Of course, Hiruko is not a fool, on the contrary, he is quite smart.

Neji has his own goals, and so does he.

When the dark clouds in the sky gathered to a certain size and the energy contained was almost beyond the control of Hiruko, he stopped playing with Neji.

With a flip and a jump, Hiruko left the battle and came to a high ground.

"Boy, your death is coming. Take my Storm Dragon Technique, -haha!"

Biru laughed wildly.

At the same time, he shot a bolt of lightning into the dark clouds in the sky, using it as a guide, and then threw his hand towards Neji.


Lightning as thick as a water tank struck from the sky, and its destructive power was definitely not lower than that of a Qilin, definitely above S-level.

What's more important is the speed.

In just a blink of an eye, less than 0.01 seconds.

The lightning had already landed on Neji's head, destroying him and the ground he was standing on.

Boom boom boom!!!

The entire ground was blown away, disintegrated, and all disappeared in the beam of light.

I don't know how long it took.

Everything slowly calmed down.

When the dust settled, a huge pit hundreds of meters deep was exposed on the ground.

"Dare to go against me, and you will be reduced to ashes!"

On the high ground, Beiluhu said with resentment.

Who made Neji a bad person and put a hat on him? Anyway, the feeling is almost the same, and it doesn't feel good.

"Are you so sure you've killed me?"


Herukyuu turned around suddenly, with a surprised expression on his face.

Although he didn't see a ghost, it was the same to him when he saw Neji again.

"You, how could you still be alive?"

Bei Liuhu couldn't believe that someone could survive such an attack, and he was a little bit out of control.

"Seeing is believing, what's impossible about this?"

Ningji spread his hands.

The previous lightning attack was indeed fast enough that no one could dodge it, but who made him develop a Hollow Eye Technique similar to Obito's?

Neji didn't take Kakashi's Sharingan away.

And it's impossible to cultivate clones relying on the cell tissues in the eyes.

But it doesn't matter.

What is the Hollow Eye Technique?

It's just hiding the real body in another space, too simple.

You know, Neji has never stopped developing space-time ninjutsu.

It's because he feels that time and space have great potential to be tapped, and it is definitely not as simple as allowing people to teleport.

And after such a long period of research... Research.

Neci did make some achievements.

Let's not talk about those ninjutsu involving space and time.

Now let's talk about this hollow eye technique.

Neci first used the time-space ninjutsu to open up a small different space.

Then he used his eyes as anchors and keys, and used special techniques to establish a connection with the different space.

In this way.

As long as he wants, he can open or enter and exit the different space freely by consuming his eye power.

Okunoki's Storm Release Ninjutsu is powerful.

Not only is it fast, but its destructive power is even more devastating, and it can destroy a town.

But this can't break the space barrier, and it can't hurt Ningci who is in a hollow state.

"Well, if you can't figure it out, don't think about it. The play time is over, so don't waste your brain cells."

Ningji said with a smile

"What did you say?"

"I said it's over"


Hiruhu wanted to say something else.

But Neci didn't intend to give him this opportunity.

In a flash, he came in front of Hiruhu and raised his hand to hit him.

Hiruhu also raised his hand, intending to fight with Neci.

However, he didn't know how terrifying Ningci was when he was serious.

Even if he used the ability of Steel Release, Hiruhu's arm turned black. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

But at the moment when his hand touched Neci's, there was a crisp sound, and Hiruhu's arm broke into eight pieces.

The combination of the strange power punch and the collapse character technique is not so easy to deal with.


Obiru screamed.

But that was just the beginning. Before Neji's hand stopped, it landed on his shoulder again.

Crack! Boom!

With his shoulder broken, Obiru was smashed into the ground, several feet deep.


Neji picked him up with one hand and beat him up like a chicken, without any resistance.

It's not that Obiru has become weaker, but that Neji is too strong.

You know, with the nourishment of sufficient vitality, his body has already undergone several sublimations and transformations.

At that time , his physique was several times stronger than that of a normal person.

Later, he absorbed the energy of the Grayer Mine and practiced fairy arts.

To be honest, Neji himself doesn't know how strong his physique is now. Anyway, he has unlimited physical strength and has never felt tired. As for strength, one punch can destroy a small hill, absolutely a human-shaped Tyrannosaurus Rex.

That's it.

Add to that the strange power punch and the Eight Character Formula...

To be honest, if Neji hadn't held back, he could have smashed Hiruko into pieces with just one punch.

After being beaten up, the tiny Hiruko turned into a soft crawling thing, unable to even stand up.

Well, more than 80% of her bones were broken, and she really couldn't stand up.


Neji used his eye technique to check Hiruko's memory, discarding those useless things.

It took some time.

He found information related to Kigera's forbidden technique, as well as Hiruko's memory of transforming herself, integrating bloodline limits, and developing various ninjutsu.

The most important thing was in hand.

Overall, it was a great gain.

In addition to these, Neji also found out what was going on with the four bloodline ninjas.

Let's talk about Ye Cang first.

She was indeed betrayed by her own village and almost died at the hands of the Mist Ninja.

But before she died, she was saved by Hiruko who passed by.

The other thing is the matter of bloodline limits.

You know, Ye Cang's bloodline is Scorch Release, and there are three other ninjas, namely Explosion Release, Perception, and Magnetic Release.

But what Okuro has is Steel Release, Speed Release, Dark Release, and Storm Release.

This obviously doesn't match.

If it were in anime, it could be said to be a problem with the production staff.

But now it's in the real world.

It must be, and there must be a reason for it.

In fact, it's very simple.

Because of the bad timing and location, and the fact that the Kidomera forbidden technique is not so perfect.

Okuro cannot fully carry and accommodate the four bloodline limits.

He tried his best to transform himself and made himself look horrible, which was for this reason.

The ninjutsu was imperfect.

The ritual was also incomplete.

Therefore, the power of multiple bloodlines also conflicted and mutated in his body, evolving into other bloodline limits..

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