Because he had already seen it.

Yugao was seriously injured, and he was just holding on. He insisted on leaving, probably because he didn't want others to see his miserable appearance.

In that case.

Why stop him?

After Yugao left and disappeared, Yamato explained to a few people, and Naruto, who was not happy, calmed down.

Let's talk about Hotaru.

Originally, she liked Yugao very much.

So in order to maintain her character, she chased Yugao and said something to him.

But Yugao had made up his mind and didn't want to implicate Hotaru, so no matter how Hotaru tried to keep him, he left without looking back.

After that.

Naruto and his party took Hotaru back to their temporary residence.

A few days passed quickly.

Because of the enemy's trick of luring the tiger away from the mountain,

Hotaru was captured by the traitor Shiranami.

Naruto and others rushed to rescue him.

Yamato, Haruno Sakura, and Sai were entangled by Shiranami's subordinates and were caught in a bitter battle and couldn't get out.

As for Naruto and Yugao.

The two of them joined together and rushed out of the encirclement to rescue Hotaru.

Unfortunately, the two were too careless.

As soon as they came up, they were controlled by the wave word binding technique. The word binding technique is a secret technique unique to the Tsuchigumo clan, and it is comparable to the confinement technique of the Kusagakure Village.

The two have their own advantages.

The confinement technique is instant, which is faster than the word binding technique.

The latter also requires writing in the air, and the pre-swing is longer.

However, in addition to being able to imprison people, the word binding technique can also control the enemy's physical movements like puppetry, which is something that the confinement technique does not have.

Let's talk about Naruto and Yugao. Obviously, they both have very strong strength, at least above the level of Jonin.

But when facing unknown enemies, they can still be hit one after another, which is really embarrassing and it shouldn't be so.

So after showing up.

Neji kicked them all aside without saying a word.

"Another one?"

Looking at Neji, Bai Lang showed a disdainful expression, not taking Neji seriously at all.

The main reason was that Neji was too young.

He looked like he was only 18 or 19 years old at most.

This made Bai Lang think that Neji was just like Naruto and Yugao, all of whom were vulnerable.

"Haha, it's so hilarious. Don't you know that no matter how much trash comes, it's useless?"

"Listen, kid, if you know what's best for you, get out of here early, or I'll kill you if I'm not careful."

Bai Lang waved his hands and said impatiently.

As for this kind of person who only sees the world from a narrow perspective,

Neji didn't even bother to reply. He just took a step and slowly walked towards the other person.

""Looking for death!"

Feeling provoked

, Bai Lang's eyes changed and immediately became fierce.

Then he raised one hand and drew a few strokes in the air, intending to use the word binding technique to control Neci.

However, before he could perform the ninjutsu

, Neci appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye, and then restrained Bai Lang's body with one hand.

He used a modified version of the restraining technique.


Bailang opened his eyes wide.

But under the effect of the confinement technique, he couldn't utter a word.

He could only stare at Ningci who put his hand on his head.

The secret technique of the Yamanaka family was activated.

Of course, it was also improved.

But in a short while, Ningci read all of Bailang's memories and got the ninjutsu information he wanted.


Ningci just threw Bailang dozens of meters away with a casual flick of his hand.

This guy was also unlucky.

Because he happened to hit a rock.

There was a crisp sound of"click". Needless to say, this broken neck can't be saved. I'm afraid even Tsunade will have to give up.

After all, his name is unlucky.

Bailang Bailang, isn't it all white and waved? It's all over. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Brother Ningci, you?"

As soon as the caster died, the binding spell on Naruto and the others was also untied, and he immediately asked

"Sorry, I used too much force."

Ningji apologized.[]

But there was no trace of guilt on his face.


Naruto scratched his head and finally decided to give up on the matter.

The key person was dead.

What was the point of saying so much?

It was impossible to argue with Neji for an outsider, or an enemy. Although Naruto was kind-hearted, he was not completely ignorant of good and evil.

"I mean, brother Neji, why are you here?"

"The Hokage asked me to come and help with the task."

"Oh, then how did you make him stay still just now? Could it be that you two know the same ninjutsu?"

Naruto raised his hands and gestured in the air.

"You think so......."

While Neji was talking to Naruto

, Yugao on the other side was also staring at Neji. He was afraid that Neji had other intentions and would hurt Hotaru again.

Speaking of Hotaru, because of Neji's intervention,

Shiranami didn't have time to pull down her shirt, and only controlled her with the word binding technique, which was now untied.

As for Yugao, he was afraid that Neji would hurt Hotaru.

But because he suffered a loss last time, and he didn't know how he was beaten so far away, so he didn't act rashly at the moment. He just kept paying attention to Neji's actions and seemed very vigilant.

However, it can only be said that his efforts were completely in vain.

Because the Kotoamatsukami illusion had been used on Hotaru.

Even if Neji did nothing, Hotaru would find him by himself in the future.

And Yugao, he would never be able to be with Hotaru.

In addition, the Akatsuki organization was still searching for his whereabouts, and it was estimated that he would not have a good life for a few days.


Neji did not do anything else. He just chatted with Naruto for a few words, and then he left alone.

During this time, he neither looked at Hotaru nor at Yugao.

Two days later,

Naruto's team returned to Konoha after sending Hotaru to the Tsuchigumo clan and completing the mission.

And then,

Hotaru left a letter saying that she was going out to study.

Then she left the Tsuchigumo clan again and went to a secret base according to the information given to her by Neci.

So far, all the secret techniques of the Tsuchigumo clan, including the forbidden technique of wrath, have fallen into Neci's hands. It was another day of making money.

In fact, there is one more thing.

That is the two-handed preparation made by the dead Uchiha Itachi.

He hid Shisui's other eye on Naruto.

And two techniques were applied to this eye.

Both are triggered.

The first one is to modify Sasuke's will when he encounters Sasuke in the Mangekyō state, so that he can continue to protect Konoha.

Let's talk about the second one.

It was prepared for Neci.

Obito doesn't need it, because Uchiha Itachi has already tampered with his eyes.

If he can't kill him once, then the chance of killing him the second time will be even smaller. Isn't it a waste?.

I'm a model:

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