As for the other side.

It was Uchiha Izumi who led people to the Land of Earth to find the Four-Tails and the Five-Tails.

Her approach was the same as that of Mei Terumi, which was very simple and rough.

Just find the Jinchūriki, beat them up first, control them with the Mangekyō Sharingan, and then extract the chakra of the tailed beasts.

As long as they don't kill them, they can do whatever they want.


It is indeed different to treat girls and rough guys. If you are ugly, you have no human rights. This principle still works for Neji.

"I...What happened to me?"

After waking up groggily, Yukito was still a little confused.

It was not until she saw Neji that she suddenly woke up and quickly bowed to Neji.

"Master, how did you get here?"

It's a script setting.

Under the influence of Kotoamatsukami's eye technique, Yukito's memory was also tampered with.

Her current identity is a spy trained by the Hyuga family and also Neji's personal maid. When she was a child, she served Neji.

When she grew up, she was sent to the Land of Lightning to perform tasks.

That's right.

Neji wanted more, so he didn't plan to take Yukito away now, but let her stay in the Hidden Cloud Village and do something.

"Let's see how you're doing"

"I knew that the young master would never forget me."

It was just one sentence, but Yukito, whose will was modified and now centered on Neji, almost cried.

"Of course I won't forget you."

Ningji smiled and said,"How have you been these past few years? I've been very busy at home and haven't had time to come and see you."


Yukito was so moved that he actually cried.

We chatted a little.

It was a process of acceptance for Yukito.

As for the matter of the Two-tailed Matatabi.

Neji also gave an explanation.

That is, when he came over, the tailed beast in Yukito's body happened to run away and his life was in danger.

So he came to the rescue. He used a special method to extract the tailed beast and saved Yukito's life.

Don't worry about whether this is ridiculous or not.

Anyway, Yukito believed it, and that's enough.

"Young Master, without the tailed beast, what should I do when I return to the Hidden Cloud Village?"

"This is easy."

Ningji took out a meat ball.

He drew out some of the chakra of the two-tailed Matatabi and infused it into the meat ball.

This meat ball was cultivated with Neji's own cells.

And Neji, he has used the latest generation of"Uchiha Shin serum" to transform into an omnipotent physique that can accommodate all kinds of alien energy.

So the meat ball cultivated with his cells can also carry the tailed beast chakra.

Not only that.

After catching that Kazuma.

Ningji also searched the other party's memory and found a lot of good things.

Among them are the experience and data of cultivating the nine-tailed chakra.

According to Kazuma's idea.

As long as it is done step by step, first let the container body adapt to the tailed beast chakra, change the cell structure, and combine the two into one.

After a few years, unlock the seal on the container body.

Let the tailed beast chakra burst out and devour everything in the container, including the body and soul.

Then it is possible to create a new tailed beast.

Don't say this is impossible.

Because Kazuma is almost successful.

His son, the boy named Kong.

The nine tails in his body The tail chakra has been growing. When attacking Konoha, he could open four tails. How long has it been since then?

Now he can open five tails.

This means that as long as everything goes well and this Kong continues to grow, he may become a brand new Nine-Tails.

With this living example,

Neji can be said to have a way to cultivate more tailed beasts.

It's just that the time is too short, he hasn't had time to do more experiments.

But relying on his super strong comprehension and knowledge, even if it was only a few days, he still got something out of it.

I'm talking about the meat ball in his hand.

Don't look at this thing as inconspicuous, and it can't be called beautiful.

But this thing can not only carry the chakra of the tailed beast, but also catalyze the chakra of the tailed beast, allowing it to achieve self-growth.

Give it a little essence.

There is a chance to grow into a towering tree.

Although it won't become a new tailed beast, because it has no consciousness.

But for the host who uses it, it couldn't be better.

After all, who would be willing to imprison a wild beast in his body? Isn't that asking for trouble and having nothing better to do?

""Master, what is this?"

You Mu Ren asked curiously.

"I call it a chakra seed. With this thing, you don't have to worry about not having the chakra of the two-tailed beast."

Ningji said with a smile.

The reason why this thing is called a chakra seed is that it can carry not only the chakra of the tailed beasts, but all chakras, or other different energies.

Just calling it a 'tailed beast seed' is too one-sided.

In addition,

Neji also did an experiment.

He implanted this meat ball into an ordinary person without chakra, and it really made that person gain the power of chakra.

With this effect, calling it a chakra seed is not worthy of the name, and there is no problem at all.

"Chakra seeds? What a strange thing."Yu

Muren poked the meat ball with his finger and muttered to himself, just like a curious big cat.

"Okay, stop playing, I'll implant it for you"

"How can this be done?......Implant?"


No need for surgery or anything.

Neji just stretched out his hand, and used his ability to transform into a hollow, and put the meat ball in his hand into Yukito's body.

Finally, he put on a six-combination seal 210, and that was it.

Yukito didn't even feel anything.

As for the six-combination seal.

This is also a sealing technique developed by Neji himself. It is based on the five elements system, and his own life energy is added as the lock and key.

This kind of seal.

Except for Neji himself, others can only use more power than him to violently dismantle it. It can't be opened.

There is no other reason.

It's because outsiders can't imitate Neji's life energy. If they can't open it at all, then what's the point of playing with eggs, and White Zetsu can't do it either.

"Do you remember your mission?"

"Well, remember, find more maids for the young master"

"So do you have a goal?"

"Yes, young master, there are still many beauties in the Hidden Cloud Village."

"For example, Ma Buyi is a little dark, but he is very pretty, can do things, and is very capable. He is a good candidate for secretary."

"And that Samui, she is white and big, she is the queen among queens......"

Yukito knows everything about the Hidden Cloud Village.

She told Neji about the situation in the Hidden Cloud Village.

But I don't know what she usually pays attention to. She knows so much about those female ninjas. Could she be.........Cough cough

… ps: I went to the hospital today and thought I could go home the same day, but I didn't expect to be hospitalized. I'll post the saved draft first, and I'll resume updating after I go home a few days later. Sorry brothers, don't worry, it won't be like this.

Tj mua: TONY2k5

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