Chapter 239 – The Great Serpent Dies! Furious Kaido.

The black charcoal snake turned pale and almost peed his pants.

Even if the country of Wano is closed, it is impossible not to know anything about the sea. Of course he had heard of the daimyo of Peach Rabbit.

Admiral candidate of the Navy headquarters, that is an existence comparable to the level of a general! How could this group of shrimp be her opponent.

“If you beg for mercy, I can still consider letting you live.”

The corners of Peach Rabbit’s mouth raised, and he looked at the black charcoal big snake playfully.

Although her personality is a little cold, she does not have the slightest sympathy for scum like the black charcoal snake. He said such things only to humiliate him.


Such humiliating words made the black charcoal snake want to slaughter the peach rabbit immediately, but reason told him that he must endure it. He took a deep breath and slowly spoke: “This is the territory under Governor Kaido. ”

“If you trespass into Governor Kaido’s territory, don’t you fear retaliation?”

After the black charcoal snake calmed down, his eyes rolled and he took out Kaido’s name and wanted the other party to throw a mouse.

“Do you think we would come here if we were afraid of Kaido?”

Uchiha chuckled uncontemptuously on his face. The pupils of the black charcoal snake are shrunk.

“Give you a chance to live, now go and inform Kaido so that he can come quickly.”

“Otherwise, you will die!”

Uchiha Chen looked at the black charcoal snake coldly.


Uchiha looked at him flatly, not putting the black carbon snake in his eyes at all. This made the black charcoal snake very annoyed.

The great general of his dignified country was actually reduced to contacting Kaido for life.


After pondering for a long time, the black charcoal snake finally agreed. After all, it was a matter of his life and death.

Although the black charcoal snake is arrogant, he is not stupid and understands that he is definitely not the opponent of the two in front of him. In that case, go looking for rescue!

After all, their strength is too strong, and it is not at all something he can resist. If you fight hard, it is definitely him who suffers.

The black charcoal snake hurriedly left, using the Shen Talk Worm to contact Kaido.

“What do you say? A group of imps dared to rob my territory? ”

Kaido on the other end of the phone worm was immediately furious when he heard it.

“Yes, Lord Governor.”

The black charcoal snake cried a face, almost aggrieved and almost in tears.

“Why are you eating, why do you have to keep your mouth alive and kill them directly?”

Kaido scolded angrily.

“I want to kill them too! But I couldn’t do it, and the samurai under my command were all killed by them. ”

The black charcoal snake said bitterly.

“Hmph, useless stuff!”

Kaido snorted coldly and hung up the phone worm.

Transform into a dragon and fly in the direction of Wano Country.

The black charcoal snake looked at the hanging up phone worm, he knew that this time he had completely annoyed Kaido, but there was nothing he could do. One can only pray that Kaido will arrive soon.

As for facing Uchiha Chen, he didn’t plan to run away or find other reinforcements, he knew that he was definitely not the opponent’s opponent.

With trembling steps, after the black charcoal snake returned, he spoke: “Governor Kaido has been notified, and the others will arrive immediately!” ”

“That’s good.”

Uchiha nodded.

The black charcoal snake breathed a sigh of relief, and only hoped that Kaido would come over quickly! It’s just that Uchiha has no intention of letting him go.

“Since you have already notified Kaido, then you are useless.”

Uchiha said indifferently.

“No, you can’t kill me!”

The black charcoal snake shouted.

But Uchiha Chen didn’t stop at all, stepped out, and the figure appeared beside the black carbon big snake, and Ku Wu casually crossed it. Bite!

The black charcoal snake widened its eyes and his face was full of shock.

“I… I…”

The black charcoal snake stretched out a finger and pointed at Uchiha Chen, wanting to speak, but he couldn’t say a word. Poof!

Ku Wu pierced his throat, making him unable to make the slightest sound, and could only watch Uchiha Chen.

“I’m going to kill you, no one can stop it!”

Uchiha Chen pulled out Ku Wu, and a streak of blood gushed out and fell to the ground.

Uchiha Chen looked at the corpse on the ground and did not feel guilty, because he knew very well that the scumbag of the black charcoal snake was a scourge if it remained

“Take care of the scene and serve something to eat.”

Ordered lightly.

The surviving subordinates in the mansion reacted, quickly nodded, and began to clean up this mess. After a while, the food was on the line.

After Uchiha Chen picked up a piece of meatloaf and nibbled on a few bites, Momo Rabbit spoke.

“If you kill the black charcoal snake this time, I’m afraid the Hundred Beast Pirate Group will not give up.”

Peach Rabbit frowned and said worriedly.

Hundred Beast Kaido is a famous pirate in the new world, his methods are cruel and cruel, and there are countless strong people under him.

“What if you don’t give up?!”

Uchiha Chen said indifferently, his eyes shining with a cold light. Peach Rabbit was surprised, Uchiha Chen, is this ready to go head-to-head with Kaido?

But after thinking of Uchiha Chen’s powerful strength, Momotu’s heart was a little calmer.

“So, what are you going to do next?”

Peach Rabbit asked suspiciously.

Uchiha shook his head.

“I haven’t thought about it yet, but let’s solve Kaido first!”

Uchiha Chen said lightly. If you want to get to the country, it is inevitable to fight Kaido.

For such a result, he also expected it for a long time. Peach Rabbit was silent.


Just because Uchiha Chen was able to easily defeat her and Karp was enough to prove how powerful Uchiha Chen was! Even Kaido, in front of Uchiha Chen, can’t get any benefits!

“Let’s play the music!”

After discovering that something was missing, Uchiha Chen turned his gaze to Hua Kui Xiaozi.

Xiao Zijiao’s body was shocked, she didn’t expect that at this time, Yu Zhi Bochen still had the heart to think about this. However, since Uchiha had already spoken, she had to do so.

Gently flick the three lines in your hand, and the beautiful tune sounds. The elegant and pleasant melodic 2.2 rhythm sounded.

Uchiha Chen closed his eyes and savored it slowly. Worthy of being a flower leader.

In addition to looks, his attainments in music are not low.

Peach Rabbit and the others also showed a comfortable look, they never thought that listening to music was such a wonderful feeling. Uchiha squinted and enjoyed.

On the other side, Kaido is soaring in the sky, wanting to rush to Wano Country as soon as possible.

“Abominable! Damn it! ”

Kaido roared violently.

He never expected that someone would be so bold and dare to hit him and the country.

Wano Country is almost Kaido’s most important territory, and it has all the resources he needs. It’s almost his foundation.

How could he allow others to get involved?!

“No matter who you are, I swear Kaido, you all have to die!”

Kaido’s angry voice roared in the sky.

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