Chapter 66: Holding Back to the Extreme! Surrender? All prisoners! Brothers meet.

A sense of death crisis enveloped my heart.


“Is that the legendary Susano?”

Konoha’s ninjas were shocked!

Good risk!

The fourth generation of Thunder Shadow is undecided.

If it weren’t for his timely reaction, he would definitely be dead now.

Susano’s speed was too fast, and when he dodged, Susano’s blade was already approaching, or he was full speed, so he dodged.

But around this, he was still scratched by the blade on his left hand, and blood dripped down the broken fingertips, dripping on the ground.

“Damn it…!”

The fourth generation of Lei Ying gritted his teeth, he could not have imagined that this guy would actually have such a powerful power. Susano’s attack is too terrifying!

“You’re not slow!”

Uchiha grinned.

He knew Susa’s speed.

Don’t look at the complete Susa is huge, but the speed is not slow. At least, Tatsumi could be sure.

If he faced the little old man of the ape flying sun and faced Susa of this level, he would most likely not be able to dodge.

The fourth generation of Thunder Shadow gritted his teeth, and Thunder Shadow stimulated his own cells, constantly increasing his movement speed to dodge Susa’s attacks. However, his gaze still caught a glimpse of Uchiha Chen, who was calm and calm above Susa, and anger surged in his heart.

“Mess with it… The old man is a thunder shadow! It was really abominable to be forced like this by a thirteen-year-old boy! ”

The more the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow thought about it, the more he held back, for so many years, he had never encountered such a tricky enemy as in front of him.

Not only is the strength, agility, and speed far beyond ordinary people, but even the ninja method is so powerful!

“Susa Chop!”

He didn’t dare to resist at all, and directly used the teleportation technique and dodged away.


Susano’s blade fell to the ground.

On the ground, a deep ravine was left.

The earth shook, the earth splashed everywhere, and a deep ravine appeared on the ground.

“What a destructive power!”

Looking at the ravine that was cut out by Susano, the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow gasped, fortunately he did not hard connect. The fist-to-flesh battle certainly makes the fourth generation of Lei Ying happy, but it does not mean that he wants to die! This knife is powerful enough to cut a mountain.

You can see its power.

He wouldn’t be stupid enough to carry it with his flesh.

Susano’s right hand held the handle of the knife again, and the tip of the knife was aimed at the fourth generation of thunder shadows, and a silver-white blade radiance shot towards the fourth generation of thunder shadows.

“Damn it! Again! ”

The fourth generation of thunder shadows hurriedly dodged.

With a muffled sound, the knife fell to the ground. The dust cleared.


The fourth generation of Thunder Shadow gasped and stood up, and the stab just now once again caused him a slight injury in his chest. Although he dodged Susano’s sword, he was not happy.

He knew very well that Uchiha would not give him any respite.

“Huh! Then you run! I’ll see if they can run! ”

Tatsumi sneered, and Susanoo attacked again.

Susanoo raised his arms and slashed again.

However, this time, the target is not the fourth generation of thunder shadows, but Yunyin, who has not completely escaped in the distance.

“You dare!”

The fourth generation of Lei Ying was shocked, and his eyes were round.

Susano’s slash could not even be dealt with by him. How could they possibly escape those clouds!

The fourth generation of Lei Ying shouted loudly and hurriedly turned around. Unfortunately, it’s too late!


With a swing of the knife, the ground exploded.

The sword qi was rampant, the power was like the destruction of the world, and the earth rumbled. In the huge smoke, a bottomless canyon appeared on the earth.

Many ninjas in Yunyin screamed one after another, and some could not dodge, and were directly blocked and split in half.

Taking advantage of the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow to be stunned, Susanoo once again raised his left fist and smashed down against the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow!

“Not good!”

The face of the fourth generation of Lei Ying changed suddenly, and the soles of his feet were forceful, and he jumped back sharply.


Susano’s left fist smashed heavily on the original location of the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow.

Suddenly, the entire earth trembled, and a huge crack appeared.


The fourth generation of Lei Ying breathed a sigh of relief. It was really hanging just now!

If he hadn’t dodged just now, he would definitely die and become the kind of meatloaf. Moreover, he will also implicate Yunyin Village.

Once he is killed, Yunyin’s spiritual pillar will also disappear with it.

The fourth generation of Thunder Shadow hadn’t been glad for long, suddenly remembered the fate of Yunyin’s ninja, and quickly turned his head to look. At this look, his whole person was sluggish.

What about his so-called companions?

The ninjas were nowhere to be seen, as if they had never appeared.

Only the tiny streams of blood on the ground, the minced flesh everywhere, and the broken arms show that they existed. Looking around, the fourth generation of Lei Ying did not even see a complete corpse.

Under one blow, it directly killed and injured hundreds of Yunying ninjas on the opposite side.

This is still because they are standing relatively scattered, if they are dense, I am afraid that Susa can suffer thousands of casualties just now. The fourth generation of Thunder Shadow looked at Susa with dull eyes, unable to say a word.

What kind of ninjutsu is this, it turns out to be so powerful!

“Don’t! Stop it! We demand peace talks! ”

Seeing that Susano’s offensive condensed again, the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow finally reacted and hurriedly shouted.

“Peace talks? It’s late. Really, we in Konoha are the place where you say you come and go. ”

Tatsumi snorted coldly, and Susano’s right hand was raised again, slashing down again at the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow! A burst of blasting sounded.

The fourth generation of Thunder Kage could not dodge and was slashed by Susano.


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

“No peace talks, I surrender! We surrendered. ”

The fourth generation of thunder shadows knelt on the ground, a large piece of blood gushed out of his mouth, and his face was already painfully distorted into a ball. The fourth generation of Lei Ying knew that if he continued to resist, he would definitely die.

He is still young and does not want to die!

He also has a long way to go!

The fourth generation of Lei Ying gritted his teeth, and finally compromised.

This time is not a peace talk! But a complete surrender!

Uchiha Chen’s strength made him fearful.

He now finally knows why Uchiha Tatsu is only thirteen years old, or if Uchiha’s identity can become Hokage. Because Uchiha is so strong!

“Hmph, count you acquaintance.”

A sneer appeared at the corner of Tatsumi’s mouth, and then slowly withdrew Susano. All this happened in a short moment.

When the fourth generation of Lei Ying reacted, he found that he was already safe.

The fourth generation of Thunder Shadow wiped the blood from his mouth, glanced at Chen, then stood up and walked towards Konoha with the remnants of Yunyin’s defeated army. The back of the fourth generation of thunder shadows was very bleak, which made the Yunyin ninja behind him feel a kind of sadness.

Yunyin’s spiritual pillar, the four generations of thunder shadows have surrendered, and Yunyin has no hope. In this battle, Yunyin lost.

They also know that they are to blame for all this. Who made them choose to be enemies of Konoha.

It’s no wonder that the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow is not to blame.

If they knew that Susanoo was powerful, even if Konoha Kami-Shinobu was dead, they would not dare to provoke Konoha. Yunyin lost.

Moreover, it still ended in a fiasco.

The mentality of the fourth generation of Lei Ying has also changed, and he does not have the determination and fighting spirit at the beginning.

“Warriors of Yunyin Village, I know your pride, but it’s a pity… The fourth generation of Thunder Shadow shook his head. ”

Yunyin’s courage is very strong, but he is very weak in the face of Susano.


“Yunyin surrendered, so to speak… We won? ”

“We didn’t lose! We are the winners! ”

“We won!”

“Haha, we won!”

“Long live Naruto-sama!”

“Long live the Patriarch!”

The ninjas of Konoha Village cheered with excitement when they saw the fourth generation of Thunder Kage announcing their surrender.

“We lost!”

The fourth generation of Lei Ying said bitterly. They lost. Lost unjustly.

This feeling of holding back made him eager to find a straw to hang himself.

The fourth generation of Lei Ying is unwilling.

Why is Susano’s strength so strong! Why are they Yunyin ninjas not so strong! Is this Uchiha a monster?

The ninjas of Yunyin lowered their heads one by one, not daring to look at Uchiha Chen.

“You didn’t lose unjustly.”

The fourth generation of Thunder Shadow said in a deep voice: “It’s not that we Yunyin can’t do it, it’s that Konoha’s Uchiha is too strong!” ”

“Uchiha Chen, we Yunyin lost, but we just lost to you.”

The fourth generation of Lei Ying sighed.

He didn’t want to admit this fact, but Kechen’s strength was far beyond him. Tatsumi is a true and Uchiha spot, a strong person who is at a level between the Thousand Hand Pillars.

Without Uchiha Chen, they do have a chance to defeat Konoha and even destroy Konoha. Even if the probability is very small, it is almost impossible to succeed.

But for Konoha, Yunyin is still a behemoth. In the end, there is a high probability that the two sides will still fall into a protracted battle. After years of fighting, Konoha will compromise again.

Yunyin can also bite into the fat meat on Konoha from the war. In this last battle, Yunyin also made a big profit.

But with Uchiha Chen, a monster-like figure, Yunyin is no longer a problem for Konoha.

“Since you admit defeat, then obediently be a prisoner! Lock them all up for me. In the future, these prisoners will all be bargaining chips for light judgment! ”

Tatsumi glanced at the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow indifferently and ordered.

“Yes, Naruto-sama!”

The arriving Konoha ninja answered the promise.

“Did you all hear that? Yunyin surrendered, and he didn’t hurry up to stand in his eyes, put down the weapon in his hand, and self-appointed Chakra waited in place! ”

Those Yunyin ninjas, looking at these Konoha ninjas high in front of them, had very complicated feelings. They have mixed feelings, but they are still lost.

Yunyin failed. Lost miserably.

The fourth generation of Thunder Shadow and other ninjas were locked up by Konoha Seal Chakra.

The fourth generation of Thunder Shadow did not have any resistance, and Uchiha Chen was next to him, not to mention that he was seriously injured now.

Even if he is in good condition now, he is not Tatsumi’s opponent, and if he dares to make a change, Tatsumano will not be soft. Solve the matter of four generations of thunder shadows, at most one more slash.

He was pressed and taken to a single room tent. After all, the fourth generation of Lei Ying has a special status………..

Unlike other captives, there were single-door solitary confinements.

As soon as the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow entered it, he immediately sat on the wall and gasped, his face was very pale. This time the injury was not light.

The mood is also very low. Yunyin really planted this time.

“Even in trouble, be strong! Yo! This is Uncle Ben me! ”

A familiar rap sound came from the side, and the fourth generation of Lei Ying turned his head and saw Chirabi holding a drink and drinking it, with a bright smile on his face.

How can this guy still have time to drink here?

“Kirabi, why are you here!”

The face of the fourth generation of Lei Ying suddenly darkened, and he roared loudly at him at the window.

“Great… Eldest brother! Why are you here! ”

Kirabi’s body was so frightened that even his voice became unfavorable.

“Why am I here? I…”

The fourth generation of Lei Ying just wanted to get angry, but when he looked down, he saw the thick chains tied to his limbs, and he couldn’t help but be dumbfounded. A flash of embarrassment flashed on the face of the fourth generation of Lei Ying, and his dark face was also a little embarrassed.

“Big brother, why don’t you talk, did you defeat Konoha and come to save me?”

Kirabi was also puzzled.

I couldn’t help but put down the drink in my hand, got up and looked through the window, and saw that the fourth generation of Lei Ying was staring at his ankles.

“Save you… Ahem. ”

The fourth generation of Lei Ying coughed dryly twice, and then explained: “I came to see you!” ”

“Cut! Big brother, don’t pretend! The chains on you have betrayed you. Let’s be blunt, you were also caught, right? ”

Kirabi could see the embarrassment of the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow at a glance, and he said with a smile.

“No, I was defeated by Uchiha Chen!”

The fourth generation of Lei Ying blushed a little, looking a little embarrassed, but soon he reacted and roared angrily.

“That’s not right! If it weren’t for the fact that this guy of yours was arrested and left to face Uchiha Chen alone, how could we Yunyin lose, so it’s all to blame on you, Kirabi! ”

“Uchiha Chen?”

Kirabi’s mouth opened wide in surprise, and his face changed instantly.

“Great… Eldest brother! Even you are not the opponent of that guy? ”

Chirabi ignored the blame of the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow, and he looked at the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow with wide eyes and amazement.

“Huh? How? You’re kind enough to say! If you help me, we won’t be defeated even if we can’t beat that guy!” ”

“I tell you, now we Yunyin have surrendered. We have already lost this war. ”

The fourth generation of Thunder Kage looked lonely, and then told Kirabi that they were now prisoners of Konoha.


Chirabi’s eyes widened and he shouted in disbelief: “Big brother! You are crazy? How can we surrender! ”

“The thousands of ninjas we lost are true, but there are also five thousand reinforcements in the future.”

“We can also contact Iwa Shinobi Village and Sunahide Village, and the three major ninja villages attack Konoha together, even if Uchiha Chen is strong, he can withstand the attack of the three major ninja villages?”

Kirabi’s voice raised a few points, completely oblivious to the increasingly ugly face of the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow. The fear brought to him by the past four generations of Thunder Shadow, in a hurry, Kira also left it behind.

“Kirabi, you shut up!”

“You’re kind enough to say, if it weren’t for the fact that you were running around and being captured by Konoha, you would have one less shadow-level combat power!”

“Otherwise, the two of us will cooperate and even if we are no match for Uchiha Chen 4.6. It is also possible to escape from him. ”

“At that time, no matter how to talk or contact other villages to fight again, you can do it!”

“How can you fall into surrender and become a prisoner of Konoha, this is all thanks to you!”

The more the fourth generation of Lei Ying spoke, the more excited he became, the more angry he became, and finally roared angrily.

“I… I can’t help it, that guy is amazing. Before I could react, I was knocked unconscious by him. ”

Kirabi shrunk his neck, and his tone couldn’t help but weaken.

In the end, Yunyin will lose, or blame himself.

“yes! Then you’re still in the mood to sing here! ”

The fourth generation of thunder shadows glared angrily at Chirabi,

“This time, we Yunyin suffered heavy losses, and even half of the elite was gone. Don’t you worry at all, feel guilty, and blame yourself? ”


“Big brother, don’t say it, I’m wrong, I’m wrong! My brain is messed up right now. ”

Kirabi scratched his head in distress, and after hearing the words of the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow, he also had a sad face. A strong sense of self-remorse and remorse appeared on his face.

Is it really because of yourself?

“What’s the noise!”

The Konoha ninja walked into the camp tent and saw the two arguing, and suddenly frowned,

“Since you are a prisoner, you are honest, fooling around here, do you want to die?”

Saying that, he glanced at the fourth generation of Lei Ying again, his eyes full of vigilance.


The fourth generation of Thunder Shadow glared angrily.

“How? Defy? ”

The Konoha ninja snorted coldly,

“You think you are the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow, and I am afraid of you?”

“I tell you, since you are a prisoner, you must look like a prisoner, and now your lives are in the hands of our Konoha.”

“If you want to resist, I don’t mind reporting it to Naruto-sama and destroying the entire cloud.”

“You… I…..”

The fourth generation of Lei Ying’s face turned red with anger, and he couldn’t say a word. PS: There will be another one more at the party!.

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