Chapter 223 – Attack Lao Sha! Rainland.

Miss. Valentine’s Day is difficult to speak, she hasn’t lived enough, she doesn’t want to die!

But before she could finish speaking, Uchiha Chen pressed down hard with one hand, and on Valentine’s Day, he felt difficult to breathe and almost passed out.


“Put… Put… Ahem… Put…”

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill you for the time being.”

Uchiha’s indifferent voice reached Miss.Valentine’s ears. Miss. When she heard this, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But soon his face turned pale again, because the force of Uchihachen’s palm made it more and more difficult for her to breathe, and her eyes were about to turn white.


Valentine’s pupils dilated. This is a sign of a gradual loss of life.

“You should understand that it is easy for me to kill you.”

“But I’m not going to kill you.”

“After all, we still need your intelligence.”

“It’s just that you better be well-behaved, otherwise, I don’t mind scrapping your limbs first.”

Uchiha Chen’s indifferent tone reached Miss.Valentine’s ears.

Hearing this, Miss.’s face turned pale on Valentine’s Day.

At this moment, she realized what kind of dangerous enemy she had encountered.

“If you agree, you will nod, and if you disagree, I will send you back to the west.”

Uchiha’s calm tone reached Miss.Valentine’s ears. With all his strength, Miss. Valentine’s Day nodded frantically.

I was afraid that Uchiha Chen would not notice, and I was even more afraid that if I slowed down for a second, I would be killed by Uchiha Chen.


Uchiha nodded and let go of his hand.

“Ahem, ahem, ahem!”

Valentine’s Day coughed a few times, greedily breathing air.

“Don’t rush to gasp, you haven’t told us your name yet.”

Uchiha Chen’s voice came from behind her again, causing a chill to rise in her back.

“Miss… Clear… Clear… Feeling… Valentine’s Day. ”

Valentine’s Day replied, and at this moment she was already terrified.

“I’m talking about my real name, not a code name!”

Uchiha Chen’s voice was filled with anger, which made Miss. Valentine’s Day tremble even more.

“My name is Mi… Mikita. ”

Miss. Valentine’s Day replied in a panic, her head completely blindfolded, and she didn’t know what to do.


Uchiha Chen’s eyes flashed with essence, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly as he looked at the woman in front of him.

“That’s right, it’s Mikita.”

Miss. Seeing Uchiha Chen’s gaze on Valentine’s Day, her body shivered uncontrollably, and a bad premonition rose in her heart.

“Next, it’s time to play your part!.”

The corners of Uchiha Chen’s mouth brought an evil arc, revealing a weird smile.

“What are you going to do?!”

Miss. Valentine’s Day shouted sharply, her face very frightened.

“What do you say?!”

Uchiha’s smile turned hideous.

He walked slowly to Miss. Valentine’s Day, grabbed her by the collar, and pulled her directly in front of himself.


Miss. Valentine’s Day wanted to say something, but was stopped by Uchiha Chen.

“Lead the way!”


After waking up a few drunk pirates, Uchiha and his party left Bounty Island. Destination, Alabastan!

I randomly found another sea king on the sea, and the sea king pulled the boat, and in a few days it arrived in Alabastan.

“Alabastan, it’s here!”

Looking at the majestic urban agglomeration in the distance, Ikarem shouted excitedly.

He didn’t expect that he would return to Alabastan with Princess Vivi so smoothly.

The sea king class docked in the harbor, and Uchiha Chen and the others walked off the ship and came to the street on the shore. Alabastan is big, very big!

With the exception of Wano Country and Elbaf, the land of giants, the sea has basically no islands to match. It is more accurate to say that it is more accurate to say that it is not so much an island as a mainland.

“Let’s go! Go early, end early! ”

Uchiha Chen said lightly. He didn’t want to waste too much time on a Klockdar.


“Just go straight there?”

Thinking of the usual deterrent given to them by President Klockdahl, Miss. Valentine’s Day asked hesitantly.

She was worried about what if she annoyed President Klockdahl?!

“You just lead the way, don’t worry about what you shouldn’t!!” Uchiha said impatiently. ”


Valentine’s Day is still a little prodded, and there is still fear in her heart.

“Don’t worry, Klockdar will definitely not make a move on me.”

The corners of Uchiha Chen’s mouth curled up and said confidently.

Miss.Valentine’s face was full of doubts, she really couldn’t figure out where Uchiha Chen’s confidence came from. Does he have any hole cards?

Valentine’s Day shook his head and decided to do what Uchiha said first.

Come to the rainy land of Alabastan, which is also the royal capital of this country, and the place where countless civilians in the entire country yearn for. Since then, three years ago, the entire country has not rained for three years in other cities except here.

And a large number of disasters occur every day, causing the people of this country to complain. It was in this way that Klockdar guided the conflict between the commoners and the king.

At the same time, he established his own heroic persona, plus helped capture pirates for many years, bringing peace to the kingdom and gaining widespread acclaim.

“It’s so comfortable!”

As soon as they entered the rainy range, everyone felt a warmth.

They looked up at the sky and saw that the blue sun was hanging high in the sky, and all the gloom had dissipated, replaced by a peaceful scene.

“It’s so beautiful!”

Nami’s eyes are shining, she has loved beautiful things since she was a child, especially beautiful Feng Xia. Seeing Nami’s intoxicated appearance, Miss.Valentine’s cheeks twitched twice, and he muttered in his heart. It’s good-looking, brought by dancing powder!

Klockdar used dancing powder, naturally to provoke domestic contradictions and civil strife, so as to take control of the country.

“President… Klockdar, right in the rain. ”

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