There were tens of thousands of swords on that huge scale.

And unlike before

, Neji used his own divine machine hundred-refining technique to strengthen these earthen swords, making them harder and sharper.

"Shinra Tensei!!"

Tendo Pain used his signature ability to defend again.

There was a continuous clanging sound.

But this time, Tendo Pain could only bounce the sword away instead of breaking it directly. It was much more difficult to defend than before.

More importantly, the swords controlled by Neji were endless. Even if they were blocked, they would return to attack.

And they were being manufactured continuously.

From tens of thousands at the beginning, it became tens of thousands in the blink of an eye, or even more.

In comparison,

Tendo Pain's repulsive force could not be maintained all the time.

There was no"six, seven, zero" way.

In order to prevent himself from being beaten into a sieve, Tendo Pain could only settle for the second best and use the repulsive force on himself.

He bounced himself out in an instant.

He rolled over countless times.

He flew thousands of meters away and finally It crashed into a mountain wall and finally stopped.

Although the process was very embarrassing and even funny.

But the result was finally good. Tendo Pain did not suffer any substantial damage and his combat effectiveness was preserved.

However. It's not that

Ningci did not achieve anything.

Tendo Pain ran away.

But the remaining two Pains, the Animal Path and the Hell Path, were not so lucky. They could only become Ningci's trophies.

A wave of flying swords went down.

They were all pierced into hedgehogs and taken away by Ningci.

What about the Human Path?

Not to mention that thing, it had been destroyed by Ningci long before.

The Six Paths of Pain.

There are a total of six puppets.

Because their abilities are different.

As a result, their strength is also uneven, and the gap is very large.

The strongest one is Tendo.

With the combat power to destroy Konoha with one blow and enter the Super Shadow, He can fight Naruto who has six or seven tails on equal terms.

But he can't fight with more than eight tails.

From this we can see that there is a big difference in combat power between those who are at the same super shadow level.

You know,

Naruto only has half of the Nine-Tail.

And how strong are Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama who can treat the perfect Nine-Tail as a pet and seal it with ease. They are both super shadows.

But they are much stronger than Tendo Pain.

Of course.

This is not to say that Tendo Pain is bad.

After all, Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama are the protagonists of the era, the darlings of heaven and earth, and have reincarnated chakra in their bodies. They can't be viewed with common sense.

Comparing them with ordinary people is absolutely unfair to ordinary people.

Let's talk about Pain.

Tendo Pain is undoubtedly very strong.

But the rest of the Pain is not so good.

The Animal Path, the Asura Path, and the... The Hungry Ghost Path is okay.

At least they are all combat types, plus their strange abilities, they can fight back and forth with Kage-level characters, and even have the upper hand.

But the Human Path and Hell Path are useless.

Neither of them is a combat type.

One is to read memories and collect intelligence.

The other is to summon the King of Hell and revive companions.

The real combat power is extremely limited, I'm afraid it's not much higher than that of a Jonin.

Just this little Karami.

How can they last too long in the hands of Neji.

Giving them two seconds is a special gift, okay.


Neji and Tendo Pain fought again, and wherever they passed was a mess, and even the terrain was changed. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Don't say it.

Tendo Pain's body is really hard.

No matter how he is thrown and hit, there is no sign of damage.

And the strength is also very strong, he can knock out hot springs with one punch.

But that's all.[]

Because from the beginning to the end, Neji was not serious.

Not to mention those trump cards, he did not even use a single cent of the power of the Six Paths.

He even restrained most of his strength, otherwise, no matter how strong the body of Tendo Pain was, he could not withstand two punches from him.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten minutes passed.

As time went by.

As the two left Konoha, Tendo Pain felt more and more exhausted and was about to give up.

There was nothing he could do.

The gap between him and Neji was too big.

Even if Neji let him off, the pressure on Tendo Pain was extraordinary.


After Neci's flying kick.

Pain seemed to be hit by a locomotive. He drove at high speed for hundreds of meters and smashed countless obstacles along the way...

He felt as if his whole body was about to break apart, and he was almost crippled by the kick.

He lay in the rubble.

He stood up with great difficulty.

Nagato himself did not expect this.

He had not even seen the shadow of the Nine-Tails, but he suffered an unprecedented Waterloo here. He was actually beaten by a young man.

Not to mention whether it was embarrassing or not.

This could not go on.

Nagato still had a wish that had not been fulfilled, how could he fall here.

Thinking of the dead Yahiko, and the original ideals of their Akatsuki organization. Nagato, who was about to reach his limit, burst out with a strong will to fight, and chakra.


Nagato, who was hiding in the cave, roared.

Outside, Tendo Pain also roared.

After that, they all put their hands together.

"Nagato, do you want to?"

In the cave, seeing Nagato make this move, Konan also spoke up immediately, trying to stop Nagato

"No need to persuade Xiaonan anymore, the enemy is really strong, I can only use this trick to deal with him first, and then capture the Nine-Tailed Fox"

"But your body......"

Having just used Super Shinra Tensei, and now planning to use Chibaku Tensei, Konan was really worried that Nagato wouldn't be able to hold on.

Because the power of these two ninjutsu was too strong, both would cost Nagato's life.

However, before Konan could finish her words, she was interrupted by Nagato.

"It doesn't matter. I can still hold on. Xiaonan, I can't be disturbed during the use of ninjutsu. You can protect me again."

After saying this,

Nagato closed his eyes, obviously not going to change.

There was no other way.

Seeing that Nagato was so stubborn and didn't listen to persuasion, Xiaonan could only cooperate with him and stood aside without saying anything.

Outside the cave,

Tendo Pain, who received a large amount of chakra, was also ready to perform Chibaku Tensei.


A black sphere was released from Tendo Pain's hand.

Slowly rising into the air, it flew higher and higher.

Until finally, it blocked the sun.

"Come on, let me see how strong you are."

"" Earth-shattering Star!"

With a loud shout from Tendou Pain, the black sphere in the sky also burst into power, generating a huge gravitational force.

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