Chapter 107: Pass! Rejected Chen? The last item, the shadow avatar of the wooden avatar.

“Chensan, I’m here!”

Uchiha shouted, and the dark ninja next to him took off his mask, revealing Orochimaru’s grim smile.

He licked his lips and looked at the group of ninja students who had not dried up, like lambs waiting to be slaughtered in his eyes.

“Orochimaru? It’s a big snake pill! ”

“Oh my God, how could the Great Snake Pill also appear here?”

“Don’t be afraid! With Lord Tatsumi here, the big snake pill can’t hurt us. ”

After seeing the big snake pill appear, there was a panic and commotion in the crowd. People are like names, trees are like shadows.

The name of the big snake pill is almost unknown to everyone in the ninja world.

Cruel heart, decisive killing, leaving no room for the label hanging on him.

“Chensang, their guts are really weak.”

Orochimaru looked at the rioting crowd with disdain.


Uchiha Chen smiled indifferently,

“They are not cowardly, they are just frightened by your name.”

Hearing Uchiha Chen’s explanation, Orochimaru’s eyes condensed slightly, and he immediately returned to calm.

“The second test, the psychological test, please be mentally prepared.”

Tatsumi shouted again.

Hearing Chen’s order, everyone quieted down.

“Don’t be afraid, don’t forget that Lord Orochimaru is not a traitor now!”

In the crowd, a younger boy said loudly.

Hearing his reminder, there was a whisper in the crowd.

“Yes, Orochimaru is no longer a traitor, it is our hero of Konoha, so you don’t need to be afraid of him.”

Hearing this, some people relaxed slightly.

“Then let’s get started.”

Tatsumi spoke.

“I’ll come first.”

Sasuke walked to the center of the field.

The big snake pill’s eyes narrowed, looking at the teenager in front of him, his eyes full of playfulness. The terrifying murderous aura on his body instantly permeated.

Feeling the thick murderous intent on Orochimaru’s body, Sasuke stiffened, and his body couldn’t help but take two steps back.

“Nothing to be afraid of!”

He gritted his teeth, raised the soles of his feet again, and walked towards the large snake pill in front of him. Stepping forward, the body sprinted sharply.


Sasuke slammed into the air, smashing the ground into a deep pit.

Looking at Sasuke’s movements, Orochimaru’s eyebrows flirtatish,

“Funny guy, congratulations on passing!”

The murderous aura emanating suddenly retracted, and the big snake pill smiled again.

He was very interested in Sasuke.

Although Sasuke was an ordinary ninja, he felt threatened. A ninja with the potential to become his opponent.

“Thank you.”

Sasuke crawled out of the pit, breathing heavier and looking prostrate. Just now, he seemed to see a sea of blood, full of corpses.

This is an extremely scary and dangerous guy.

He must improve his strength to be qualified to compete with the Great Snake Pill!

“Sasuke is so good!”

Sakura looked at Sasuke’s back, her eyes full of adoration.

“Hmph! Me can too! ”

“Next, I’ll come.”

Naruto was indignant.

At this time, his eyes flashed with determination.

“Nine-tailed imp?”

Orochimaru always looked at Naruto with interest.

“Blame Uncle! Come on! I’m not afraid of you. ”

Naruto showed no weakness.

The two looked at each other, and an inexplicable smell of gunpowder spread between them.

“Good, good, I appreciate your courage, let’s start next!”

Naruto nodded, clenching his fists, his eyes filled with determination. Swish!

A terrifying murderous aura swept through the audience like a storm.

“This feeling…”

Feeling the terrifying murderous aura around them, everyone felt that their bodies trembled a little.

“Nine-tailed boy, you have to get ready.”

“I will give it my all!”

Orochimaru showed an evil smile. It was the same as with Sasuke.

Under the huge murderous aura, Naruto’s sweaty hair stood on end, and his pupils turned into vertical pupils.

He bit his tongue, and the bright red blood stimulated the brain and flowed in his mouth. As the blood circulated, Naruto’s pupils gradually turned crimson.


A low roar like a wild beast came out of Naruto’s mouth.

“What’s going on with the nine-tailed imp?”

“Oh my God! He looks so terrible! ”

He looks so familiar…

A ninja covered his eyes in horror. His memories were tumbling.

“That was… Is that…… Nine-tailed imp! ”

“How could the nine-tailed imp…”

In the crowd, there was a panic.

“Naruto! What are we going to do? ”

Naruto’s state at this time was terrifying, and they didn’t dare to approach Naruto at all. The big snake pill looked at this scene, and a different color flashed in his eyes.

“The Nine Tails are going out of control!”

The Dark Ninja rushed out and tried to stop it.

But before he could come to Naruto’s side, an indifferent voice sounded.

“With me, the Nine Tails can’t make waves!”

A huge pupil power surged, and as this sentence fell, Naruto’s eyes instantly turned black and white, and the murderous aura on his body disappeared without a trace.

“Whew… Call…… Phew…”

A sharp gasp echoed in his throat.

“What’s going on? I…… I can’t help myself…”

Naruto gasped, a look of shock.

Everyone present was dumbfounded, looking at Naruto in front of him with a dazed expression.

“Is this the end of it?”

“Startle me, thunder is loud and rain is small!”

“That’s not because Lord Yuchen is here, otherwise how could it be so easy to solve.”

“Haha! Also! ”

“Congratulations Naruto Uzumaki, you also passed, although with the help of external forces!”

Tatsumi announced. Orochimaru was a little surprised, but he didn’t care, after all, it was just a simple test.


Looking at Naruto, who was standing on the side, somewhat weak, Dingji shouted worriedly. Naruto shook his head.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine.”

He wiped the fine cold sweat on his forehead and smiled at Ding Ci.

“Are you really all right? It doesn’t matter. ”

Ding Ci asked with concern.

“It’s okay, it’s just a little trouble.”

Naruto waved his hand.

“Okay, then next!”

“Next, Ino Yamanaka!”

Uchiha chanted his name again.

“I’m Ino Yamanaka!”

Ino walked to the center and looked at Orochimaru nervously with a small face.

She is petite, wearing a black ninja suit, golden and silky hair draped over her shoulders, and delicate and beautiful facial features, which make people intoxicated.

Tatsumi looked at her with admiration in his eyes.

“It’s worthy of being Haichi’s daughter, it’s really not ordinary.”

Ino was a little shy by his stare, lowered his head, and his little face was slightly red.

“Lord Chen, I also often hear my father mention you!”

“Mention me? This old boy can’t be saying bad things about me, right? ”

Uchiha Chen raised his eyebrows and joked.

“Nope! No! ”

Ino quickly shook his head,

“My father told me about you, he admired you very much, and I adore you too!”

“Tell me about me?”

Uchiha looked strange. Okay, what is he doing?

Looking at Yamanaka Ino’s little face blushing, his eyes skimming towards himself from time to time, his mind suddenly turned around a few times, and he probably knew something in his heart.

It has to be said.

This girl is also really good.

It’s only nine years old, too young. Is this okay?

It’s just too punishing!


Cough a few times.

Uchiha Chen cleared his throat and looked unfathomable.

“Little girl, since you adore me so much, how about being your teacher in the future?”


Everyone was stunned.

Sasuke, Orochimaru, Dingji and the others all looked at Uchiha with round eyes.

“I’m serious.”

Uchiha looked at Ino.

“Would you like to?”


Ino bit his lower lip and hesitated.

If she becomes an apprentice, can she still be with Uchiha Chen?

“Since you hesitate, then you should consider it again!”

Tatsumi smiled slightly, and guessed her thoughts in his heart. What happened to the apprentice?

The apprentice may be better, and it will be more exciting!

But thinking about Ino’s current age, let’s wait!

“Next, the test begins!”

Yamanaka I’s ambition tightened, and he clenched his fists nervously. The murderous aura struck as expected, making her stiffen.

“My body… It seems to be out of my control…”

Yamanaka Ino gritted his teeth and tears welled up in his eyes.

Somehow, she suddenly felt that her consciousness was becoming more and more blurred.


In the end, she survived.

“Yamanaka Ino passed! Next, Hinata Ninji! ”

One after another, Xiaoqiang appeared one after another and survived. It’s just that in the process, their performance varies. At the beginning, Sasuke dared to fight hard.

Uzumaki Naruto also relied on the chakra emitted by the nine tails to resist the murderous aura of the big snake pill. As for the other Xiaoqiang, compared to the two of them, they were a lot worse and embarrassed. Now.

Except for the twelve small strong on the field, the rest of the ninjas were eliminated.

“Congratulations! Successfully passed the second assessment. ”

Tatsumi announced.

“Great! We can go on! ”

The crowd cheered.

“Then, the third assessment is a practical exercise!”

“This assessment is very simple, as long as you can defeat my wooden doppelganger’s shadow doppelganger, even if you pass!”

Chen’s tone was calm, as if he was telling someone else’s business.

Wooden doppelganger… Shadow doppelganger?! What does that mean?!

Everyone was puzzled, but they did not ask. Uchiha clapped his hands.

The wooden doppelganger, which looks exactly like Chen, stands abruptly.

“Then, next is the shadow doppelganger!”

The wooden doppelganger nodded. Hands are imprinted.

The next moment, in the shocked eyes of everyone, the wooden doppelganger actually used the Shadow Doppelganger technique.

“Your third assessment is to defeat the shadow doppelganger together.”

Chen said lightly.

“Defeat the shadow doppelganger together?!”

Everyone was stunned.

Not only them, but even Sasuke, Orochimaru and the others were also confused.

“That’s right! How’s that, isn’t it simple? ”

Chen said lightly,

“As long as you can defeat the shadow doppelganger, you will pass the third assessment!”

“At the same time, you have successfully graduated!”

Everyone looked at each other, but they all produced a trace of solemnity. Although it is a shadow avatar of the wooden avatar, it depends on who the object is! The body is Uchiha Chen!

“I’ll give you time to discuss countermeasures, as long as you say you’re ready, let’s start!”

Tatsumi ignored everyone’s reaction, turned around and sat on a chair, opened Mikoto’s carefully prepared bento and ate it.

“Sasuke kindly reminds you that if you don’t get it done quickly, Mikoto brought you a bento, and I will finish it!”

Tatsumi said with a bento in his mouth.

“Don’t worry, I will work hard!”

Sasuke gritted his teeth.

Brother Chen is really well-intentioned, and in order to motivate himself, he also takes bento as a threat.

“I’ll work hard too!”

Naruto Uzumaki also said.

“I will too!”

Ding Ci echoed.

“Very good, I am also looking forward to your next performance!”

Tatsumi smiled.

Tooth and Dingji’s gazes fell on Sasuke in unison, helpless.

“What are you looking at me like this?”

Sasuke touched his nose with a puzzled look.

“Sasuke, you are the strongest in our group, what plans do you have to say, we will listen to you!”

Shikamaru scratched his head and said.

“Yes, yes! Sasuke, your plan must be great! ”

Ding Ci echoed.

“I’m 953… Sasuke was silent for a while. My plan… What plans can he have! Do you shout a word. Don’t be intimidated, let’s go together! ”

Punching the teacher to death or something?

“Shikamaru, what do you have in mind?”

Sasuke asked, turning his head.

He knew that the strongest of the people present was undoubtedly himself. But the highest IQ is Shikamaru.

So, ask Shikamaru’s opinion. Shikamaru touched his chin.

“Sasuke, my plan is…”

Everyone listened with their ears up, and their eyes lit up as Shikamaru’s explanation came.


“That’s it!”

“I approve!”


Everyone nodded in support of Shikamaru’s idea.

“Then we decided so!”

Sasuke hit the nail on the head.

“Lord Chen, we are ready!”

“Yes! I’m ready too! ”

“Me too!”

The twelve little strongmen nodded one after another, and their eyes revealed a sense of determination.

“Very good! Since this is the case….. So, the third assessment, begin! ”

Chen’s voice just fell.

Everyone on the field moved instantly.

Sasuke took the lead, the three hooks in his pupils turned slightly, holding Ku Wu in his hand, and rushed towards the shadow doppelganger. He wanted to pull the shadow doppelganger’s attention over.

Then, create opportunities for them. Right now.

The shadow doppelganger moved, his hands sealed.

“Fire escape, fire extinguished!”

With his words, a huge flame suddenly erupted from his mouth and bombarded Sasuke.

“Sasuke, be careful!”

“This flame is terrifying, you dodge!”

Everyone roared worriedly, urging Sasuke to dodge.


Sasuke smiled coldly.

He had long expected such a thing to happen, because the shadow doppelganger had already seen through his chakra eyes before he started.


Sasuke tapped his toes, and his figure fell sharply, easily dodging this move.

And the attack of the shadow avatar failed, and there was no reaction, and the three-hook jade writing wheel eye in his eyes also appeared. Pull out the kunai and go up.


Sasuke’s kunai collided with the kunai in the hands of the shadow doppelganger, bursting out of Mars. The two weapons were at a stalemate with each other, deadlocked.

This stalemate made Sasuke a little anxious. The two stalks are intertwined.

Sparks burst out, and the shadow avatar’s body stopped moving forward at the same time, sliding backwards for a few meters before stabilizing his figure. This shadow avatar does not seem to be very strong.

Sasuke said secretly in his heart.

As soon as this thought came to him, he felt his body tense.


“Sasuke, behind you!”


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