In the market town of Short Book Street.

It was getting dark.

At this time, in a cold and dark palace.

Orochimaru lay quietly on the bed.

The burning sensation from his hands made him almost collapse.

This palace has not been inhabited for half a year.

And the big snake pill didn’t want to attract people’s ears, so he settled in this uninhabited palace.

“Lord Orochimaru.”

The medicine master carried a bowl of medicine in his pocket, and then came to the edge of the big snake pill’s bed.

“My lord, get up and drink the medicine.” The pharmacist bent down and prepared to start feeding.

“I don’t drink this!” The big snake pill rose up in anger and directly hit the bowl in the medicine master’s hand.

“Lord Orochimaru, for the sake of your body, you must drink it.” The medicine master was not angry and pushed his glasses.

He stood up, “I’ll give you a fresh bowl.” ”

After that, he left the room.

Just two minutes after the medicine man left.

On the roof, there are three squatting figures.

“Are you all clear about the plan I just mentioned?” Qianye narrowed his eyes and smiled.

“Don’t worry.” A wicked smile also appeared on the face of the thousand hand pillars, “Scare people or something, our brothers are the best!” ”

“Well, everything went according to plan!” Qianye waved his hand, and the next second, his figure suddenly disappeared.

At this time, two people between the Thousand Hands Pillar and the Thousand Hands stood up, and the two people laughed viciously.

Scare the big snake pill or something, they are really interested.

The last time I was on the roof of the Chūnin Exam Observatory in Konoha Village, it wasn’t very enjoyable!

At this time, in the middle of the room, Orochimaru leaned against the wall, panting with difficulty.

It’s almost out of breath.

The burning sensation in his hands, coupled with the feeling that a corner of his soul was missing.

This brought the big snake pill close to collapse.


Suddenly, the room where Orochimaru was sitting began to shake.

Then, above the ground of the house in front of him.

The two coffins rumbled up.

There were two more coffins in the room for no reason!

Just ask if you are afraid?

The big snake pill is really not very afraid.

No matter what, people also played with coffins before.

Not only that, for coffins, people have also studied it.

“What the hell is going on here…”

Orochimaru’s gaze stared at the two strange coffins in front of him.

The coffin on the left is depicted with a huge “first” character.

The coffin on the right has the word “two” engraved on it.

At first glance, this scene immediately made the big snake pill feel a very familiar feeling.

Isn’t this the case summoned by the art of rebirth of dirt?

The art of soil rebirth?!!

I didn’t do it!!!

For a while, Orochimaru’s eyes stared at the two coffins in front of him.

The lids of the two coffins slowly opened.

Then it fell heavily on the floor of the room!



Orochimaru’s eyes stared dead in front of him.

Immediately, his pupils shrank fiercely!

The voices all became sharper.

“The original Hokage?!”

“Second Hokage ?!!”

That’s right!

Among the two coffins, it is the first Hokage Senjuju and the second Hokage Senjutsu.

As for how they unearthed the coffin.

That was naturally because it was made of wood between the thousand hand pillars.

“Orochimaru, we have come to take your life!”

The Thousand Hand Pillar took a step forward, and his body posture was extremely strange!

The mouth also makes a “ho-ho” sound.


“This can’t be!”

“I’ve already unlocked the art of rebirth of dirt!”

“What the hell is going on here?!”

The big snake pill’s face instantly turned pale.

With his current physical state, let alone resist.

Even if you escape, it will cost you a lot.

“I invented the art of soil rebirth.”

“So, naturally, I could reverse it.”

“Then borrow the life of the spellcaster in exchange for the revival of the reincarnated.”

Senju twisted his neck and walked out of the coffin.

Looking at the big snake pill on the bed, Senjuma explained seriously.

“What? There is actually this kind of operation…” The big snake pill’s whole person looked at the thousand hands in horror.

“Nope! No way! I have been studying the art of soil rebirth for more than ten years! ”

“It’s impossible to have that ability! No way! No way!!! ”

“Orochimaru! Take your life! The two people between the Thousand Hand Pillar and the Thousand Hand Pillar slowly walked towards the big snake pill.

According to the method that Chiba had given to the two of them personally.

Left hand six, right hand seven, left foot draw circle, right foot kick.

The two people walked slowly towards the big snake pill in this strange and terrifying way.



“This can’t be!!”

“This must be an illusion!!!”

The spirit of the big snake pill really collapsed.

The body could not move, and even the pain in the hands disappeared.

In his terrified gaze, the Thousand Hand Pillar and the Thousand Hand Pillar were already deceiving him!

“You guys! Don’t come here!!! ”

The big snake pill collapsed.

Collapsed again.

The mental shock directly made him pass out…

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for sending employees to complete the mission of intimidating Orochimaru. ”

“Ding! Reward: 100,000 coins. ”

“Ding! Host current coin balance: 192,000 coins. ”

Qianye smacked his tongue, is this big snake pill so scared?


There were two sounds of breaking wind in my ears.

Subsequently, the two people between the Thousand Hands Pillar and the Thousand Hands Pillar came to Chiba’s side.

“Boss, complete the task.”

As soon as the Thousand Hand Pillar thought of the big snake pill who was frightened and fainted, a smile appeared on his face.

“That kid was stunned.”

“That’s good.” Qianye nodded.



The three men quickly left the place.

At this time, the medicine master had just finished brewing the new medicine.

Then he walked out of the basement and returned to Orochimaru’s room.


“How come there are two coffins …”

The medicine master swept his eyes and suddenly found two coffins at the head of the big snake pill’s bed.

Immediately, he quickly came to the edge of the coffin.

I also saw the words “first” and “two” on the coffin.

“Could it be… Did Lord Orochimaru forcibly perform the Dirt Rebirth Technique? ”

“It’s really nonsense…” the medicine master made sure that there was no one else around.

Only then couldn’t help but shake his head.

Carrying the medicine, the medicine master walked to the edge of the big snake pill’s bed.

“Lord Orochimaru, get up and drink the medicine.”




“Phew!” The big snake pill woke up directly.

In the dream just now, he was still being grabbed by a hand by the brothers between the Thousand Hands Pillar and the Thousand Hands Pillar, and he was completely unable to move.

That dream was so terrible!

This can be described as sitting up in a dying illness! Two coffins stand in front of the bed!

“Is it…”

“Wasn’t it a dream just now?”

“It’s true?!!

Orochimaru muttered, his eyes blank.

“Orochimaru-sama, what are you talking about?” The medicine man scratched his head.

He immediately said, “Drink the medicine quickly.” ”

The big snake pill trembled and drank the medicine that the medicine master had brewed.

Then he shrieked: “Pocket, leave the short book street!” ”

“Here… Ghosts! ”

Medicine Master’s Pocket: “??? ”

Orochimaru: “There really are ghosts!” You believe me! (⊙﹏⊙)! ”

Medicine Master: “Okay, Lord Snake Pill, we’ll go on our way after drinking!” ”

Orochimaru: “Hmm! ”


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