The key is to be secretive enough.

As for security, there is no problem.

First, seal the secret passage to the moon to prevent people from passing through casually.

Then upgrade the puppet army created by the descendants of Hamura.

Use the technology developed by Neji and the energy provided by the Gray Stone to achieve better automation and stronger combat effectiveness.

Finally, place these puppets in all areas, including the wild, and set up sentries and patrol teams.

The security level is maxed out in an instant.

Not to mention being sneaked in, even a fly cannot be caught.

In addition,

Neji also released the monster Satoru, who was taken out of the Paradise Box in the Kusagakure Village, and the Ultimate Summoning Beast that has grown into a complete form. They are all released on the moon.

Use summoning techniques to summon them when needed.

If they are not needed, it is not bad to let them guard the gate on the moon.

"My Lord, the clones this time are not ideal. Do you want to breed another batch?"

Originally, he was an old subordinate of Orochimaru and is now Neji's assistant. He is a researcher.���Qi came over and asked

"Well, let's make another batch."

Ningji said without hesitation.

The blood of the Otsutsuki is really hard to make.

He has cultivated several batches, but the results are not very good. There are problems of one kind or another. But it doesn't matter.

The progress of science is trial and error.

Neiji has long been accustomed to it, so he is not in a hurry.

Of course, there is no rush.

What can be done if the experimental subjects do not meet the standards? In addition to continuing to cultivate, it is useless to eat them.


"I'm back!!!"

Standing on a tall electric pole, Naruto shouted loudly, expressing his excitement.

On the other side, in the Hokage's office,

Tsunade also called Neji over.

Because sometimes space ninjutsu, instant transfer method, so Neji made another space door, can freely travel between the moon and Konoha, more convenient than that secret passage.

"Let me test Naruto and Sakura's strength?"


Tsunade nodded. This was the reason why she called Neji over.

"Naruto is your junior, and Sakura is your junior. They have been training for so long, two and a half years already, so it's okay for you to test them."

"Where is Kakashi?"

"He has other tasks and is not in the village."


Neji agreed.

Although this was a bit boring, he didn't want to offend Tsunade because she treated him well, taught him a lot, and rarely asked him to do anything.

In the afternoon, at a training ground outside the village,

Naruto, who had grown up a lot and changed his clothes, and Haruno Sakura, who had also grown taller but was still as tall as a horse, arrived here on time.

"What is Tsunade doing? Didn't she say she would find someone to do the test for us? Why hasn't she come yet?"Naruto squatted on the ground and drew circles.

There were bruises all over his face, which were caused by Haruno Sakura.

Who told him to be so out of tune and still use some seduction techniques? It was inevitable that he would be beaten.

"Just wait patiently, why rush?"

But having said that.

Haruno Sakura was also very curious, who did Tsunade find to test them.


Might Guy?

Or other jonin?

In just a moment, Haruno Sakura considered all the people she could think of.

And these people, without exception, were all long-established jonin, and none of them were the same age as them.


Even if she didn't say it.

Haruno Sakura was very confident in her current strength, and thought that except for Naruto and Sasuke, there was probably no one of her peers who could rival her.

""Hey, you two are here quite early."

Neji walked over, followed by Temari.

In the past two years or so, because of the relationship between Gaara and his three siblings, the Sand Village has become an alliance with Konoha and they are getting along very well.

As a messenger of communication between the two sides,

Temari often comes to Konoha as a guest, and sometimes stays for a while.

This time and again, plus the girl has that intention, she took the initiative to find Neji.

They get along well, even if they are not in a romantic relationship, they can hold hands from time to time.

It's not that Neji is too pretentious.

He hasn't won her over in more than two years.

Mainly, he still focuses on improving his strength, and doesn't pay too much attention to the girls around him.

So if Temari hadn't been proactive, they probably wouldn't have gotten to this point.

"Brother Ningci, it's you!"

When Naruto saw that it was Ningci, he immediately stood up and spoke with a little excitement. (To read the novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After all, they haven't seen each other for more than two years.

In addition, Ningci helped Naruto a lot in the past.

At least that's what Naruto thought in his heart.

So Naruto still recognized Ningci as a person and accepted this favor.

"Ah, it's been a while since we last met. Naruto, you've grown taller."Ningji said with a smile

"Hehe, I still can't catch up with you."

Naruto scratched his head and said embarrassedly.

This was also the truth.

Because he was only 1.7 meters tall, while Neji was already over 1.8 meters tall.

""Brother Ningji, are you the one that Teacher Tsunade said would give us the test?"

Haruno Sakura asked

"It's me."

Ningci nodded.

"I see."

Haruno Sakura was not disappointed.[]

However, it has been two years since I last saw Neji in action, and he rarely went out on missions, so there was no information to pass on.

So Haruno Sakura still wanted to know how strong Neji was now, and how much of a gap there was between him and her.


It was still the same situation.

After practicing very hard for more than two years,

Haruno Sakura believed that she would not be worse than anyone else, and her confidence was unprecedentedly inflated.

"Brother Neji......"

"Let's talk about the past later. It seems that someone can't wait to take the test. Is it Sakura?"

Neji asked with a smile.

As for Haruno Sakura, the fighting spirit in her eyes was very obvious and almost overflowed. She didn't get scared when she heard Neji's words, but nodded.

"That’s right, let’s get started quickly. I want to know if my efforts over the past two years have been in vain. Please, Senior Brother Ningji, don’t show mercy!"

"That's a good belief."

Ningji smiled, but he didn't look down on anyone.

After all, this was just a test.

If anyone couldn't recognize himself, he would use his fists to teach him the principles of life. Nothing else would work.

"Let's get started, are you two ready?"


"I have no problem with that either."

Haruno Sakura and Naruto both said

"Well, keep up this spirit, I hope you can still laugh later."

I'm a model:

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