!

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