Chapter 232: Stay Sober and Sink! Shocked marshal of the navy.

The title for Uchiha is different from Kapu, who calls names, while Momotu is called Tatsumi-sama.

Peach Rabbit doesn’t know what the reason is, obviously Kapu was scrapped of a hand, and even he was detained here by Uchiha. But she couldn’t have the slightest hatred in her heart.

I always feel that I feel like I have a different feeling for Uchiha in my heart.

Peach Rabbit raised her head and saw Uchiha Chen’s smile, Peach Rabbit’s face turned crimson, and her body trembled slightly. Because Uchiha Tatsuki approached her and reached out and put his arm around her waist.

Peach Rabbit’s mind roared, not only did her face appear crimson, but even her neck was covered with crimson. Magic is so easy to use!

The smile at the corner of Uchihachen’s mouth became even brighter, and in this way, it would be perfect.

“Don’t be nervous! As long as you are honest and obedient, it will not do anything to you. ”

Uchiha’s voice reached Momoto’s ears, making her even more ashamed, and she couldn’t wait to dig a hole and get in. Momo Rabbit lowered her head, she did not dare to look at Uchiha Chen.

Her heart was beating fast, plopping down, as if it was about to jump out.

“We should go too! Don’t worry, when I finish everything, you can go back to the Navy if you want to go back to the Navy at that time. ”

670 Uchiha let go of the peach rabbit, and he turned and walked into the distance.

Peach Rabbit looked at his back and disappeared from sight, and a sense of loss could not help but rise in his heart. What’s wrong with her?

When I touched my cheek, I found that I was even hot.

The reason why Peach Rabbit has such a performance is naturally because of the influence of Uchiha Chen’s illusion. Otherwise, don’t talk about teasing Peach Rabbit, don’t hate him, it’s all good.

Of course, this degree of illusion is only subconsciously exerting a subconscious influence on Peach Rabbit. It’s a bit similar to other gods.

It is a consciousness that retains its own clarity, but is still controlled by his will. Instead of simply hypnotizing by magic and becoming the walking dead. If that’s really the case, then what’s so much fun?

And what’s the difference with dolls.

It is more interesting to stay awake and sink.

The matter between Alabastan and the Navy can be regarded as a temporary end.

Peach Rabbit joined Uchiha Chen’s group, and Princess Vivi was also dragged away from Alabastan by Tatsuki. As for whether Princess Vivi is willing to go with him?

Regarding this, Uchiha Chen did not care. Could she still resist?


Passing through the Gate of Justice, Karp’s warship entered Marin Fandor.

Towering buildings are scattered, and the majestic naval headquarters stands above the island.


Karp took a deep breath, having received such a serious injury, he still didn’t know how to report to the Sengoku. So after being let go by Uchiha, Karp stopped the adjutant who was preparing to report the intelligence to the navy headquarters. This matter is very important, and he must tell him personally after meeting the Sengoku.

Another thing that gave him a headache was that Momo Rabbit was captured by Uchiha Chen, and Karp still didn’t know how to face Tsuru. Never mind.

Soldiers come to block, water to escape! You can only take one step at a time.

Karp stiffened his head and came to the door of the naval headquarters.

The guard standing at the door was shocked to see Karp with a bandage wrapped in an arm. Lieutenant General Karp… Hurt?

“Lieutenant General Karp, you are…”

The guard greeted Karp respectfully.

“It’s nothing, I’m going to see the Sengoku!”

Karp waved his hand and signaled them to open the door. Karp is a naval hero.

The guards naturally did not dare to obstruct.

Hurriedly opened the gate and sent Vice Admiral Karp into the naval headquarters. Buckle buckle!

“Sengoku, I’m back!”

Karp stood in front of the office and knocked on the door.

“Come in.”

Sengoku, who had been immersed in his work, looked up when he heard a knock on the door, his eyes scanning and his brows furrowed.

“Karp, what’s wrong with your left arm?”

Sengoku noticed that Karp had a bandage on his left arm.

“Oh, what a thing! Accidentally injured, nothing! ”

Karp sat on the couch and he lifted Erlang’s legs.


Sengoku was stunned.

Karp is so strong that he can even get injured.

And what kind of person is this person who was able to hurt Karp?

The Warring States know, especially Karp’s armed color domineering is extremely powerful.

His armed color is domineering, and he is called second in the entire sea, and no one dares to call it first.

Even the four emperors on the sea may be stronger than the aging Kapu, but the domineering nature of the armed color alone is not comparable to the level of Karp.

Now he is actually injured, and he is still wrapped in bandages, and the injury is obviously not light.

“What the hell is going on, you were ambushed by the Four Emperors Sea Regiment?”

Sengoku frowned and asked worriedly.

“Nope! That’s not it, I was made by Uchiha Chen. ”

Karp smiled wryly and shook his head.

“Uchiha Chen?!”

Sengoku was surprised. Didn’t it say that it was good to recruit Uchiha to join the Navy?

How not only did he not join, but even Karp was not lightly injured.

Until now, Sengoku has not realized that Karp is no longer injured, but disabled. His left arm has been completely discarded, and he can only move normally with another robotic arm.

“Here’s the thing…”

Karp smiled wryly and explained the reason for the matter.

Sengoku’s mouth gradually opened in an amplitude visible to the naked eye, until finally, the mouth opened wide enough to swallow a devil fruit. Three seconds… Thirty percent strength?

Three moves! Isn’t this a joke?

Glancing at Karp, Karp still had a solemn expression, without the slightest hint of laughter. Sengoku was also aware of the seriousness of the matter.

On the sea, a strong man whose strength was far above the generals and the four emperors appeared. And the attitude of the other party towards the navy does not seem to be so friendly.

“Karp, this matter needs to be considered in the long run.”

Sengoku spoke cautiously.

“I understand!”

Karp knew it.

Their strength is already at the top of the sea, and now a person of unknown origin has popped up on the sea, and he can defeat them in three or two strokes.

The key is to see the relaxed appearance of the other party, and the probability is that he has not exerted his full strength. Other words.

The other side can easily defeat them. This is a very serious matter.

It means that the strength of the other party alone is stronger than any one in the navy. If it is not done well, the entire world pattern will change subversively.

Hold a high-level meeting to discuss the handling of Uchihachen.

The two looked at each other and gave birth to the same thought.

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