
After laughing a few times, Orochimaru, who was exercising his new body, said,"It's not bad. At least it made me figure out some things." Neji didn't ask what it was specifically. Because he knew that Orochimaru had changed his mindset and was no longer so extreme in pursuing the power of the Sharingan. Of course. It would be best if Orochimaru had such a change. If not, Neji wouldn't mind brainwashing him, just like he did with the Orochimaru in the parallel world.

"Just think it through. Everything in the world is ever-changing. Nothing is eternal. Think about it more."

"I hope to see you rise from the ashes and live a more exciting life, instead of pursuing those scenery halfway."

Ningci said

"The scenery along the way is indeed very apt."

Orochimaru smiled again.

But it was a gentle and elegant smile, which seemed much more stable than before.

"Thank you so much for this time. Without your help, I don't know how much I would have missed." Orochimaru said again

"It's a small matter. We are all on the same path. It's mutually beneficial."

Ningci also said with a smile

"Well said"

"Well, I'm still not used to this body. If there's nothing else, I'll go back first." Orochimaru twisted his neck and said

"Let's go, we'll talk later."

Neji didn't try to stop Orochimaru.

After he left, he returned to the Hyuga clan.

As for Mitarashi Anko, after the illusion was lifted, she knew nothing and didn't even have to deal with the aftermath.

"Neji, what have you been busy with lately?"

Tenten and Xiao Li came over.

Since they were promoted to jonin, their class has been less together and rarely go on missions together.

After all, there are relatively few missions that require three jonin to be dispatched at the same time, and that involves national affairs.

In normal times, the three of them act alone.

Ningci found an excuse to practice, and with Tsunade as his teacher to cover for him, it was okay if he didn't go on missions.

Xiao Li and Tenten are not like that. They are usually quite busy and go out most of the time. They are rarely seen in the village.

Of course, there is no need to worry about Tenten's safety.

One is that her current strength is not weak. As long as she doesn't run into those powerful people in the Akatsuki organization, it is not difficult for her to get out of here unscathed.

Another thing is that she has the protective pendant given to her by Neci.

Even if she encounters a life-and-death crisis, the technique on the pendant will be activated and will take her away from the dangerous area and to Neci's side. Her safety is greatly guaranteed.

Hinata, Hanabi, Ino, Temari, and Yuhi Kurenai are all the same.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about them encountering any danger when they go out, and to keep a close eye on them.

"Busy with training, what else can I be busy with?"

Ningci said as he poured a cup of tea for Tenten and the other two.

"Have you developed any new ninjutsu recently?"

Xiao Li asked curiously.

Things are different now.

After Sarutobi Hiruzen died and Tsunade took over, the Hyuga clan's strength is increasing day by day. Neji naturally has no need to hide his talent.

"There are a few"

"What is it? Could you show it to us?"

"Well, come with me."

Bringing Xiao Li and Tian Tian to the clan's training ground, Neji casually performed a few interesting ninjutsu for them to see.

Days passed.

With the death of Uchiha Itachi, he was fooled by Obito again.

The sky cleared up and the rain stopped, and Nijira felt that he could do it again.

Look. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Even Itachi's eyes were not replaced.

Sasuke, who was planning to cooperate with the Akatsuki organization, took his team members to the Yunlei Gorge in the Land of Lightning to capture the Eight-Tails.

The result was obviously very miserable.

Sasuke, who had just stood up, was taught a lesson again.

Because there were no Karin and Jūgo to help him assist[]

Suddenly, two of the mothers who can resist damage are missing. It would be strange if they didn't get weakened.

After this fight, all the stragglers that were finally gathered were destroyed by Killer Bee.

And Sasuke was also seriously injured.

If it weren't for Hozuki's loyalty and turning into a water giant to protect Sasuke, he would have been killed by Killer Bee before Obito could save him.

The capture operation ended in vain. What's worse than the original is that

Sasuke didn't have the chance to release Amaterasu, nor did he take back the tentacles of the Eight-Tails. Instead, he was carried away by Obito after he fell into a coma.


Hokage's Office

""Ningci, you've been idle for so long, it's time for you to move around!"

Tsunade said unhappily.

Because of her emotional fluctuations, the two mountains in front of her also trembled a few times.

"If you have something to say, just say it, teacher. I won't say anything, so you will definitely refuse."

"You said so yourself. Well, I'll leave this mission to you."

Tsunade said

"~What mission? I won't do anything boring."

Even if he sent a clone out, Neji wouldn't do boring things like escorting something or being a bodyguard.

Whoever wants to go can go.

It's absolutely impossible to ask Neji to come.

"You actually picked it!"

After complaining for a while, Tsunade pulled out a piece of paper and put it on the table, then continued:"Don't worry, this mission should suit your taste. Have you heard of the Tsuchigumo clan?"

"I know something."

Ningji nodded.

"Did they ask Konoha for help?"


Tsunade pointed her finger and said,"During the last Ninja World War, due to some things, the Third Hokage signed an agreement with them, saying that they could ask for help from our Konoha when needed. I received their letter yesterday."

"Aren't you interested in studying ninjutsu? It just so happens that the Tsuchigumo clan has a very powerful forbidden technique. Once activated, it can instantly destroy an area of hundreds of kilometers, causing great damage."

"What does the teacher mean?"

"Let's verify it first to see what the requirements are for this forbidden technique to be activated and whether it will pose a threat to us. The reason I asked you to come here is to ensure that this matter is foolproof and nothing will go wrong."

""Okay, I understand."

There was no more talk.

After taking the mission scroll handed over by Tsunade, Neji turned around and went out for a few minutes. At this stage of strength,

Neji really doesn't need to participate in the missions of ordinary ninjas.

But he's just sitting there doing nothing.

In addition, he's not old, and it's too early to retire and live a secluded life.

Besides, Neji is a person who can't sit still. He still wants to develop more ninjutsu and bloodline limits. The Six Paths level is just a little bit.

It's far from enough for him. Doing missions and communicating with people can also be regarded as finding inspiration and discovering highlights from small things. It's not a waste of time and energy..

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