Chapter 216 – Heading for the Great Route! Pretend to be confused Karp.

A night breeze blows on the sea, carrying a salty smell into the nose.

In the distance, a towering lighthouse stands above the sea, casting a dim yellow slender beam. This lighthouse is also known as the “Tower of Guidance”.

The entrance to the Great Passage is at the end of the light.

Nami’s heart warmed a little, because it was the entrance to the new world, Upside Down Mountain.

“Crossing the front, you will enter the great route?”

Nami whispered.


Tatsumi nodded.

“It’s amazing!”

Nami and Dusty looked at the situation of the Upside Down Mountain in amazement, and the wonderful landscape of the sea flowing backwards was an incredible scene in the four seas.

“This ship is a little shaky!”

Turn the landscape upside down and let the boat dangle on it.

Uchiha Chen’s brows couldn’t help but frown, and then the pupils in his eyes surged with power, and the huge chakra covered the ship. In the shock of everyone, the ship of tens of tons actually left the surface and floated in mid-air.

“What! The ship actually flew! ”

Dusty’s eyes widened, and her mouth was open enough to swallow an egg.

“It’s you.”

Nami’s face also showed a look of joy.

She had long felt that Uchiha Chen was very powerful, but she didn’t expect that it was actually strong enough to float in the air of the Jiang Pirate Ship. The stronger Uchiha Chen’s strength, the happier Nami will be, which means that the safer it will be for her to enter the Great Voyage.


Marin Fando. Office of the Admiral.

“Bu T

Marshal Sengoku was still reviewing the documents in his hand when the voice of the telephone worm suddenly rang, interrupting his thoughts. His attention was also drawn in.

After picking it up, Smogg’s tired and helpless voice came from the other end of the phone worm.

“Marshal! Here in Rogue Town, you find another person to replace me, I want to go back to the headquarters of the Navy for further study…”


Before he finished speaking, Smogg on the other end of the phone coughed violently.

“Smogg, what happened?”

Sengoku was stunned and quickly asked about Smogg’s situation.

Although Smogg’s strength is not very strong, the place where he is stationed is Rogue Town! There are no pirates who are so powerful there, how could Smog be weak to such an extent.

Smogg coughed for a long time before he eased his breath, he was silent for a moment, and slowly spoke: “It’s nothing, I just think my strength is not good, I need to improve it again…”

Sengoku frowned slightly, and Smogg’s voice appeared extremely weak, which was definitely not normal. And how could Smogg say that his strength is not good for no reason?

“Have you been defeated?!”

Sengoku instantly sensed something, and a solemn expression appeared on his face. The other end of the phone fell silent.

After a long time, Smogg’s hoarse voice sounded.



Hearing this, the Warring States were furious.

“Who is it? How is the strength?! ”

The voice of the Warring States suppressed anger came.

Smogg’s strength can also be regarded as the best group of elites under him, and he is even more reckless than Ghost Spider and others. With the Natural Devil Fruit, in a few years, there will be no problem in reaching the strength of a major general, or even a lieutenant general.

Now that Smog has actually been defeated, it is simply incredible.

“Say! What the hell is going on! ”

Sengoku aggravated his tone, and Smogg’s reaction must have changed something.

“That guy is so good, I’m not his opponent at all…”

Smog sighed. In any case, he survived, which is a fortunate thing.

Only this result came at the expense of his own adjutant.

“That is to say, that person’s name is Uchiha Chen, and he also defeated Along in the East China Sea, and even you can’t get through a move in his hands?!”

Sengoku’s face became more and more gloomy.


Smog nodded and spoke no more.

“That guy, is he really that powerful?!”

Sengoku gritted his teeth and said.

Although Smogg’s strength is not very strong, it is not something that ordinary people can do to kill him in seconds. Even the elite lieutenant general of the headquarters ghost spider, the group of Flame Mountain could not do it.

At least with the strength of an alternate general, you can easily solve Smogg.

“Since that person is not a pirate, then Dusty is also safe by his side for the time being, you don’t have to worry about her too much.”

Sengoku took a few deep breaths and regained his composure and spoke.

After all, he is still a marshal of the navy, even if he can’t do it at any time, he won’t be upset by this matter.

“You continue to stay in Rogue Town, and I will replace you when I find the right manpower.”

“Hmm! Then it will trouble you. ”

Smog was grateful.

Hanging up the phone worm, Sengoku’s gaze fell on the document in his hand, and his eyes flashed with wisdom. His fingers tapped on the tabletop, making a crisp “click” sound.

“Go and call Karp over!”

After giving the order, Karp hurried into the Sengoku room.

“Sengoku, what’s the matter with calling me over?”

Karp sat down, took out a piece of donut and chewed it in his mouth as if nothing had happened.


Sengoku snorted coldly, looking at Karp’s appearance and getting angry, but he didn’t bother to care.

“Donghai has recently appeared a person who is not simple, I don’t know if you know?”

Sengoku’s wise eyes looked at Karp.

The corners of Karp’s mouth twitched, and he had just finished eating the doughnut and almost choked.

After he swallowed the doughnut, he wiped the corners of his mouth before answering a little nervously: “From the East China Sea?” ”

It wouldn’t be Luffy that kid, would it?!

He also heard not long ago that Luffy’s kid went to sea to be a pirate, but it made him angry enough. Before he could free his hand to bring that kid back, could it be that the kid was already in trouble?

If it was really Luffy, he really had to consider whether to take Luffy back to Windmill Village now. He only knew that Luffy kid was definitely a troublemaker.

That guy is definitely capable of causing a lot of trouble for the Navy.

“Yes, you know him?”

Sengoku narrowed his eyes, and he could tell from Karp’s demeanor that he knew about the existence of this person. Karp hesitated, then shook his head.

“I haven’t seen it, is it the new pirate, or the fish man Ah Long of the East China Sea is doing something again?”

Karp said a little suspiciously.

Even if Sengoku knew about Luffy’s relationship with him, Karp would definitely not take the initiative to admit it.

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