Internally, the villagers had no place to live.

They also had to deal with casualties, and money was spent like water.

Externally, there were other ninja villages eyeing them covetously, and there was a credit crisis from employers.

The old nest was destroyed.

How could Konoha's strength not be doubted?

In order to appease those employers and supporters, and to guard against sneak attacks from other ninja villages,

Tsunade sent most of the ninjas out.

As a result, they couldn't arrange anyone for such a small matter as hunting down Sasuke, and could only hand it over to a few weaklings.

Besides, at the moment, because of Haruno Sakura

, after Naruto was discharged from the hospital, he kept clamoring to chase Sasuke back, and even went to the Hokage's office to make trouble.

In the end, Tsunade was annoyed.

After beating Naruto up, she threw Naruto and Haruno Sakura to Jiraiya, who happened to come back, and asked them to go out to perform the so-called S-level mission.

""Teacher, since you don't have time to teach me, can you let me take a look at the books collected by the Senju clan?"

In the Hokage's office.

Seeing that Tsunade was too busy to pay attention to him, Neji took the opportunity to make a request.

"The collection of books is up to you. Just go and read if you want.

Tsunade didn't care about these things. She just threw a key to Neji and told him to find it in the Senju clan's territory.

"Thank you, teacher."

Since they are so generous, Neji must be more polite.

After that, he left the Hokage Building and went to the place where the Renju clan used to live.

The Senju clan did not live in the central area of Konoha, but moved to a more remote outskirts.

After spending some time to get to the place,

Neji took out the key and opened the old door.

As the creaking sound rang out, looking inside, there was really no one here, it looked extremely desolate.

It's ridiculous to say.

As the two major ninja families that founded Konoha.

One is Senju and the other is Uchiha.

Now they are gone, leaving only a few orphans, living in the world.

How sad, how lamentable.

Otherwise, how can you say that Sarutobi Hiruzen is incompetent. He can't grasp any talent.

And there is also the Uzumaki clan, as a large family that is only slightly weaker than the Senju and Uchiha, it also perished during his reign.

So it is said that, let's not talk about whether Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart is black or not, but his incompetence can never be washed away. There is no way to wash it.

And people, You have to rely on yourself. Relying on others to live is definitely courting death and thinking life is too long. After turning around twice, it didn't take much time for Neji to find the place.

This is a three-story building. It is also the place where the Senju clan stores various books and scrolls.

Open the outer seal in the way Tsunade taught, and then step in.

In the following days,

Neji lived a life of two points and one line again.

The collection of the Senju clan is undoubtedly very rich, and almost all fields are involved.

From various documents to mythological biographies, from ninjutsu notes to chakra research reports, it really has everything.

In order to absorb this knowledge as quickly as possible ,

Neji also worked hard.

Except for eating and sleeping, he stayed in the library of the Senju clan for the rest of the time and rarely came out.

What about the plot of the Land of Rice.

There was also a riot in Konoha Prison, and Mizuki ran out to make trouble.

He turned a deaf ear to it and didn't participate at all.

Until this day,

Tsunade called Neci out of the library.

"I see you are almost going crazy from reading. Even if you like it, you can't stay in there every day. Now I'm giving you a task. Just think of it as going out to get some fresh air."

Tsunade said in a tone that did not allow for refusal.

"What task?"

"Someone asked Konoha for help, saying that a group of bandits occupied their mines. You go there to investigate the situation." (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

In the Hokage's office, not only Neji is there, but also Xiao Li, Tiantian, and Naruto are also here.

"What about me? What about me?"

Naruto asked impatiently.

The clues about Sasuke have been cut off, and he and Jiraiya went to the Land of Rice Fields but didn't find anything.

So now, Naruto doesn't want to stay in the village, he just wants to go out to perform tasks and see if it's possible to find Sasuke.

For this reason, he is not willing to let go of any mission.


Tsunade sighed softly, feeling helpless towards Naruto.

But it would be good to give him something to do, so that he wouldn't have to think about random things. If he ran away again out of control, it would not be a joke.

"You can go with me.

0Please give me flowers0


"Remember to follow orders in all your actions. If you dare to run away on your own, I will let Kakashi catch you and send you to the hospital for two years. Do you hear me?"

"Got it, got it!"

In order to be able to go out, Naruto also cooperated very well, and quickly saluted and agreed.

"Ningci, you are the captain, keep an eye on them. If the situation is dangerous, retreat first. Don't be too reckless."


Neji smiled and responded.

He was not too opposed to this mission.

After taking the mission scroll handed over by Tsunade, he left the office with several team members and set off together.

""Captain, where is Teacher Akai going? Why isn't he with us?"

Xiao Li asked as they walked down the street.

"Go and carry out other tasks. We are short of manpower recently, and many teams have been split up. Don't think too much about it."

Ningji responded casually.

""Oh, that's true."

Xiao Li nodded and stopped asking.

After leaving Konoha, they walked for two more days.

The group brought the three employers to the border of the River Country.

At dusk, when they stopped at a small shop called Life Curry, they also made a lot of jokes.

Many people were fooled by Xiao Li.

It can be said that except for Neji and Tenten, everyone else, including the employers, ate the life-saving curry rice recommended by Xiao Li. They were almost killed by the spiciness.

"Captain, should we make an action plan?"

We are very close to the destination of this trip, the Oxalis Mine, and Xiao Li asked.

"Come with me to investigate the situation tonight, and the rest of you can stay here and rest."

"What about me?"

Naruto pointed at himself.

"the same as you"


"All actions must be under command, otherwise you will return to Konoha."

Ningci interrupted directly, he would not spoil Naruto.

The key is that this is a group action, not a matter of one person.

Just like Neji himself.

Even if he has the strength to sweep everything, in order to take care of Tenten and Rock Lee, isn't this also following the rules?

What's so much about Naruto?

In the anime, he is the protagonist.

But in Neji's eyes, he is nothing..

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