It has been mentioned before.

Neji wants to turn Konoha into the Hyuga family, and let the villagers here work for them.

In this case, they are all their own workers.

Of course, they can't let any accidents happen to them. If they really die, it will be a big loss.

So, before going to the parallel universe, Neji asked people to set up a large-scale hidden barrier in Konoha.

This barrier is the same as the one he set up in his base.

No matter who dies, as long as it happens within the barrier, their souls will not go to the Pure Land, but will be fixed on the body, which is similar to the nature of the earthbound spirit.

In this way, as long as Neji wants

, he can easily resurrect them without paying much.

Of course, this is only for Neji.

Because he can harvest vitality continuously, he will not feel sorry for using it.

If someone else comes, let alone whether they know ninjutsu

, just the consumed vitality is enough to make them retreat and give up this behavior. Neji does it as soon as he says it.

He doesn't waste time.

He stretched out his hand and made a seal, calling out some life energy stored in the other space and filling it into the barrier under his feet.


A green light-emitting spell emerged.

The whole Konoha was also filled with a lot of life breath, as if it had entered spring.

The trees sprouted new buds.

The grass grew taller and the flowers bloomed.

And these were all minor and incidental effects.

The most important thing was that those who had died, even if their bodies were broken, were recovering rapidly at this time and breathing again.

It was an absolute miracle!

Everyone who saw this scene opened their eyes and mouths wide, and they couldn't control their shocked expressions.

Even Tsunade was no exception.

After all, this was resurrecting the dead, not just one or two.

There must be at least thousands of them.

When Pein threw his big move, he didn't say hello. That guy went down and pushed the whole Konoha apart. How could there not be tens of thousands of deaths?

Let's talk about Tsunade.

She originally thought she could be powerful.

She just didn't inherit the Wood Release Bloodline.

But with her own intelligence and wisdom, she still developed many S-level ninjutsu, and became famous throughout the world with it, and earned the reputation of a medical expert.

Unfortunately, people are afraid of comparison.

Compared with what Neci is doing now. Her achievements are completely insignificant and not worth mentioning.

Of course.

Tsunade was not jealous of anything. On the contrary, she felt honored and very proud.

After all, no matter what, Neci is her student. Now he has achieved such an achievement and saved Konoha from dire straits. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a savior. It is no worse than what Minato Namikaze did back then.

As a teacher, Tsunade also enjoys this honor. How could she be jealous of her students? That is absolutely impossible.

Especially when she saw.

The ninjas and villagers around him all cast grateful and admiring eyes on Neci, and Tsunade was even happier.

"Well done!"

Standing up and patting Neji on the shoulder, Tsunade also smiled sincerely.

"The teachers taught well."

"You little brat, you only know how to talk nonsense. You'd better save those sweet words to coax those little girls. Now, they are all here."

Tsunade said with her chin twitched. Neji turned his head and looked.

Then he saw a group of girls coming over.

Hinata, Hanabi, Ino, Tenten, Yakumo, Yuhi Kurenai and Shizune.

One by one, they were either looking at him with hope or casting grateful eyes at him.

This guy is really a bit stressful.

Of course, Neji is okay.

Who makes him thick-skinned enough? (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Anyway, as long as I don't lose my composure and can hold on, others won't notice.

In the evening,

Konoha was quite lively.

Some laughter came from many places.

Because no one was really dead, they were all rescued by Neji.[]

Just based on this point, even if the house is gone, it is worth celebrating and being a little happy.

Especially those families who lost their loved ones and got them back.

They are laughing so happily.

In addition, many people spontaneously carved longevity plaques for Neci, erected statues, kowtowed and wished him getting better and so on.

It was so busy.

Their own houses were not repaired yet, and they had no place to sleep. But they did all these things first.

But these were all voluntary actions of the villagers, and they enjoyed it so much that they couldn't stop them, so the ninjas could only let it go and not care.

"Let them go, just be careful to take fire prevention measures."

Tsunade said with a smile


Several ninjas took the order and went down.

Then they also joined the event and went to grab the longevity cards made by the craftsmen.

On the dilapidated streets.

Ningci walked around with a few girls for a while, and after chatting, he invited them to stay at Hyuga's place for a few days.

Knowing that Ningci had no other intentions.

It was just because several of their houses were destroyed and needed to be rebuilt, they really had no place to live now.

But after thinking about it.

Tenten and Yuhi Kurenai still felt embarrassed and a little embarrassed. They were about to refuse, but Ino spoke up.

""Okay, okay, I haven't stayed at Neji's house yet!"

Ino said very enthusiastically, with a big smile on her face.

Although it was a bit...

Forget the girl's modesty.

But let her do this.

Plus, Yakumo nodded in agreement.

This made it convenient for Tenten and Yuhi Kurenai, so they didn't have to say anything more, just nodded.

Neji also saw the concerns of the two.

He immediately said,"Don't worry, there are still many houses in Hyuga, you can live together, it will be more convenient"


Xi Rihong nodded (to Li Qian)

"Thank you, Neji."

Tenten also thanked him.

"You're welcome, they're all classmates and friends. How about this, you go back and pack your things, and Hinata and Hanabi can go with you, and I'll take them there later."


Hinata responded

"I will go with Teacher Hong. She may not be able to carry much by herself."Ningji said again.

That was how things were arranged.

With no one objecting, the few people went home to pack up their things.

And Neji, along with Yuhi Kurenai, came to where she lived.

But this place had also become a ruin, and the original house could not be seen.

"It's really too cheap for Pain, at least he should be made to pay some money before letting him go."

Neji said as he stepped on the collapsed wall. Kurenai smiled when she heard that, then reached out and brushed the hair by her ear, and said,"Then what do you think, why did you let him go?".

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