Chapter 248 – Little Purple Loves! Kaido punches Ember.


Uchiha was stunned when he saw her appearance.

“Tatsumi-sama! Allow me to follow you! ”

Xiaozi bit her pink lips and plucked up the courage to say to Uchiha Chen.

Her heart was filled with apprehension, and she was worried that Uchiha Tatsu would refuse her request.

“Follow me? Why? ”

Uchiha asked with a slight frown. Xiaozi looks like this, there must be a reason.

“Because… I want to be with you. ”

She hesitated and explained weakly.

“Oh? Is it because of this. ”

Uchiha nodded.

Sure enough, as he expected.

“yes! Tatsumi-sama! ”

Xiao Zi nodded heavily, looking at Uchiha expectantly, hoping that he would agree.

“If that’s the case, then you can stay for the time being.”

Uchiha said lightly.

“Thank you, Chen-sama!”

Xiaozi jumped up excitedly and said.

She originally thought that Uchiha Chen would refuse, but she didn’t expect to agree, which made her happy. Happy, he jumped up and jumped on Uchiha Chen’s body, hooking his hands around his neck. With her cheeks close to him, she exhaled and shouted softly, “Lord Chen~”

This made Uchiha Chen tremble, he didn’t expect that Xiaozi would suddenly jump on his body. Xiao Zi hugged him, her cheek pressed against his chest, feeling the warmth transmitted from his chest.

“Lord Chen, thank you, I will definitely repay you well.”

Xiao Zi raised his head, stared at Uchiha Chen with autumn water in his eyes, and said softly.

“Eh… Well, then depending on your performance, work hard tonight. ”

Uchiha Chen felt her exhale like a lan, and as soon as her thoughts moved, the two disappeared in place. Seeing the two departed, Robin shook his head.

He knew it would be like this.

Without even thinking about it, she knew what the two of them were doing. Time passed slowly, and seven days passed in the blink of an eye.

The news that Kaido was defeated and released by Uchiha Tatsuki also spread throughout the sea. Hundred Beast Pirates.

“Brother Kaido, our entire Hundred Beast Pirate Group, do we really want to submit to Uchiha Chen?”

The hot disaster at the head of the three plagues, Ember’s face was unwilling.

“What else could I do? We are not his opponents at all. ”

Kaido, who had already drunk too much, howled.

Although he didn’t want to admit it in his heart, it was the truth, even he was not Uchiha Chen’s opponent.


Kaido suddenly saw Venus’s clenched fists, and a strong belief erupted in his eyes.

“I believe! Just give me enough time and opportunity! I will definitely defeat that man! Lao Tzu is Kaido! ”

Kaido’s heroic voice echoed in the group of Hundred Beast Pirates, shaking the eardrums of everyone around.

However, the pirates in the pirate group have long been accustomed to this.

“That’s right! Brother Kaido! ”

Ember and Jack shouted in unison, and they were both infected by Kaido’s words.


Kaido poured all the wine into his stomach, and his mouth burst out with hearty laughter.

He sat on his back in the seat like a dead fish, no matter how noisy the outside world was, he didn’t bother to pay attention to it. Stimulated by alcohol, Kaido’s brain became groggy, and his eyelids became heavy.

Eventually, he passed out completely.

He wanted to rest, he wanted to get a good night’s sleep.

“Brother Kaido is asleep!”

Ember and Jack and the others saw Kaido sleeping, and they shook their heads helplessly.


Ember, the head of the three plagues, sighed deeply.

“I didn’t expect that our pirate group had already stood at the top of the sea forces, and there would be a day when we were dependent on others.”

He couldn’t help but smile bitterly, and there were ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping past in his heart.

Before provoking Uchiha Chen, their group of Hundred Beasts and Pirates crisscrossed the Great Voyage, who dared to provoke them?

Even the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard, could not compete with their Hundred Beast Pirate Group because of his old age.

Compared with Qinghuang, the white-bearded pirate group led by the once strongest man in the world has gradually declined. A newcomer on the sea, Ace can firmly occupy the position of captain of the second fan.

However, their Hundred Beast Pirate Group, whether it was their crew or the three plagues, were all at their peak. But I didn’t expect such a result.

“Ember! Brother Kaido didn’t say that as long as he was given enough time and opportunity, Brother Kaido could defeat that guy. ”

Jack snorted coldly, obviously very angry.

He felt that Ember was too pessimistic about the future of their pirate group.


Ember scolded angrily.

If it was really that simple, how could Kaido choose to let their pirate group choose to be attached.


Even if Kaido himself is not an opponent, the pirate group still has their three plagues! On the opposite side, there are only two people, Uchiha Chen and Uchiha Madara.

No matter how bad it is, they can even find allies.

Even so, in the end, Kaido chose to surrender, you can imagine their strength.


Jack didn’t realize this at all, and he was furious.

“Have you guys quarreled enough!!”

Suddenly, an angry roar exploded.

Everyone turned their heads in surprise to look at the person who made the roaring sound. I saw Kaido standing up, his eyes bloodshot.

It seems that he heard the conversation between Ember and Jack just now.

“Brother Kaido!”

Jack saw Kaido and quickly ran to Kaido’s side and held Kaido, shouting worriedly.


“Get out of here!”

Kaido pushed Jack away, his face full of anger.

He was a pirate emperor for a generation, and he was so suspicious by his subordinates, how could he be comfortable.

“Ahem! Brother Kaido, I…”

Ember scratched his head a little embarrassed.

The rest of the pirates are strange-looking, Ember is usually very smart, but he didn’t expect to be confused in this matter. Who is Kaido?

“Jack! You step down first. ”

Ember stopped Jack’s argument, his mind was meticulous, and he knew exactly what Kaido’s personality was. At this time, he should wait and see.

Kaido’s temper is short-tempered and he needs to be appeased.

“Hmph! Ember, don’t think of me like a three-year-old. ”

Kaido looked at Ember and snorted coldly. He doesn’t like to feel fooled, especially if that fooling comes from his own people.

The feeling was very uncomfortable, and he felt that his authority was being provoked.

“Let’s go.”

Ember winked at the others, they all understood what Ember wanted to do. Subsequently, the two tacitly agreed to stay away from the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and stopped on a small island.

“Brother Kaido!”

Jack shouted anxiously, but was glared at by the ember of the head of the three plagues, he closed his mouth and followed the ember inside with a dejected look.

Brother Kaido is angry, and they have to coax it well.

On the calm island, a storm is about to come.


An angry roar sounded from Kaido’s mouth.

The violent beatings from beginning to end raged on this small island. Ember kept begging for mercy, but Kaido turned a deaf ear to begging.

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